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Chapter 369 Tui Tui Le

Chapter 369 Tui Tui Le

In the entire Hongnong Wharf battlefield, with the defeat of both the Menghe regiment and the Jiutian regiment, the situation has gradually fallen into a real deadlock.

Fortunately, there is still the king regiment supporting the frontal battlefield, otherwise, by this time, I don't know what's going on.

The pier began to be impacted by the Yuxiao Palace again and again, which also gave Yuliang, who had been paying attention to the situation on the battlefield, a headache.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and several hours had passed since the start of the war, and the tug-of-war between the two sides continued. Until now, Yu Liang still couldn't figure out why he was in a stalemate.

Especially on the right side of the battlefield that the Jiutian regiment is in charge of. Although Yuxiao Palace has arranged two red regiments for the defense of the Jiutian regiment, logically speaking, with the penetration power of the Jiutian regiment, it is not possible to break through at all. won't you go in?
However, although he was full of puzzlement, Yu Liang didn't think much about it, and could only attribute everything to the fact that the two middle red groups in Yuxiao Palace were too strong.

Yuliang also knows very well that the closer it is to now, the more critical moment it will be, especially during the tug-of-war between the two sides, the more the resilience of the alliance will be tested.

If there is no way to survive this period of time, the dock, and even the entire Hongnong battlefield, are destined to fall into a huge disadvantage.

Soon, half a day was spent between the two sides seeing each other back and forth.

Until four o'clock in the afternoon that day, the situation between the two sides did not break through at all. Basically, the King regiment managed to gain a little advantage, and because of the defeat on the left and right sides of the battlefield, the advantage was directly eroded.

The core of Hemeng manages the penguin colony.

Ling Xiao丨Tiance: I'm so tired of directing. I've been playing for almost a whole day, and I can't push it in at all. It's just pushing music.

Bai Yi Du Jiang: No way, I feel that there is almost no difference between the two sides, so we just rely on Tui Tui Le to push each other a little bit.

Uncle Huang: Let’s play like this first. If we still can’t gain the advantage after tonight, we can think of other ways.

Ling Xiao丨Tiance: Huh?What can I do?Could it be that you want to smash the opponent to death with money?
Uncle Huang: ... How is it possible, now that the main alliance in Jizhou has met the Shenmeng League, and the Changlin League is still half dead.

Bai Yi Du Jiang: Uh, why did the emperor suddenly start thinking about two-on-one?
Uncle Huang: Two-on-one-three-on-one, as long as it's a normal tactic, whichever is better is definitely the one to use. If you can't get an advantage tonight, call the Mumeng League directly tomorrow morning.

Ling Xiao丨Tiance: Alright, just talk to them and it's over.


According to Yuliang's instructions, Baiyi Dujiang immediately found the Jingzhou Alliance Screen 丨 to stop the war management after finishing the negotiation in the management group.

The Curtain Alliance has not been idle for the past two days. After withdrawing from the Jingzhou battlefield in Yuxiao Palace and moving to Sili, the Curtain Alliance has pushed all the way from the Nanyang area all the way back to the Youjiang Pass in just one day.

After receiving the email from Baiyi crossing the river, the head of the Curtain League, Mu 丨 Zhe Tianmu, immediately nodded in agreement.

Facing this behemoth that once pushed them all the way from Youjiang to Nanyang, the Mumengmen did not hesitate at all, whether it was due to the consideration of the number of separatists, or the reason that they were pushed hundreds of miles a few days ago. He directly agreed to Bai Yi's request to cross the river.

Soon, almost at night, there were many fortress groups of Mumengmen members at the pass from Jingzhou to Yuzhou.

One night passed beautifully. With the development of the war situation and the situation in the whole region, there are only two battlefields in the whole region. One side is the Jizhou battlefield. fierce confrontation.

On the other side, of course, is the fierce battle between Hemeng and Yuxiao Palace on the battlefield of Sili Hongnong Wharf.

It can be said that during this whole night, Hongnong Wharf has completely turned into a meat grinder, and both sides have invested an unknown amount of troops into it.

But until 07:30 the next morning, the distance that Crane League successfully advanced was still almost negligible.

Compared with yesterday afternoon, the Crane League's position has only advanced by one space. If the fight continues at this speed, I'm afraid it will be a matter of the year of the monkey when the two sides decide the winner.

However, it seems that a turning point is about to occur.

At [-] o'clock in the morning, following the broadcast of the World Channel, the Jingzhou Alliance successfully won the pass with a war to end the war, and opened up the access to the resource state.

And then, after the Mu Meng captured the airport that He Meng had prepared for them early, they quickly began to launch an airborne landing in the Sili Hongnong area!

Seeing hundreds of arrows suddenly appeared, the target was near the Hemeng's position, and those who came were also the Hemeng's allies, who stopped the war with a war, Qingtian obviously began to panic.

He knew that the pier battlefield had begun to fall into an ingenious balance, and this hard-won balance was destined to be broken once the Curtain Alliance entered the arena.

However, at this time, he couldn't do anything except watch the arrows of the Curtain League appear in his field of vision one after another.

Yuxiao Palace manages the penguin colony.

Yu Xiao丨Ling Yun: The opposite side seems to have called the Mumengmeng to come to support, and what is waiting for us next is a tough battle. How about Qingtian, can you beat it?
Qing Tian: emmm, it’s not easy to say, mainly because I don’t know what kind of state the Doraemons entered the field in. If they put up all their strength to fight us, it’s really hard to say that they will fight us one against two.

Yu Xiao丨Huang Tian: ...Then what should we do?

Qing Tian: I can only try to see if I can push it across the pier today, but I feel that there is little hope.

Yu Xiao丨Ling Yun: Well, give it a try, you can beat the natural perfection, in short, do your best.


The curtain丨Supporting the Hemeng with war to end the war has gradually cast a layer of haze on the hearts of the members of Yuxiao Palace.

During the night of the battle with the Crane League, most of the Yuxiao Palace members had changed their previous perception of the Crane League. Originally, in their view, this was just an alliance that had just entered its second season of conquest.

Even if they lost their lives and split them into two alliances in just half a month, this record still wouldn't make the members of Yuxiao Palace care too much.

After all, in the eyes of T2+, T2- is really not enough.

However, after this short day of fighting, although it was difficult for the Crane League to advance half a step, but also, the defensive pressure of Yuxiao Palace was even greater!
Especially on the frontal battlefield, the king's regiment attacked again and again, which gradually brought Yuxiao Palace's defense line to the verge of collapse.

But now, the Crane League's offensive is still going on, and the support from the Jingzhou League's curtain 丨 Stopping the war with war is already on the way!

(End of this chapter)

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