Chapter 525
Ah Xiang looked at the four software icons suspiciously, her eyes narrowed into a slit, and her gaze shifted to Zhong Tianzheng.

This look.

There is scrutiny.

Have doubts?
More questions!

Zhong Tianzheng felt uncomfortable, as if he had been pricked by a needle.

"Cough cough."

Zhong Tianzheng cleared his throat, and tried to explain: "Android phones, I used to like to fiddle with phones when I was studying, and I have nothing to do with browsing this Android forum, so I know a little more, but I think this What kind of hidden apps, app avatars, etc. are all tasteless and useless, because I don’t have anything to hide.”

Ah Xiang heard the words, but there was no reaction.

The eyes remain the same.


Zhong Tianzheng took out his Huawei Mate30Pro very consciously, handed it directly to Ah Xiang, and said: "Your old man, help me keep it, I have also set up this face recognition for you, and the old man knows the password Yes, if I have any news, you can directly unlock it and let me have a look, so as not to miss any news."

Ah Xiang silently picked up the phone.

The sharp eyes just now were withdrawn, and the squinting turned back to normal, with a trace of satisfaction and approval in the eyes.


It's very comfortable.

Zhong Tian was wiping the sweat from his forehead, and his eyes shifted to Li Tianbao's phone again.

The conclusion that Team Leader Li said that the three missed calls belonged to three people was also verified again on the three WeChat software.

Li Xiaoxiao is the only WeChat account that Li Tianbao uses frequently at work.

In the second WeChat, there is only one contact person, which corresponds to another person.

In the third WeChat, there is also only one person, corresponding to the third person.

As for the chat content inside, it is a bit eye-catching.

Not right either.

It cannot be said to be hot eyes.

It's just the kind of chatting that some couples have in their daily lives, sweet and sweet, and baby comes and goes, and it's very intimate anyway.

Li Xiaoxiao stood on the side, and would look at it from time to time, but she didn't have any extra reactions. She might only show displeasure on certain words, but that's all.


Ah Xiang could no longer look directly at her, but she was a little annoyed, and asked, "Li Xiaoxiao, aren't you surprised by all this! Are you not angry?"

"Don't you think that your focus now should be on how to crack this case and catch the murderer who killed the baby early, instead of worrying about my emotional affairs."

Li Xiaoxiao took it for granted that she responded, and then explained: "Even so, so what, I believe that the baby just chats with the other party when he is bored, and the person he loves in his heart is me. There is no doubt about it."


Ah Xiang was completely defeated.

Li Xiaoxiao was right, her focus should be on how to solve this case.

Zhong Tianzheng didn't make any comments on these. It's not unusual for there to be more men like this. Then he opened the MO social software.

no doubt.

On this, there are all kinds of opposite sexes that Li Tianbao is hooking up with.


He opened the network disk software again.

In the network disk software, there are several subordinate folders, which store various photos and software. With curiosity, Zhong Tianzheng clicked on a photo.

The woman in the photo turned out to be Li Xiaoxiao, and the picture was very harmonious.

Zhong Tian turned off the photo with a strange face, and then clicked on another folder, which contained another unknown woman, and the picture was still harmonious.


Zhong Tianzheng gave up the idea of ​​continuing to browse photos, and clicked on a video instead.

The video content is more harmonious.

The sudden sound made everyone present inexplicably embarrassed.

And the man inside is Li Tianbao himself.

Zhong Tianzheng turned off the video and got a general understanding of Li Tianbao's tone. This online disk should be full of these things.

"Bah, scumbag!"

Ah Xiang frowned and complained in a low voice.

"What did you say!"

Unexpectedly, this sentence directly made Li Xiaoxiao unhappy, and her voice raised a bit: "What does the baby do has anything to do with you? What qualifications do you have to comment here."

Ah Xiang was not happy anymore, and replied: "I'm not right?"

"It's just wrong, maybe he just drank too much and then did something wrong for a while, I can understand that." Li Xiaoxiao was very firm when he said this.

"Okay, very good reason and explanation, I totally believe it."

Zhong Tianzheng interrupted the conversation of the two of them simply and rudely.

Li Xiaoxiao has already given a perfect explanation, and there is no point in continuing to entangle Ah Xiang with her. Since she can accept it, everyone has nothing to say.

Just like Li Xiaoxiao himself said.

Their purpose is to solve cases, not emotional experts.

Some people are willing to be fools and post on it, then they really have nothing to do.

It's just that Zhong Tianzheng can't figure out how much Li Tianbao's personal charm is, so that he can control Li Xiaoxiao so tightly, so that after he died, all the stories behind him surfaced, how could Li Xiaoxiao be like this? Defend him.

Li Xiaoxiao is like this.

Then Li Tianbao's other two WeChat contacts should be the same, they were manipulated to death, right?
Even if not.

That's not too bad.

This concludes the on-site investigation.

Team leader Li made a simple work arrangement.

They were in charge of the rear, to see if they could contact Li Tianbao's other two friends of the opposite sex.

Zhong Tianzheng and Ah Xiang are in charge of visiting and investigating a track of Li Tianbao's activities before his death.

According to what they have just learned and the photos and videos found in Li Tianbao's mobile phone, the three opposite sexes who are closely related to Li Tianbao may commit the crime.

Li Tianbao had different feelings, and after being discovered, the other party made a retaliatory murder to vent his anger. This kind of script is very common.

of course.

These are only preliminary inferences.

After the footprint identification results come out, many things can be roughly finalized.


"Oh, I'm really going to be so pissed off by this Li Xiaoxiao! How can there be such a retarded and brainless woman!"

When I went to the white-collar apartment not far away, Ah Xiang was still angry, and couldn't help complaining: "Do you think it is possible, the murderer may be Li Xiaoxiao, everything she showed just now is just her pretending Fooling us? To cover up one of his suspicions."

"Not quite like it."

Zhong Tianzheng hesitated for a moment, then shook his head in denial: "I think Li Xiaoxiao's performance just now was all from the heart. I saw her surrender and obsession with Li Tianbao in her eyes. .”

PS: Thank you brother for reviewing the content of the website, I will pay attention to circumvention, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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