Game recharge can return money

Chapter 147 The Southern Barbarian Invasion

Chapter 147 The Southern Barbarian Invasion
About 5 minutes after the Crane League successfully broke through, the news of Jingzhou's successful breakthrough also came from the World Channel.

After successfully breaking through the level, the actions of both sides are also very consistent, they both launch the eunuch's car to pave the road crazily, but the difference is that Yingmeng's paving direction is to go straight to Hulao Pass, while Hemeng is heading towards Chang'an.

Obviously, the primary goals of the two parties after entering the resource state are different. One is to prepare for the war as soon as possible, and the other is to take the state capital first.

The core of Hemeng manages the penguin colony.

Crossing the River in White Clothes: The route from Jingzhou to Yuzhou from Bowang to the Sili Checkpoint is obviously more favorable than ours, and I feel that the opportunity may be taken first.

Ling Xiao丨Tiance: So what to do, Yongzhou is not good at this point, the checkpoint in Ziyuan Prefecture is a bit far from Tongguan.

Uncle Huang: So I was thinking, is it possible for us to initiate a war these two days?Now that the north has basically stabilized, after we collectively move the city to Ziyuan Prefecture, we can break Bowang from Jingzhou, do you think it is feasible?
Bumpman: It’s not safe, I think it’s better to fight Luoyang after breaking through Tongguan properly.

Battle丨Village Chief: I found that Uncle Huang did the same last season. He seemed to dislike moving the battlefield to Luoyang. He liked to settle battles outside the Sili checkpoint.

Uncle Huang: It's not that I don't want to start a war in Luoyang, it's just that I don't need to delay it for so long.

Ling Xiao丨Tiance: I feel that even if we want to fight, it is better to wait until the eighteenth princes are over tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, and the distance of the march is also a problem.

Uncle Huang: Well... Anyway, it's not too late, so let's wait.


After the Crane League successfully broke through, they did not rest idle. After the prefect's car paved the way, a large number of Crane League members began to enter Yongzhou in groups, and led by Yuliang, they began to move to the city in batches.

Of course, the Yuliang who moved the city was still reimbursed by Yuliang, and the airport prepared for Yizhou was also successfully captured. So far, almost all members of the Crane League with combat effectiveness have entered the resource state.

It was only on the afternoon of the day when the city was moved and the monthly card was reimbursed by all the staff, Bai Yi crossed the river to find Yu Liang.


Crossing the river in white clothes: Uncle Emperor... can the remaining brothers who reimbursed Qianchengyu say that I will give them the monthly card money tomorrow...

Uncle Huang: Huh?What's wrong?Isn't military spending enough?If it's not enough, I'll make it up to you now.

Bai Yidujiang: That's not true, there is still a lot of military expenses left... That's right, too much military expenses have been paid out recently, and my prestige limit has been exceeded... It's very annoying, I have to find a way to deal with it today.

Uncle Huang: Ah, have you sent out so much military expenditure recently?

Crossing the River in Baiyi: Good guy, you really have no idea about money. Just in the two days of playing 01, all the military rewards have been doubled. It costs 200 yuan for one person to fight a night battle. twenty……

Uncle Huang: Uh, that seems to be quite a lot, so wait until you figure it out before posting it. If you really can’t figure it out, just let me know. I don’t have a quota yet.

Bai Yi Du Jiang: It's okay, it will definitely be done, my prestige payment has not been tied to anything, it will be fine if it is bound.


After Yuliang finished his conversation with Baiyi Dujiang, he thought seriously for the first time whether his military rewards were a bit too extravagant. Fighting like this for a week is probably better than many alliances with good benefits for a whole season. There are many.

It's not that I love money, but in the final analysis, I'm afraid that the members of the alliance will have psychological problems in the future, and they will work purely for money, not for love.

To be honest, since getting the golden finger, Yuliang has gradually lost his concept of money, which may be unavoidable for many people who get rich overnight.

Especially since the golden finger is always there, Yuliang can keep earning money. As a game geek himself, he really doesn't have any other hobbies, just looking for fun in the game.

If you want him to buy a luxury car, buy a luxury house and drive a sports car every day to play with girls, this is really not what Yuliang wants. Of course, a luxury house can be considered. After buying a luxury house, how will he explain it to his family?

You can't say that I bought a lottery ticket and won the jackpot, right?This concern has been in Yuliang's heart from the very beginning until now.

"Forget it, don't care, anyway, if you come to the Crane League, you are all your brothers, so what's more or less."

Thinking of this, Yuliang simply didn't think too much about it, what about playing games?Don't you just take pictures that are cool, interesting, and make you feel happy when you are called a boss?

After Baiyi crossed the river to lift the quota the next day, all military expenditures were paid out, and a total of more than two days passed in an instant.

The time came to the third day, and with the official end of the Eighteenth Route Princes, the Hemeng, who had been scrambling the city for the past few days, naturally won the first place without any surprise.

The general trend of the world after the [-]th princes is called the Nanman Invasion. This task is very simple to complete, as long as the entire server wipes out [-] copycats.

Almost a few hours after the end of the Eighteenth Route Princes, the screen went dark again, indicating that the Nanman invasion of the world was completed.

The completion of the Southern Barbarian Invasion often marks the entry of the whole region into the second stage in the second season and the following seasons, not because of anything else, but because now, the wandering army game is officially opened.

The Wandering Army can be said to satisfy a large part of the psychology of many defeated alliances, bosses, and players with a strong desire to fight.

Burning, killing, and looting is the core gameplay of the wandering army, and they can only rely on plundering other people's main cities to maintain their livelihoods. Moreover, after the main city of the wandering army is wiped out, it will not disappear completely, but will be resurrected at a random point.

It can be said that as long as someone continuously supplies resources and reserve soldiers to the wandering army, then the wandering army will be an invincible Xiaoqiang. For regular troops like them, it is extremely disgusting.

It's just that for many civilian players, transforming into a wandering army is tantamount to self-harm. You must know that the wandering army can only plunder resources by defeating the opponent's troops or the main city, and resources are the most critical part of recruiting.

Fortunately, it is still early, and many people's main teams and main city buildings have not yet fully formed. Second, apart from 2501, the other two districts still have a chance to conquer.

What's more, including 2501, there is no hope of conquest but a guaranteed separatist regime. The only people who can be regarded as completely lost suspense about this season are probably only those few people who are still following Jiangjiu.

Therefore, the opening of the Southern Barbarian invasion did not immediately cause a large number of wandering troops to go up the mountain and fall into the grass, but after the Southern Barbarian invasion was completed, there was another round of card draw wars on the world's small TVs.

(End of this chapter)

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