I want to be a super cop

Chapter 807 Acquaintances

Chapter 807 Acquaintances
"It doesn't matter who I am."

The young man lowered his head, the peaked cap blocked his eyes, and he couldn't see his face at all: "The important thing is, I pushed Xiao Yanmei down, didn't I?"

"Why? Motivation?!"

Zhong Tianzheng's legs were secretly accumulating strength and tense, his body leaned forward slightly, ready to strike at any time: "What is your motive for pushing her down?!"

"Because she should!"

The man in the peaked cap replied as a matter of course: "Didn't Zou Zexun tell you? Isn't it because of this incident that you came to investigate?!"

Although he had already expected it, Zhong Tianzheng couldn't help but frowned when he admitted it himself: so fast?

Not long after Zou Zexun killed Huang Shanshan, he had already started planning this matter. They were a gang.

"So, you are Zou Zexun's accomplice?"

Zhong Tianzheng raised his eyebrows and stopped talking nonsense with him: "I think you should come with me."

"Do you have the ability?"

The man pressed the peaked cap on his head, and said in a low voice, "Do you think I'm waiting for you here, waiting for you to take me away?"


Zhong Tianzheng looked around the alley calmly. There was nothing unusual around him.

"Don't look at it, it's just me."

The young man caught Zhong Tianzheng's eyes and said with a half-smile: "Isn't Officer Zhong Tianzheng very skilled? Since you entered the police force, you have captured a lot of prisoners, right? I want to try your skills. "


Zhong Tianzheng narrowed his eyes and looked at the young man.

next second.

He suddenly jumped up, his tight right leg hit the ground hard and then kicked, straight to the young man's waist, the movement was fast.

The reaction speed of the young man was also very fast. Almost at the same time as Zhong Tian was kicking, he also moved. He also raised his right foot and gave a flying kick. The two collided, their feet collided in the air, and then the two They all took two steps back.

"Officer Zhong, you young man, you don't talk about martial arts!"

The young man stabilized his figure and looked up at him slightly: "As a policeman, you still use this trick of sneak attack to sneak attack me, an ordinary citizen, isn't it a bit impolite?"

"Do you have martial virtue?"

Zhong Tian glanced at him expressionlessly, but he was a little vigilant in his heart.

The strength of my kick just now can be said to be full, and I didn't hold back at all. Just like the young man said, I was really a bit of a sneak attack just now, and I made a sudden move, but it didn't achieve the desired effect at all.

The young man's reaction was quick enough, even if he kicked backwards, he firmly blocked the kick, and the strength was equally strong, the two of them were on par.

"I'm tired."

The young man shook his head and stepped back: "I'm not interested in playing with you anymore. I'm leaving, bye."

With that said, he turned his back to Zhong Tianzheng, and walked out of the alley swaggeringly.

Zhong Tian was standing there squinting his eyes, looking at the back of the young man, he always felt that this man was somewhat familiar.


He couldn't just let him go.

Xiao Yanmei was pushed down from upstairs by him. No matter whether Xiao Yanmei could live or not, his behavior was intentional murder.


Zhong Tianzheng snorted softly, rushed forward, stretched out his hand to hold the young man's shoulder, and grabbed his shoulder with full strength: "Follow me!"

"That depends on whether you have the ability."

The young man stopped walking forward, turned his head slightly to the side, glanced behind him from the corner of his eye, then shrugged his right shoulder, with enough force that he directly pushed away Zhong Tianzheng's hand holding his shoulder, and followed him suddenly Turning around, he made a fist with his right hand and hit Zhong Tianzheng directly on the head without any fancy movements.

Zhong Tianzheng reacted immediately, he leaned back, followed by his right hand and directly pinched his wrist, grabbed it firmly, and pulled it towards him, trying to counter his right arm with a forceful pull come over.


The young man didn't talk much harshly, when Zhong Tianzheng stretched out his hand to pull him, a folding knife appeared in his left hand at some point, and after making a beautiful trick with the knife, he slashed straight at Zhong Tianzheng's Neck.

The sharp blade glistened with luster.

Simple and crude.

Straight across, no bells and whistles.

The sharp blade was full of deterrence, Zhong Tianzheng didn't dare to slack off, and immediately gave up the action of continuing to pull him, and shifted his body to one side to avoid the sharp edge.

"Ha ha."

The young man sneered, as if he had already guessed Zhong Tianzheng's evasive path. He controlled the folding knife with his wrist, and the blade twisted and changed direction, and continued to cut forward.

Zhong Tianzheng didn't dare to be careless, so he had to completely let go of the young man's wrist and backed away, but he was still a step too slow, and the blue long-sleeved casual clothes were directly cut open.

Just as the young man continued to cut forward roughly, Zhong Tian was controlling his figure, turning his posture, looking at the folding knife that was cutting forward, and after avoiding one side of his body, he pulled out his belt and quickly of the play.

The iron buckle hit the young man's wrist with such force that the folding knife in his hand fell to the ground in pain and was kicked away by Zhong Tianzheng.


The young man commented lightly, without looking at the kicked dagger, he stretched his neck: "The warm-up is over!"

The voice just fell.

The young man rushed forward suddenly and punched out with his right hand, straight at Zhong Tianzheng's head. Zhong Tianzheng reacted very quickly and immediately took precautions. The two fists and feet met and they hit each other.

As the fight progressed, Zhong Tianzheng's brows couldn't help but frown deeper. The young man in front of him was not only full of strength, but also had a fast reaction speed.


Zhong Tianzheng opened his right palm, grabbed the fist that the young man was hitting, and pulled him forward with his old tricks, pulling his whole body towards him, and quickly stretched out his left hand, pulling towards the young man's mask.


The young man let out a soft drink, leaned back, and avoided Zhong Tianzheng's left hand. Zhong Tianzheng opened the palm of his left hand, and slapped him hard on the brim of his peaked cap, knocking his hat away.

The eyes of the two met.

"It's you?!"

Zhong Tianzheng's eyes suddenly narrowed, and he confirmed again that this person seemed familiar. He must have seen this look and back somewhere before.


I can't remember it for a while.


The young man narrowed his eyes, seized the moment when Zhong Tianzheng was in a daze, lowered his head, and slammed his forehead directly on Zhong Tianzheng's face.

Zhong Tianzheng stepped back quickly, trying to dodge, and then, the man kicked over, kicked Zhong Tianzheng's abdomen, followed by another right whip kick, lightning kicked five times in a row, taking advantage of Zhong Tianzheng's defensive retreat After a while, he immediately distanced himself and ducked into the alley next to him.

By the time Zhong Tian adjusted his figure, the young man had long since disappeared. After chasing him for two streets, no one saw him again.


Zhong Tianzheng scratched his hair in annoyance. This was the first time. He saw that someone had caught up with him, but he ran away from his hands.

He took out the crumpled cigarette case in his pocket. During the fight just now, the cigarette was also crushed. With the crumpled cigarette in his mouth, Zhong Tianzheng squinted his eyes and began to think.

in mind.

The appearance of the young man I saw just now emerged, those eyes, that expression, and that back figure, with the help of the master-level spatial imagination, quickly and automatically reorganized.

"Where did I see him?"

Zhong Tianzheng took a heavy mouthful of cigarettes, and the thick smoke enveloped his whole body. He scratched his straight nose, looked at the images in the virtual space, and recalled all the people he had experienced, one by one, Compare them like playing a movie.

The strength of the master-level spatial imagination was revealed again. With the deepening of the comparison, Zhong Tianzheng seemed to have entered an inexplicable state.

a long time.

He opened his eyes suddenly.

Zhong Tianzheng remembered a person, and if he remembered correctly, this person was a perfect match with the young man he had fought just now.

He stubbed out the cigarette butt in his hand and walked back quickly.

in the community.

The ambulance has already arrived at the scene. Unfortunately, Xiao Yanmei fell from the top and passed out. The situation is very pessimistic. Fortunately, at present, she still has the possibility of being rescued.

The police in the jurisdiction have also arrived at the scene, taking over the scene and separating the crime scene from the onlookers.

Zhong Tianzheng and Ah Xiang, who were witnesses to this incident, told them what they saw and the whole process.

After finishing all this, it was already past three o'clock in the afternoon.

"Did the person run away?"

Ah Xiang was also a little surprised, it was the first time she saw Zhong Tianzheng miss: "Is he very strong?"


Zhong Tianzheng nodded: "It should be a practitioner, no matter the reaction speed or fighting skills are beyond the reach of ordinary people, and he should have stepped on a little bit before committing the crime, whether it is when committing the crime or leaving here At that time, he was very familiar with the surrounding environment, at least much more familiar than us."

This point can be guessed from the route of the young man's escape, otherwise he would not have been able to throw away Zhong Tianzheng so quickly.

"Are we leaving now?!"

Ah Xiang looked at Zhong Tianzheng who was about to drive away: "Don't you want to investigate the scene? When the murderer committed the crime, that is, before we left, he should have stayed upstairs."

"Leave it to them."

Zhong Tianzheng pointed to the police officers at the scene: "I found a clue, and now I need to check it."

Ah Xiang thought for a moment: "What clue?!" After a pause, she added: "Do you know the clue about the person just now?"


Zhong Tianzheng expressed his guess: "Do you remember the UW store case we handled?"

"That case of robbing clothes?!"

Ah Xiang thought for a moment and answered.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I forgot. It seemed that Xiao Wang and I were involved in the case that time, not you. We weren't golden partners at that time."

Zhong Tianzheng started the ignition and drove the car out: "In the case of taking hostages in the UW store, one of their employees had a conflict with the representative of the leadership inside, and then he took the representative hostage in a moment of excitement."

"Later, we dealt with it and arrested him. This person's name is Liu Fei!"

Zhong Tianzheng briefly described the situation at that time: "I remember this person, I have an impression, and I also remember his appearance. When I was chasing that person just now, I knocked off his hat and saw a part of him. The face matches that of Liu Fei to a certain extent."


Ah Xiang nodded, and began to urge her.

It is not too late.


When the two returned to the office, Comrade Shi Xinyu had brought out Liu Fei's case file, which contained detailed records related to the case.

Liu Fei, at that time, because he held the leader of his unit hostage, although he did not do any substantial harm to the leader, he still had to be punished, but since his leader issued a detailed and specific letter of understanding, etc., In the end, Liu Fei was sentenced to six months.

This was a very small case, but it was Zhong Tianzheng's first time dealing with such a hostage-taking case at that time, and Team Leader Li had taught him specially, so he remembered it clearly.

After seeing Liu Fei's photo, Zhong Tianzheng stretched out his hand and blocked the lower half of the eye in the photo with his palm. Just looking at the upper half, Liu Fei and today's young man have a coincidence rate of about 90.00%, which is highly similar. .

The basis of his judgment is those eyes.

That look.

"As you guessed, Liu Fei has lost contact."

Shi Xinyu explained on the side: "I don't know if he changed the number or something, anyway, the phone is not available, and it seems that after he came out, basically there is no information."

"There is no such thing as renting a house, and there is no record of ID card registration for Internet cafe accommodation. It seems to be out of touch with this world."

Speaking of this, she paused for a moment, and continued: "I have already contacted the comrades in the economic investigation department and asked them to help me investigate things related to Liu Fei's personal Alipay WeChat account. This process is a bit long and will take some time. "


Zhong Tianzheng praised it heartily.

Ah Xiang hugged Shi Xinyu directly and put a lip print on her fair face: "As expected of Sister Xinyu, she is simply perfect. She guessed the information we need in advance."

"Hey, it's so-so."

Shi Xinyu waved his hands reservedly: "Then you guys are busy first, I'll pass by, and if there is any progress later, I will tell you as soon as possible."

"Thanks for your hard work."

Zhong Tianzheng nodded, and his eyes fell on Liu Fei's case file again.

Ah Xiang gave her own suggestion: "Otherwise, let's check if there was anyone who was particularly close to Liu Fei when he was inside, or whether there was anyone who often visited Liu Fei while he was inside. he?"

(End of this chapter)

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