Chapter 397
Wanxing City.

Wanxing City is located in Nanzhan Buzhou, and its area and population are almost ten times that of Qianyang City.

This is not only the center of Nanzhan Buzhou, but also the center of the entire prehistoric region, and it is also the current headquarters of the Extraordinary Association.

Since Nanzhan Buzhou was first established more than 100 years ago, the Extraordinary Association has been painstakingly operating here.

Here, there is no interference from any original forces, and it is completely the words of the Extraordinary Association.

Unlike on Earth, the Extraordinary Association always has to take into account the interests of the original countries on Earth. Although the Human Federation was established, it was also under the pressure of the Sea Clan, and it was not true that everyone united together.

However, after more than 100 years of operation, the integration of the human race has basically been completed on the other side of the earth.

Both culturally and linguistically, they are basically unified.

But no matter what, there are still too many imprints of the original forces on the earth. Even if the Extraordinary Association wants to build a new world according to its own ideas, it still has some hands and feet.

But Nanzhan Buzhou is different.

First, it's big enough.

In terms of area, Nanzhan Buzhou is larger than the combined area of ​​Dongzhou, the four star worlds, the earth and Mars.

It can be described as the largest territory.

And as the flood continued to devour other star worlds, the area of ​​Nanzhan Buzhou continued to expand.

Secondly, the resources of Nanzhan Buzhou are abundant enough. Although the extraordinary resources for high-level monks are insufficient, for middle and low-level monks, Nanzhan Buzhou is completely a paradise.

There are so many middle and low-level resources here that they are extravagant. Under the careful cultivation of the Extraordinary Association, various elixir and spiritual materials are continuously produced, which fully meets the needs of the vast number of low-level practitioners.

For ordinary people, let alone, the development and utilization of aura by the Extraordinary Association not only replaced the status of electric energy, but even surpassed it, making Nanzhan Buzhou a world with unlimited energy and materials.

This is also the reason why the population area of ​​each city in Nanzhan Buzhou is so huge that it was unimaginable for the civilization of the earth.

In fact, this is not difficult to understand.

With the expansion of the city, the productivity must first keep up. Otherwise, the monks could not eat or drink, but the ordinary people who accounted for the vast majority of the population could not.

They still want to eat and drink, and they don't have enough advanced productivity to rashly expand the size of the city, which simply won't work.

In this regard, it can be said that Nanzhan Buzhou is completely ahead of Chunshen Realm.

Although there are countless Mahayana true immortals in the continents of Chunshen Realm, when it comes to the cultivation of low-level monks, Chunshen Realm is definitely not as good as Nanzhan Buzhou, and even Dongzhou is far behind.

At least Dongzhou's Xianqin, after learning a lot from Nanzhan Buzhou's experience, is also beginning to emulate Nanzhan Buzhou's management model.

It's just that their system is backward and they can't let go.

high altitude.

The two flashes of light quickly flew towards Wanxing City.

"Master, is it necessary for you to attend this meeting in person?"

"Well, this trip to the Spring Shenjie is still very important." Zheng Dong said casually.

Tang Zhirou was very surprised.

She didn't expect that the master, who had never asked about external affairs, would come to the highest-level meeting of the Extraordinary Association in order to get a place in the Chunshen Realm.

The Extraordinary Association has been developing for nearly 200 years. After continuous restructuring, the number of powerful people who can participate in the highest-level meeting has long been more than the original thirteen.

Tang Zhirou, as a monk in the Yuanshen stage and the strongest member of the Transcendent Association on the surface, undoubtedly has the qualifications to participate in the highest-level meeting.

In fact, there are two prerequisites for participating in the highest-level meeting of the Extraordinary Association.

One, strength.

Second, power.

That's right, it's power.

The Extraordinary Association itself allows different forces to exist inside, as long as those who form the forces register.

It even encourages members within the association to form their own forces.

The Extraordinary Association doesn't even care what form this force exists in.

If you like the sect form, no problem, you can create a sect, if you like the academy mode, you can also create an academy.

Even if you like the company model or simply establish a country or city, there is no problem.

The premise is that you must abide by the basic system of the Extraordinary Association and not betray the prehistoric and human races. For the rest, the Extraordinary Association will do whatever you want, as long as you have the ability.

The purpose of the Extraordinary Association has not changed since its establishment.

Of course, the formation of the Extraordinary Association of Forces is not prevented, or even encouraged, but as long as the order issued by the top meeting of the Extraordinary Association, all forces must unconditionally abide by it, especially when they are unanimously external.

Otherwise, the Transcendent Association, including the entire prehistoric public enemy.

This point, everyone is well aware.

So many people joined the Extraordinary Association, and even Dongzhou Xianqin is part of the Extraordinary Association, but they are called Martial Dao forces in the name of Martial Patriarch Yang Zhi.

In fact, it is an extremely loose organization, and there is no binding force on the members of the organization.

It's just that the martial arts monks formed such a force under the pressure of the immortal monks.

In fact, under Zheng Dong's sect, if you really want to talk about it, in the Transcendence Association, apart from Bai Linger's Ten Thousand Monsters Alliance, there is really no influence.

Although Tang Zhirou led the heroes on the foreign battlefield several times, she did not form a force within the Extraordinary Association.

But Zheng Dong, as the founder of the Extraordinary Association, the Dinghaishenzhen of the association, has an extraordinary status in the Extraordinary Association. This point has even been written into the program of the Extraordinary Association.

Even if Zheng Dong has not participated in several top-level meetings of the Extraordinary Association for more than 100 years, this point has not wavered in the slightest.

In fact, it can't be said that there is no wavering. There must be some talented monks who rose in the later stage, relying on their own strength and power to grow and expand their ambitions.

Although these people don't say anything, outsiders don't know what they think in their hearts.


The two arrived at the headquarters of the Extraordinary Association.

When the figures of Zheng Dong and Tang Zhirou appeared, the top-level meeting had already begun.

Zheng Dong smiled lightly, and sat on the seat that had never been occupied by anyone, and Tang Zhirou sat on his left.

He glanced at the people in the field, there were familiar faces, and there were many unfamiliar faces.

Zheng Dong knows that these are all geniuses who have risen in the past 100 years, otherwise they would not be able to stand here.

Those who want to participate in the meeting here must have at least the Nascent Soul stage cultivation base, and most of them are in the late Nascent Soul stage.

off the field.

Bai Ling'er stared at Zheng Dong with wide eyes, full of disbelief.

Ning Daoxuan and Li Zhouji were stunned at first, and then ecstasy appeared on their faces.

"Everyone, did you disturb everyone?"

"Brother Dao, you came just in time, so why bother?"

After the words fell, the two looked at each other and smiled.

Zheng Dong glanced at Ning Daoxuan, nodded in his heart, and was only one step away from Yuanshen stage.

After a few pleasantries, the meeting continued.

"I don't agree with Chairman Ning's words that all races in the star world join my Extraordinary Association. I only know that people who are not my race will have different hearts!"

Off the field, a young man sighed.

Haila sat on Zheng Dong's right, without saying a word.

(End of this chapter)

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