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Chapter 208 Operation to Destroy the Nation (5 Collection Milestones Thanks for Support)

Chapter 208 Operation to Destroy the Nation ([-] Collection Milestone Thanks for Support)

As Baidi was successfully captured by Jingzhou Crane丨Tengxiao Kyushu, Yuliang's dumpling-making tactics were formally formed.

The simultaneous attacks launched by the two major Crane Alliances from both sides also brought Long丨Baizhan Wushuang, who was already struggling to support, into a complete collapse in the entire Baidi battlefield.

In desperation, Long丨Long raised his head and had no choice but to completely abandon the Baidi battlefield, and turn his head to defend the FL Badong area with all his strength, so as to ensure that the Crane League would not take advantage of the situation and break into the resource state.

After all, most of the members of Yizhou Dragon 丨 Bai Zhan Wushuang have moved to Yongzhou after successfully breaking through and entering the resource state.

Now, compared to Yizhou, Yongzhou is the headquarters of the Dragon League with a higher tactical status.

And the original plan of Long丨Long raised his head was that Liangzhou would enter the field to cooperate with Yizhou's defense of Hemeng's offense, mainly to delay until Jizhou successfully entered the field.

But now Jizhou Fairy丨The Old Man Returns to the Mountain, due to the sudden rebellion of the Han丨Yuefu of the Qingzhou Alliance, they are intercepted outside the Mengyin Pass. If they want to re-enter, it must be impossible to do it in a day.

Time is life, and what Long丨Baizhan Wushuang lacks the most now is time. If he has to wait for the Immortal Alliance to defeat Qingzhou within a day, and then break through the border and then attack the Yuzhou pass, then I am afraid that it will be impossible to do it in even two days. arrived.

So what Long丨Long raised his head at this stage needs to think about is not how to defeat the Crane League, but how to effectively stop the Crane League from advancing and buy enough time for himself.

It is also a helpless move to retreat to the Badong area of ​​FL, which is equivalent to giving up the two counties of Yunnan and Yongchang, and may even fall to Hanjia.

And since the Dragon League has not yet won any state capital in the Resource State, there are very few options for moving the capital.

Yunnan County and Yongchang County must not be moved, and the same goes for Hanjia. Now the only choices left for Longmeng are Hanzhong, Wudu and Zitong.

Considering that Hanzhong, as a seventh-level county, was better defended than the two sixth-level counties of Zitong and Wudu, Long丨Long raised his head and decided to move the capital to Hanzhong.

He did not take the time to get a resource state and county and then prepare to move the capital like the Yingmeng Yuliang met in the second season. After all, this trip would take at least ten hours.

The core of Hemeng manages the penguin colony.

Ling Xiao丨Tiance: The Dragon Alliance seems to have given up on the battlefield on Baidi's side, and most of the past are empty fortresses, and those with soldiers are generally Spartans.

Bumpman: The opposite party probably chose to retreat to Berkshire. After all, their country is in Berkshire. If this is the case, wouldn’t the Dragon League just empty Yunnan Yongchang?

Uncle Huang: Well, it should be like this. Jizhou was blocked by Qingzhou, which directly disrupted the deployment of the Dragon League and the Immortal League. Now they can only wait for time to wait until Jizhou enters the field.

Zhanzhou City: Then what shall we say?Why not take Yunnan and Yongchang first?The land given away for free, don't want it for nothing.

Painful person: There is no need to waste time on this. It is completely meaningless to take Yunnan and Yongchang. Even if Hanjia is taken again, it is of no strategic significance to fight westward and take Zitong Wudu along the way.

Wuye: So painstakingly, what do you think should be done now?Let's go straight north to fight them?

Painful person: We must go north. The two main forces of the Dragon League, Liangzhou and Yizhou, are gathered in FL and Badong.

Moreover, the headquarters of the Yizhou Dragon League has long been moved to Yongzhou. Now the one who can deal a heavy blow to the opponent is to destroy a country. Then if time permits, we will enter Yongzhou. If time does not permit, we will turn around and hammer Jizhou.

Uncle Huang: Well, I agree with the painstaking idea, but the passing city should still be defeated. According to the theory of relativity, the enemy will reduce the resource bonus, and we will increase the resource bonus. city.

Bai Yi Du Jiang: ...You are a hammer theory of relativity.

Uncle Huang: Haha, let’s just put it this way, how about it, the main alliance and the branch alliance will divide into two groups, the target is Berkshire, the main alliance will go from Badong Nanchong, the branch alliance will first take Jiangzhou, and then take FL , and then went to the round of Berkshire and the main league.

Zhan丨Village Chief: If you go around like this, I'm afraid one day is not enough anyway. Isn't Qingzhou only able to last for one day?

Uncle Huang: Afraid of a hammer, Qingzhou persists for one day, Jizhou breaks through the barriers and then spreads to Duyang. It takes nearly two days to get there. Two days is not enough for us to reach Berkshire?
Ling Xiao丨Tiance: Well, two days is indeed the limit. If the dragon is not stupid, we should start moving the capital now, that is to say, we must get the results within 48 hours.

Wuye: So what are you waiting for, let’s go, brother Meng, Ollie will take action to destroy the country!


After some deliberation, the Crane League's direction of advancement in the next two days has also come to fruition, and Baidi's side of the Crane League is no longer procrastinating, leaving only Sparta and demolition to turn the fortress into red land.

[All emails] Ling Xiao丨Tiance: The eunuch car gathers eight riders at a high speed, and starts paving the road towards Padang!We don't have much time, so be quick!


The main reason why Yuliang decided to break into Bajun in two ways was mainly based on his own observation that the fortresses in the direction of Badong were basically built by Long丨Baizhan Wushuang.

The defense on the FL side is composed of the Liangzhou League Dragon丨Walk all battles.

The main alliance is against the main alliance, and the branch alliance is very reasonable, and it also gives the Jingzhou branch a chance to come out of the shadow of Yiling's defeat.

As for whether the country can be successfully destroyed, Yuliang doesn't really care much about it. After all, it's been three seasons, and it's no longer like the second season, when a country is destroyed and it completely collapses.

The function of destroying the country is to erase the protection of the country and make the entire Yizhou an airport for the Crane League, which is all to facilitate subsequent actions.

At this time, Yu Liang suddenly noticed that in front of Xiwu, the Ziyuan State checkpoint between Bingzhou and Yongzhou, there was a battle-free red land for the 2502 Sakura丨Jinghua Xueyue Alliance, which had been huddled in Bingzhou from the beginning of the season until now!
This is a bit intriguing. You must know that according to the news conveyed by Bai Yidujiang when the negotiations landed at the beginning of the season, 02 also joined the Dragon League this season.

In other words, the current Yingmeng is nothing more than the younger brother of the Longmeng, and they chose to break through the barrier at this time, saying that they were not under the command of the dragon, and I am afraid they themselves would not believe it.

"This is the preparation for the complete fall of Yizhou... Well played, Long looked up, you are not a purely blind and confident person."

 Five thousand collection milestones, thank you all the bosses for your support all the time, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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