I want to be a super cop

Chapter 558 Unscrupulous profiteers

Chapter 558 Unscrupulous profiteers
Express delivery in the same city.

The package is small, similar to a file,
Zhong Tian was tearing open the outermost black courier plastic bag. Inside was a kraft envelope. He reached out and pulled it out. The front was clean without any writing, and he turned it to the back.

On the seal.

A small Bianhua logo is pasted on the flap.

Zhong Tianzheng's pupils shrank a little, looked at the courier who was about to leave, and immediately stopped him: "Wait a minute!"


The courier turned his head suspiciously.

Zhong Tianzheng stepped up and asked: "Where did this express come from?"

On the express bag, there is only a QR code from the express company, and no details.

"I'll show you."

The courier took out the machine, and after a while of operation: "This courier is sent from our site, and the address is our site. Someone should come to deliver the courier."

"Door-to-door delivery?"

Zhong Tianzheng frowned, and raised his voice: "I want to see who sent it."

Now you need your real name to send express delivery, and you need to verify your ID card first.

"You need to contact customer service."

The courier shrugged and expressed helplessness: "I don't have the permission to view it."


Zhong Tianzheng nodded and did not continue to embarrass the courier.

He gave a few instructions to Xiao Wang who was beside him, and Xiao Wang went in with the courier slip, and set about inquiring about the slip.

The envelope is thin, as if it were empty.

Zhong Tian was holding the envelope, sat down on the small stone bench beside him, and stretched out his hand to tear open the envelope.


A photo slides out.

The photo is of a middle-aged woman.

Judging from the feeling, the woman should be about 33 or four years old, well dressed, and the jewelry on her neck makes her look full of jewels.

Zhong Tianzheng took a glance to confirm that he did not recognize him.

"Only one photo?"

Zhong Tian was pinching the photo, and turned around to look at the back with a thought.

"Name: Chen Jiani."

"Illegal and criminal behavior: being rich and unkind, unscrupulous profiteers, and killing people."

"Audit verdict: Damn it!"


Zhong Tian was looking at this string of words, and the strength of his fingers pinching the photo intensified a bit, and his eyes shrank together.

Come again?

Has Anonymous challenged him now?
They actually sent the letter of challenge to the police station. They were so excited.

Zhong Tianzheng stood up, walked in quickly, came to Team Leader Li's desk, handed the photo over, and briefly described the source of the photo.

"This anonymous person is getting more and more arrogant."

Team leader Li glanced at the Bianhua logo on the cover page, and pulled out the photo inside: "Check out what's going on with this person, the other party will definitely take action in the near future, we have to get rid of the problem before they do it. Find out the root cause."


When Zhong Tianzheng saw the serious expression on Team Leader Li's face, he couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief and joked: "Don't you think, old man, that we are in the same situation as in the Dark One?"

"Then what can we do? Why don't we just let the other party lead us by the nose now? Who makes us lose the initiative now?" Team Leader Li waved his hand angrily, motioning for him to go down and investigate quickly.

It is not difficult to find Chen Jiani based on a photo and name.

Zhong Tianzheng found Shi Xinyu with the photo.

First copy her photo to the computer, enter the name and compare it with the system, and soon, Chen Jiani's information will appear.

Then take these accurate information, and then conduct a detailed personal information query on it, and the results will be available soon.

"Chen Jiani, female, native of Shangnan City, 35 years old this year, has an environmental protection company under her name, and a micromolecular technology company."

Shi Xinyu tapped the keyboard quickly, looked at the screen and reported the information: "This person has something, he has two single-family villas and three cars under his name, and he can be regarded as one of the strong women."

Zhong Tianzheng glanced at the screen, browsing the information entries: "How did you obtain so much information in a short period of time."

"Use your hands."

Shi Xinyu shook his head triumphantly: "Don't underestimate the ability of network workers and the convenience of information in the network age."

"Well, well, judging by your tone, you are trying to popularize science for me, an elderly person."

Zhong Tianzheng complained and asked her to integrate the information.


after an hour.

Zhong Tianzheng was driving the police car towards the destination.

"Shangnan Renyi Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd?"

Ah Xiang was sitting in the co-pilot, holding a document in her hand: "What is an environmental protection company? Similar to hygiene and cleaning?"

"Otherwise, this is a new industry."

Zhong Tianzheng shook his head, and turned according to the map navigation: "You can look down further, there are some detailed company information in it, you will know after reading it."


Ah Xiang continued to read down.

Renyi Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd. is a company whose main business is indoor air purification and indoor formaldehyde removal. Similarly, as a derivative, there is another company under her that specializes in indoor nano-coating business.

Air purification, formaldehyde removal.

This is an industry that has only emerged in recent years.

According to the past, the reason why this kind of industry did not exist is that the pollution of indoor decoration was not so serious at that time, and the concept of indoor air pollution was relatively not so strong, so it seldom entered people's field of vision.

Zhong Tianzheng doesn’t know much about this nano-coating, but he still knows a little about indoor formaldehyde pollution.

The main source of indoor formaldehyde pollution is people's furniture.

In other words, from wooden furniture.

The same is wooden furniture, why was there no such word as formaldehyde pollution before?

The main reason is that the previous furniture is made of solid wood, and the formaldehyde content is relatively low, which generally does not exceed the national safety standard.

But today's furniture, such as foam board, density board, compressed board, and furniture with a slightly cheaper price, are all glued together with wood powder or scraps and glue.

The formaldehyde content of these things seriously exceeded the standard, and when they piled up together, it became more serious, so it appeared in the news, because the pollution in the decoration room exceeded the standard and caused leukemia and other incidents.

"Unscrupulous profiteers, killing people, is it because of her company's main business?"

Ah Xiang examined the above information, and quickly gave her own guess.

Indoor formaldehyde removal.

After the division is completed, is the data true and valid during the acceptance test?Has the formaldehyde content reached the national standard?These are unknowns.

after all.

Formaldehyde is invisible and intangible, and it is difficult to have an obvious judgment limit with the naked eye.

(End of this chapter)

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