my virtual kingdom

Chapter 21 Temple Knights

Chapter 21 Temple Knights
The Sea of ​​Storms is adjacent to the Knights Continent, so it got its name because of the frequent storms in the ocean.

In the stormy sea, on the route to Crescent Island, a huge schooner was sailing, the hull was covered with logs, and the sun shone on the hull, shining brightly.


The sailboat sailed across the sea quickly. Looking at the logo on the boat, it was Viscount Winter's boat.

on the deck.

A group of sturdy, heavy armored knights with sharp swords around their waists stood majestically at both ends of the deck facing the sea wind.

"Captain Chris, how far is it?"

A lazy voice sounded on the deck.

"Mr. Fren," the knight captain named Chris said respectfully, "It takes about a day's voyage from the territory to Crescent Island, and we should arrive in half a day."

"Damn it, don't you have to wait until night to go ashore?" Fren was wearing a black robe, his face was covered by a hood, and he couldn't see clearly. "I really don't want to live with those savages."

Chris pretended not to hear Fren's complaints and said nothing.

"But I made an agreement with Viscount Winter, I will go back after making this batch of potions. I don't want to stay on the island and get moldy."

Along the way, Fran heard that Chris kept beautifying Crescent Island. What Crescent Island has beautiful scenery, and the female natives on the island are enthusiastic and open.

Do you really think that Fren has never seen the world?A group of savages are enthusiastic and open?Not only did Fren not expect it, he even wanted to laugh a little.

However, from Chris's words along the way, he faintly heard the meaning of staying on the island for a long time.

After hearing Fren's words, Chris' eyes flickered, and then he smiled and said, "Mr. Fren, that's natural."

After hearing this, Fren showed a satisfied look, and after muttering "The boat really shakes" in a low voice, he walked slowly into the cabin.

Chris watched Fren's figure disappear into the cabin, then turned his head and looked in the direction of Crescent Island, feeling overwhelmed: "This will be the cornerstone of Lord Viscount's rise, and no one can stop the development of the territory."

Chris still didn't say a word, this will be the ladder for him, Chris, to step into the noble class, and he doesn't allow any mistakes.

Crescent Island.

The Barbarian Department held a bonfire party last night, everyone sang and danced, and they didn't sleep until very late.

Early in the morning, Zheng Dong's consciousness came to the tribe.

Seeing the mess in the tribe, I can't help but shake my head. There is a long way to go to educate this group of indigenous people.

As a nobleman, Allen left last night's campfire very early. As usual, he got up in the early morning to practice exercises.

Although he has already practiced 1 movements in the exercise poses, training is basically a matter of sailing against the current. If he slack off, his physical fitness will deteriorate, and even if the opportunity to break through the extraordinary knight is in front of him, he will miss it.



Hearing the call of the great god, Allen immediately fell to his knees. Over the past few days, Allen has witnessed the changes of the bull tribe. Although the gods did not bestow extraordinary power on the tribe, they gave the tribe various survival knowledge.

He not only solves the food problem of the tribe, but even teaches the tribe how to build houses, and the knowledge he imparts is something that the natives can temporarily do.

Allen believed that as the tribe developed, He would teach the tribe more advanced knowledge.

He even believed that one day, the great gods would help him take revenge.


Seeing that Allen seemed a little distracted, Zheng Dong called again.

"Great God, your believers are listening." Allen quickly put his mind away, his head firmly pressed against the ground.

"After so many days of investigation, I feel your piety."

Allen lowered his head, and the expression on his face became more devout.

"I decided to give you extraordinary power!"

After hearing this, Allen became excited immediately: "Praise you, great God!"

"However, only the most devout believers can accept the power of God. Are you ready to accept the test?"

"I am willing to accept the test!" Allen said with firm eyes.

In the Book of Truth, there is not much knowledge left. Except for the design of the Kingdom of God, there is only some knowledge left by the God of Truth to develop believers, and this knowledge is still incomplete.

In order to manage the believers, the God of Truth left behind two extraordinary inheritances.

These two extraordinary professions, one is the temple priest who spreads the faith, and the other is the temple knight who suppresses heresy by force.The two complement each other, helping the God of Truth manage believers and spread faith.

During the heyday of the God of Truth, almost all of the planes under his jurisdiction were these two kinds of extraordinary professions. Although there were other extraordinary professions, they couldn't develop.

The reason is very simple. Compared with other extraordinary professions, these two extraordinary professions have great advantages. As long as they have a devout faith, they can accept divine power to transform their bodies and become temple knights or temple priests.

Of course, there are advantages and disadvantages. All extraordinary knights who have been transformed by divine power will be affected by divine power and become more and more devout towards gods.

To put it simply, the deeper the cultivation base, the more insane it is to the gods.Moreover, this cultivation method has a fatal flaw, it will never be able to become a mythical life form.

Zheng Dong saw that he had as high as 208 points of divine power, so he decided to try it.

It takes 100 points of divine power to transform a first-order temple knight. Although 100 points of divine power are a lot, in order to deal with the threat that will come at any time, Zheng Dong gritted his teeth and could still use it.

Seeing Alan's firm eyes, Zheng Dong began to let him accept the inheritance of the Knights of the Temple.

The inheritance of the Temple Knights is very simple, at least in Zheng Dong's view, as long as 100 points of divine power are spent, the rest will be handed over to the Book of Truth.

As soon as Alan finished speaking and was willing to accept the test, a sacred and vast force descended from the sky and instilled it into his body.

Allen only felt that his whole body, all muscles, bones, and internal organs, were crushed inch by inch by this force, and then repaired.

The pain was like waves, almost drowning him.

Zheng Dong looked at Alan's painful and distorted expression, and felt nervous for a while. Is it going to fail?
The inheritance of the temple knights mainly depends on two aspects. The first is the quality of the inheritor itself. As a high-level knight, Alan is no problem. The second and most important is whether the inheritor's beliefs are pious.

Zheng Dong couldn't guarantee this.

Time passed bit by bit, Zheng Dong saw that Alan's breath was getting weaker and weaker, like a candle in the wind, and he was ready to take care of his funeral.

"No! I can't die! I haven't had my revenge yet!"

Just when he was desperate, the idea of ​​revenge occupied Alan's mind, "God! The great God will help me avenge me! I want to pass the test, and I want revenge!"

Zheng Dong saw that Alan's aura suddenly began to pick up, and an inexplicable aura began to condense on him.

Is this grudge?Holy vindictiveness!
(End of this chapter)

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