I want to be a super cop

Chapter 421 The clue is broken (add more recommendation tickets and subscribe)

Chapter 421 The clue is broken (add more recommendation tickets and subscribe)

"Let you go?"

Zhong Tianzheng nodded: "Sure, just wait a little longer."


Wu Yi made a high-profile again: "I have explained everything about me, why don't you let me go! Is it illegal for me to spend the night with so-and-so?! Let me tell you, if you do this, I can sue you!"

"Of course we don't care who you spend the night with. You said it yourself. It's not illegal to spend the night with anyone. But why did your first thought run when you saw us?"

Zhong Tianzheng didn't want to entangle him too much on this issue: "When we find out your personal information, if there is no problem, we will naturally let you go!"

The two didn't bring the police with them when they came out today, so they still have to wait for news from Xiao Wang.

They immediately arranged for someone to investigate the situation Wu Yi mentioned.

The result of the investigation was the same as what Wu Yi said. That night, the two of them did register with their ID cards and checked into the hotel. They stayed for three consecutive days without leaving the hotel.

Investigate here.

The suspicion of Zhang Xiaoli and her ex-husband was naturally broken.


Where does the case point to?

Was Fan Rencai's death really just an accident?

the next two days.

Zhong Tianzheng arranged for Xiao Wang and Shi Xinyu to conduct a detailed investigation of the surveillance in the UW store where the incident occurred and the surveillance on the first floor of the entire shopping mall.

Because he thinks.

Fan Rencai would never go into the elevator control room after closing the store for no reason.

at last.

at this time.

The autopsy report came out.

Shen Mengxi handed over the report to Zhong Tianzheng, and said lightly: "The cause of his death should not be artificially caused. The cause of death is a series of reactions caused by a broken neck. The skin and epidermis of the neck are intact, and there are no obvious strangle marks."

"The reason for the fracture of the neck bone is likely to be the steel wire ropes in the control room. We have not extracted any other scars on his body, nor have we extracted any useful clues."

"According to what you said, I don't even need to read this report."

After hearing Shen Mengxi's words, Zhong Tianzheng's heart sank again.

From the autopsy report.

Fan Rencai died by accident, because in this small space, it is not that simple to kill a living person without leaving scars.

"According to our inference, the time of death basically coincides with February [-]th. You can refer to it yourself, our team leader Zhong."

When Shen Mengxi speaks, he always brings his own cold BUFF: "How to decide the case, you still need to think about it yourself, old man, come on!"

"Thank you!"

Zhong Tianzheng opened the autopsy report with a headache.

As Shen Mengxi described, this autopsy report was nothing to look at, and all signs indicated that his death was indeed an accident.

Zhong Tianzheng tried to ask: "Have you seen his stomach?"

"Don't worry, in order to show your support, my master specially did it himself. We have checked everything that needs to be checked, and there is nothing wrong with it." Shen Mengxi pointed to the column of blood analysis, indicating that there is no problem, and then spread out another one. A report: "The family planning product that Ah Xiang picked up at the scene contained male penis. We also compared it and can confirm that this product was used by Fan Rencai."

"Did you find anything else?"

Zhong Tian was about to ask, since this thing has been used, is there any remnants of the other person.


Shen Mengxi's answer disappointed him again: "It should have been a while, and nothing can be extracted from outside."

"Thank you old man."

Zhong Tianzheng nodded to show that he understood, took the report on the table, went outside, lit a cigarette, and fell into deep thought while reading the report, frowning slightly.

He simply sorted out all the clues now.

in mind.

The master-level space conception ability diverges.

Zhong Tian was standing at the top of the space and looking down.

Fan Rencai appeared in the picture, he opened the locked door, walked around the store with ease, then entered the men's clothing warehouse, came to the secret door, pressed the side seam skillfully, pushed the door open and entered it.

The whole process is very skillful, just like going back to your own home.

The digitized Zhong Tian was standing at the top of the space, stepping on the boundary of the top, frowning and thinking about the scene below.

Now there is a tangled point.

Who would this person go in with him?

The family planning supplies left by Fan Rencai found at the scene undoubtedly explained everything. He had been here a long time ago and regarded this place as some kind of place. He certainly couldn't come here with a man.

Zhang Xiaoli, who was originally suspected, had investigated the hotel that Wu Yi mentioned, and they were indeed registered. They did not lie, and the two of them went in and out of the hotel together.

Zhang Xiaoli's suspicion is ruled out, so who is this woman?
He never thought of this.

In order to find this.

Zhong Tianzheng mobilized a large number of people to screen and investigate the relationship between the employees of the UW store, because they couldn't unlock Fan Rencai's mobile phone, and there was no solution for this face recognition.

If you can't unlock the phone, you can't know what's inside him.

All the clues seem to have been broken here.

The autopsy report also pointed to the possibility that Fan Rencai was accidentally injured.

But the case cannot end like this.

Because Fan Rencai's death was a little strange.

The Xicom prevention and control system also said that it was fortified that night. If Fan Rencai went in without disarming, the system would definitely call the police.

of course.

If he had an accident directly in the elevator control room, then there must be no such thing as fortification.

The case involved a human life.

If any point does not make sense, the case cannot be easily closed.

"Did they find anything over there in the shop?"

Zhong Tianzheng glanced at Ah Xiang, who was in charge of the investigation of the store's employee relations, and instructed: "Be more detailed, and let all the employees report their itinerary that night and whether they have any witnesses."

"It's already being investigated."

Ah Xiang nodded: "I will now implement the method you said, and list those who are not sure, and conduct a re-examination."

"it is good."

Zhong Tianzheng responded, and turned to Shi Xinyu and Xiao Wang's group.

this will.

Xiao Wang was staring blankly, watching the mall's surveillance video playback at multiple times. His expression was quite ferocious.


Zhong Tianzheng patted him on the shoulder, and put a can of Red Bull functional drink beside him: "Did the surveillance in the mall find anything?"

"not yet."

Xiao Wang was not too polite, he sipped his lips and said, "The last closed door of the UW store happens to be a small blind spot of monitoring, so you can't see anything."

"it is good!"

Zhong Tianzheng frowned and said nothing.

(End of this chapter)

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