Chapter 258
"I swear: I volunteer to become a people's policeman and devote myself to the noble cause of people's public security."

The Municipal Public Security Bureau held the 2109 New Police Oath Ceremony for the Recruitment of Civil Police Officers after the Probationary Period, and Zhong Tianzheng became a formal People's Policeman.

eight pm.

Zhong Tianzheng specially called Ah Xiangyan Zhaoxing Yucheng and other people, and everyone had a lively dinner together.

This time, Team Leader Li, who had no time, finally appeared on their table for the first time.

"Let's talk about Hao Ang first. I can't drink alcohol when I'm too old. You can just drink."

Team leader Li touched the top of his head with thinning hair: "Come on, I'll replace wine with tea, congratulations Ah Zheng."

"Come here."

Everyone raised their wine glasses lively.


Xibo Road.

The person in charge of the external department of Dongman Company came out of a Japanese restaurant smelling of alcohol. He said hello and farewell to his colleagues. After the people left, he reached out and lit his Zhonghua cigarette, and then wandered towards the restaurant 300 meters away. Walk into the parking lot.

"Damn, what kind of shabby shop did you find, there wasn't even a parking lot."

The middle-aged man loosened the slightly tight waistband, unbuttoned a button of his shirt, and walked talking to himself.

behind him.

A man wearing a peaked cap and a loose black sun protection suit, covering himself so tightly that he could not see his body clearly, also had a cigarette in his mouth, with his hands in his pockets, followed behind the middle-aged man not too far away.


is a good thing.

It can mediate the atmosphere between people at the wine table.

After drinking a glass of wine, the relationship can be brought closer, and the mouth can be smoothed a lot when blowing the cowhide.

But it has a big side effect, that is, it will reduce people's reaction and perception.

The middle-aged man didn't notice at all that someone was following behind him.


The middle-aged man walked to the parking lot.

It is not so much a parking lot as it is an open space on the side of the road.

If it was daytime, you might be given a ticket by the traffic police in no time.

The middle-aged man found his car, dropped his cigarette butt, and fumbled for the car keys from his trouser pocket.

The peaked cap who had been following behind quickened his pace, and simultaneously snuffed out the cigarette butt in his hand with his fingers and put it into his pocket, lowering his head and running towards the middle-aged man.


The headlights flashed twice.

The middle-aged man unlocked the car and reached out to pull the door.


A thick and broad palm was slapped on the back of the middle-aged man.


The middle-aged man shook his head on the alcohol, hesitated for two seconds, and then realized, glanced at the arm on his palm, then turned his head.

"Friend, are you going to drink and drive?"

The voice of the peaked cap was very deep, it was a man, he lowered his head slightly, he was middle-aged and couldn't see his face clearly.

"No, no."

The middle-aged man thought about it for a while, and was somewhat unhappy, but he still explained: "I just went to the car to get something, and the car will not drive here."

I saw similar news in my middle age.

There is this kind of gang that stalks people at the entrances of some restaurants and late-night snack stalls, specifically looking for people who drive back after drinking, and then looks for opportunities to engage in pranks and extort money.

Drunk driving is very strict now.

This kind of routine, one false one accurate, most people will choose private.


The middle-aged man thought for a few more seconds before realizing something was wrong.

its not right.

If the other party touches porcelain, shouldn't he come to touch porcelain after he opens the door and starts the car?

He hasn't opened the car door yet, how can he touch it?
"Oh? That means not drinking and driving."

The man in the peaked cap nodded, but did not raise his head: "Your name is Wang Yiwei, right?"


Wang Yiwei froze for a moment, not sure about his tricks.

The man in the peaked cap said to himself: "You work for a Dongman company, right? You are mainly responsible for the external connection, right?"

The appearance of the peaked cap made Wang Yiwei vigilant a lot.

Speaking of this, no matter how stupid Wang Yiwei is, he guessed that the purpose of the visitor was impure: "No, brother, what are you talking about? Have you drunk too much wine?"

While speaking, the middle-aged man took the opportunity to look around and tried to use his palms, but he was caught tightly by the peaked cap and couldn't move.

"Then you are right!"

The peaked cap said affirmatively, and the palm of his hand suddenly pinched the back of Wang Yiwei's hand, like iron tongs. The huge squeezing force came, and he couldn't resist at all.

"Go in!"

The peaked cap let out a low cry, opened the car door with his right hand, restrained Wang Yiwei with his left hand, and pushed him down on the driver's seat, who weighed more than 150 kilograms. Take people to death.

The dashboard of a car with keyless start lights up automatically.


Wang Yiwei struggled violently a few times, but it didn't help at all. Instead, there was a sharp pain in the spine that was pressed against his lower back.


A switchblade sticks out from the hand of the man in the peaked cap and rests on his neck.

"Brother, don't be impulsive, talk about something."

Cold sweat broke out on Wang Yiwei's forehead. Years of experience in the rivers and lakes told him how to deal with it. He said quickly: "There is money in the clasp. I just proposed it today. It is 3 yuan, all in small change. , you can use it as soon as you get it, and there is no monitoring here, so you are safe."

The man in the peaked cap didn't speak, but just looked at him silently.

"Fuck, brother, you should just say something, give me a letter of approval for what you want, and I will definitely cooperate with you."

Seeing that the man in the cap was unmoved, the middle-aged Wang Yiwei was so anxious that he was about to cry. Feeling the coldness of the blade on his neck, he repeatedly told him: "Don't be impulsive, don't be impulsive, everything can be discussed."

"is it?"

The man in the peaked cap looked out of the car and lowered his cap a little: "I want your life."

"Hey, brother, please forgive me!"

Wang Yiwei almost cried, the muscles on his face squeezed together and twisted: "We have no grievances or enmity, you take the money, I will not call the police, really, I swear, I promise!"

"Oh? You're rich, that's right. I almost forgot. You earn children's money, and you specialize in distributing restricted-rated comics."

The man in the peaked cap nodded while talking to himself: "Do you think I'm here to steal money?"

"not me."

Wang Yiwei really cried now, his eyes rolled around a few times and he thought quickly, since the other party has investigated his details clearly, it must be difficult to get rid of the disaster today: "Let's do this, you want You have to give me a reason to kill me?"

"You must know Xue Xiaodong, right? I killed him!"

When Wang Yiwei heard this, his heart suddenly "thumped".

"You provide a platform for those comics that are full of blood-inducing and criminal pornography, and you have poisoned countless young people. This reason is enough for you to die!"

The man in the peaked cap said in a low voice, and the right hand holding the knife pierced it without any hesitation.

(End of this chapter)

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