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Chapter 48 Breakthrough

Chapter 48 Breakthrough
At 07:30 in the evening, the entire Crane League fortress group on both sides of Lishi and the Wanyao丨Junlin fortress group were in full swing, and they were all in full swing.

[All emails] Wan Yao丨Xuanwu: The main force stationed at Lishi Checkpoint withdraws to the fortress first, and waits for my mail before going up to garrison, and let the defenders grind the main force of the Crane League first.

According to Wan Yao丨Xuanwu's idea, first let Lishi's [-]th-level and eighth-level defenders wear down the main force of the Crane League members, and then they go up to the main force to guard the demolition of the Crane League.

Although at this stage, the eighth-level defenders of the twelfth team are no longer a terrible existence, and there is a high probability that they will be pierced by Yuliang alone.

But after all, fly legs are also meat, and a little grinding is better than nothing.

[All emails] Bumpman: Attention everyone, everyone's main card is at 59:[-], and the demolition card is at [-]:[-], it's a good time, it's a cliché, don't run away, don't be late, listen to the instructions.

Yuliang was quite surprised to receive this email. When he saw that all the troops stationed at the checkpoint in Liangzhou had withdrawn from the fort, he knew what Wan Yao丨Jun's Landing was planning.

Obviously Bump Man also saw that the opponent wanted to wait for the main force to eat their demolition, so the main force was 1 minute ahead of time, and the demolition was stuck at eight o'clock.

[E-mail] Aotuman: Uncle Emperor, you, Xiao Qiao Tuba and Yunmeng, your three fortresses are at the front. When the time comes, we will definitely demolish the garrison on the other side. It depends on whether you can take over the garrison for us. Casualties reduced.

[Email] Uncle Huang: Well, don't worry.

Bumpman's command is really helpless, after all, no matter what the level is, it has a durability of [-]. If only the main force is used to attack the city, it is very likely that the level will not be taken after an hour.

So in desperation, he had no choice but to bite the bullet and accept the move.

At [-]:[-], as the time to break the level got closer, the first blue arrow shot at the Lishi checkpoint, followed by the second and third... until the entire Lishi was covered with arrows.

Wan Yao丨King's Landing Alliance Channel.

Wan Yao丨Xuanwu: Brothers, get ready, the opposite is coming!
Back on horseback: here we come!The battle of our life and death in Liangzhou is finally here.

Ma Mengqi: When will we be stationed?This small Lishi checkpoint probably won't last more than ten minutes, right?
Wan Yao丨Baihu: Don't worry, wait for Xuanwu's mail, and then they will demolish them first.

Tsing Yi: They're not fools either. If they wear off the defenders, they will definitely be the main force to demolish and shoot. In that case, we probably won't be able to get a few teams to demolish.

Ling Feng Taxue: There is no other way, but a dead horse can only be used as a living horse doctor, as much as the demolition can eat, and it will be good for us to delay them for an extra minute.

Zhulu Zhongyuan: What's the use of delaying time? The Ji League doesn't care about us. If we can beat the He League head-on, we won't be forced into this situation. I think it's better to just vote.

Ma Mengqi: Are you still bloody? Even if you want to vote later, at least you should have a good fight first!
Wan Yao丨Xuanwu: Yes, no matter what will happen later, at least we will fight this battle beautifully and show our Liangzhou demeanor.

Wan Yao丨Baihu: Remember that when the time comes to garrison, the national team will go first, and you can hold on for a while longer, trying to give the emperor a second first.


On the other side of Lishi, the Hemeng fortress group saw that the time had come to 58:[-], and Yuliang, who was in the front row of the fortress, dispatched troops unhurriedly and rushed to the checkpoint.

However, Yuliang only joined a group of Shubu, and the rest of the fortress's gangsters and French knives were still standing still, waiting to attack the garrison.

At 59:[-], Yuliang's main force arrived at the Lishi checkpoint on time, but only a battle report popped out.

"Good guy, I really use my main force for demolition..."

After clicking on the battle report, I arrived at Shu Bu at 59:[-]:[-], but I didn't even touch the defender's buttocks.

Wan Yao丨King's Landing Alliance Channel.

Tsing Yi: Damn it!The defenders disappeared in a few seconds?Isn't this too cruel?
Ma Mengqi: It's not right, it's not right, everything they're here is demolition!Come on guard.

Ling Feng Taxue: I'll go, so confident, directly demolishing the card at eight o'clock, this is the confidence of the bosses.

[All emails] Wan Yao丨Xuanwu: Attention everyone, Lishi is stationed at speed, stationed at speed!Be sure to suppress the rhythm of the first wave of demolition on the opposite side!

"I can't bear it so soon, tsk tsk."

Seeing more and more arrows shooting towards the Lishi checkpoint, Yuliang knew that the other side had lost their composure and began to garrison.

Calculating the time, it was stuck two seconds after the arrival of the [-]th team on the opposite side. Yuliang directly dispatched a big kitchen knife and a gangster team to go up and hack.

Crane丨Let's talk about wine and talk about the alliance channel.

Uchiha Tano: The opposite side is stationed, what should I do, it's so insidious, the opposite side, use the main force to eat our demolition.

Naraku: I'm so panicked. I didn't realize that the big boss, the emperor's uncle, was already on board. The emperor's uncle Tuba and our Hemeng Shuangjiao are both here. Let's just calm down and tear down the enemy for a long time.

Wuye: The emperor is here, no surprises!Don't worry, just take it apart.


Wan Yao丨King's Landing Alliance Channel.

Ma Mengqi: My garrison will be there soon, come, come, let's bet how many demolition teams I can eat?
Tsing Yi: I bet you won't be able to get a team.

Ma Mengqi: Ah this...why can't I eat it?
Zhulu Zhongyuan: You see for yourself, Emperor Shuka came over three teams in a second, and the fastest team's time was impartial, just one or two seconds after you arrived.

Ma Mengqi: Damn!You two didn't tell me that I didn't notice, it's over, and I'm going to send meat to the emperor.

Tsing Yi: Come on, Meng Qi, you are the best, and behind you there are thousands of fellow demons cheering for you.

Back on horseback: I'm still smart, I arrived later than Uncle Huang, hehe, let me show you what he demolished by the tenth team first!
Ma Mengqi: [Battle report] I'm torn apart, Gan, the little Dudu who is full of soldiers was directly eaten by the emperor's uncle with more than 1000 battle losses.

Competing in the Central Plains: Envious, when will I be able to have red kitchen knives like Uncle Huang.

Ginsberg said: Believe in yourself, you can get it, and the little kitchen knife full of red, you deserve it.

Competing in China: What is a small kitchen knife?

Tsing Yi: It is the four-star Ma Teng, four-star Guan Hai, four-star Zhang Xiu, the old lineup from a few years ago.

Everlasting Fame: It's gone, the ten teams that were just piled up were garrisoned by the emperor's uncle.

Back on horseback: Don't panic!The ones behind us are here, let me introduce you to the demolition of ten teams to boost morale.

Cool 丨 Xie Dajiao: Do ​​you want to eat you? [Battle Report] [Battle Report] An emperor left, and another figure dominates the world, playing with a hammer. These two have finished the garrison and returned with more than half of the soldiers, that's all Come two waves down, let's garrison with a hammer.

(End of this chapter)

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