Game recharge can return money

Chapter 261 Chibi Friendship Match

Chapter 261 Chibi Friendship Match

Bai Yi Du Jiang: Listen, is this a human language... Anyway, this thing, you just want to be happy, I see you like this, it seems that you don't care how much it costs.

Uncle Huang: Damn, no one is willing to spend too much money. The main thing is that our brothers from Hemeng have been working hard with us for half a year. Since we agreed to this offline team building, let’s make it better.

Crossing the river in white clothes: The point is, even if half of the people don’t want to come, that’s only 600 people. How can you fit [-] people in such a big hotel...

Uncle Huang: That's easy to say. The Shangri-La Hotel in Harbin should be fine. If it doesn't work, just rent a villa area, and it will definitely fit you.

Bai Yi Du Jiang: Ah, it's okay, hey, when I was chatting in the group before, I heard Yunmeng say that her family runs a hotel, you can ask her, no matter what, her family That's what you do, you must have experience.

Uncle Emperor: Ah...OK...


After quitting their chat page, Yuliang struggled for a long time about whether to ask Yunmeng for help. After all, after returning home for the new year, the two of them had very little communication.

In the few days when they just returned to Harbin, they often chatted together, especially in recent days, because the game has become more and more busy and the fights have become more and more difficult, the two of them basically didn't talk much anymore.

After hesitating for a long time, Yuliang clicked on the chat box with Yunmeng on WeChat. Now the time has come to the middle of June, and the last time the two spoke was at the end of May.

Uncle Huang: Uh, in Buyunmeng, I want to consult you about something.

Yunmeng: Hey, a busy person has time to talk to me today?It's not easy, the sun is coming out from the west?

Unexpectedly, Yunmeng replied to him very quickly, but judging from the tone, Yunmeng didn't seem to have a good mood for him.

Uncle Huang: Ah, this is what Wu Ye and the others were promised last season. If we can continue to conquer the Hemeng in the third season, we will hold an offline party.

Yunmeng: Oh, come on, why did you ask me for this matter?Don't you want me to sponsor you?
Uncle Huang: That's not true. I heard from Bai Yi that your family also runs a hotel?The main reason is that I calculated with Bai Yi that there will be at least a few hundred people who will come to participate in the team building...

Yunmeng: Got it, do you want me to help you set up the venue?

Uncle Huang: emmmmm, it’s like this. Although I’m also in Harbin City, I don’t know many people. If you don’t think about it, it must be because you have a long way to go.

Yunmeng: I didn't want to help you at first, but after thinking about it, I don't need to spend money, okay, then leave this matter to me, I'll ask my dad, it should be fine.

Uncle Huang: Alright, alright, Mr. Meng is kind-hearted, he is a very kind person at first glance.

Yunmeng: Come on, you, if you don’t know how to compliment others, don’t. If you talk like that again, you can find a place for yourself.

Uncle Huang: Uh, don't bother Mr. Meng, you are busy, hehe.


Although Yuliang himself knows that he is not very good at chatting with the opposite sex, he still needs to know the most basic chatting etiquette between boys and girls. For example, the chat between two people must not end with a girl. (emphasis added)
Since Yunmeng has already said that the matter of the venue will be left to her, then I don't think I need to worry about anything anymore. After all, unlike me, an upstart, Yunmeng is definitely a lady compared to me. .

In this way, the preparations for the offline team building began gradually. Soon, one day passed. When the time came to nine o'clock in the evening of the next day, the Red Cliff Wharf was already in a state of confrontation between the two armies. .

On one side is the crane on the side of Yangzhou 丨 drinking and talking happily, and on the other is the crane on the side of Jingzhou 丨 Tengxiao Kyushu.

It can be said that the strength gap between the Yangzhou Main League and the Jingzhou Branch League was not small, but since the Jiutian regiment went up the mountain, it can be said that the combat effectiveness of the entire Crane League has been greatly reduced.

Even though a large number of cities were swept before the attack on Luoyang, the members who were recruited in succession were basically from the Dragon League, or members of the separatist regiment who had been farming and developing in Yangzhou.

And after the Jingzhou Crane League absorbed the Dragon League, another high-level battle group of the Dragon League: the Phoenix Group, basically chose to go to the field to enter the Jingzhou Crane League.

This is definitely a big supplement for He丨Tengxiao Kyushu, who was not too strong originally.

So now, judging from the strength on paper alone, although the strength of the Yangzhou main league is still dominant, it is definitely not crushing in comparison.

Moreover, in order to balance the gap in strength between the two sides at the start of the war, Ling Xiao丨Tiance and Zhan丨zhoucheng chose to let Jingzhou win the pass first, and the main alliance of Yangzhou would garrison the war-torn ground, and Jingzhou would attack first.

You know, there are as many as five pieces of land that can be entered near the pass. If He丨 wants to garrison Jiu Yanhuan, he has to disperse the garrison on at least two pieces of land.

This also made the main alliance fall into a numerical disadvantage from the very beginning of the war, which can be regarded as a wave of strengthening for the Jingzhou branch.

As for this battle, Yuliang had no idea whether the main alliance could win, and even in his heart, he still had some hope of winning the sub-alliance.

The main reason is that the branch league has been under the shadow of the main league since the second season. It is good to be under the wings of the main league in season S, but when it enters the season of conquest, it can only rely on yourself .

If this friendly match can make the brothers of the sub-alliance play confidently, it will also be of great benefit to their future performance in the conquest season.

Just when Yuliang was thinking about this, the time had quietly arrived at 10:[-] in the evening, and at this time, there were only [-] minutes left before the friendly match between the two sides started!

[All emails] Ling Xiao丨Tiance: Attention everyone!Dream Crane Regiment, Wan Yao Regiment, Crane First Regiment, all members are stationed (1209.664), Nine Heavens Regiment, White Clothes Regiment, trapped formation group, Crane Second Regiment, all members are stationed (1209.666)!
In order to take care of the brothers in the alliance, we were all stationed an hour before the start of the battle, and the opposite side opened up the attack, so this hour is especially crucial!

I won't say anything else, they are all my brothers, so friendship comes first, competition comes second, this battle is not about winning or losing, it's about doing martial arts together, and having fun together!
But, after all, we are also the main alliance. If the main alliance loses, I am not afraid of losing face. I have a thick skin. I don't know what you think!
Therefore, even if it's a friendly match, I, Ling Xiao丨Tiance, hope that everyone can put up 120 million points of energy, stick to it for an hour, and then push back in a wave to tie the fortress group of the alliance brothers!Go, go, go!
(End of this chapter)

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