police world

Chapter 80 The Chest Muscles Are Well Trained

Chapter 80 The Chest Muscles Are Well Trained
What Zhou Xingxing said is correct, you can't just touch your upper and lower lips and say that you are an undercover agent, you are an undercover agent, this needs to be proved.

Just like when you go to work, you say she is your mother, is she your mother?Even if there is no proof, it can't be counted?

All in all, in a word, how do you prove it?

But Wei Jingda couldn't prove it at all. If he had carried this kind of proof on his body, he might have lost all his dead bones.

But Wei Jingda also knew that this was the rule, so he didn't blame Zhou Xingxing, so he raised his hand and continued to explain: "Superintendent Luo Peiquan Luo of the Operations Department knows me, and Superintendent Mo Shimo is my direct supervisor. You can call Prove!"

Zhou Xingxing saw that Wei Jingda said that there are noses and eyes, and the muzzle of the gun tilted down a little bit, but he still said apologetically: "Dude, these are big people you are talking about. I have only heard the names, so I can't verify it, so I can only feel wronged." is you."

Zhou Xingxing threw a pair of handcuffs on the ground, motioning for him to handcuff himself, Wei Jingda nodded in understanding, if he stood in Zhou Xingxing's position, he would do the same!

At this time, Tian Yangsheng was already trapped, because all his brothers were dead, and he was the only one left among the seven brothers and sisters who depended on each other for life and death together!

Normal emotions such as crying and tears are no longer enough to express the resentment and anger in his heart!
"Da da da····"

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

Tianyangsheng seems to be a moving bunker, bullets are fired non-stop, and grenades and explosives are thrown out desperately.

Within a [-]-meter radius of Tianyang Health became a restricted area, gunshots and explosions sounded one after another, Zheng Qiang desperately laid his body on the ground to prevent Tian Yangsheng from jumping over the wall in a hurry.

For 10 minutes, the bombs continued to explode, and there were bottomless pits everywhere, as if it had never stopped!
Zheng Qiang felt something was wrong, he and Zhu Huabiao who was next to him looked at each other, and they could see the worry in the other person's eyes. In such an abnormal situation, Tian Yangsheng must have run away!

Sure enough, after the explosion subsided, there was nothing in the area except the deep pit, bullet casings and Tian Yangyi's body!
At this time, Zhou Xingxing ran over with an AK in his arms, "Bosses, where are the gangsters? Let me come!"

"What are you doing here! Looting corpses!" Zhu Huabiao scolded him indifferently, and Zhou Xingxing smiled a few times, he didn't dare to offend big dicks.

Zheng Qiang patted Zhou Xingxing on the shoulder, and then said with a smile: "Young man is very promising, are you interested in doing it with me?"

Zhou Xingxing said very cleverly: "Inspector Zheng, I'm at the Wanchai Police Station."

Zheng Qiang saw through Zhou Xingxing's thoughts at a glance, and said directly: "As long as you are willing, everything is not a problem, and it is up to me."

"Thank you, sir!" Zhou Xingxing also raised his legs, stomped his feet, and raised his hands in salute just like Zheng Qiang did when he met Fang Jiexia. His movements were in a mess!
"Work hard, I like you!" After Zheng Qiang finished speaking, he patted Zhou Xingxing's chest again. Just when Zhou Xingxing and Zhu Huabiao felt that he was going to make a long speech, Zheng Qiang suddenly said: "The chest muscles are well trained. .”

Zhou Xingxing: "..."

Zhu Huabiao: "..."

Zhou Xingxing regretted a little. He wondered if he would get into trouble in the future if he followed such an awkward and funny boss. However, it was too late to regret it. He had already agreed, not to mention that Zhou Xingxing was not willing to work as a traffic policeman anymore. , although the female traffic policeman was quite beautiful this morning, this shouldn't be Zhou Xingxing's life.

Zheng Qiang looked at the scene once, and it was a bit similar to the fierce battle in the Central District.

Although fewer people died, the gangsters had enough firepower. Zheng Qiang was a little bit emotional. If he was not a sharpshooter, how many policemen would need to die to wipe out the gangsters with the pistol in his hand that can hit less than 30 meters.

As an international metropolis, Hong Kong's stability maintenance environment is not optimistic!

But this is not something that he, a little inspector, needs to consider. What he has to consider now is how to report!

You have solved a major case and are very capable, but this does not mean that the boss will reuse you, such as Chen Jiaju, and this Zhu Huabiao in front of you, which one is not a powerful person?

But what about the results?

Because Zhu Huabiao beat his boss, he was transferred from the Serious Crime Squad to the Stormtroopers. If Chen Jiaju hadn't had this opportunity, he would have to waste a few more years in order to pass the hurdle of being a trainee inspector!

Moreover, from what Chen Jun said, because of the robbery of [-] million US dollars, two senior officials at the level of police superintendent have been quarantined for review.

The Operations Department is the department under the supervision of Deputy Director Fang Xingfang, and he and Chen Jiaju were able to be promoted so quickly this time. Although the Director spoke, but according to Chen Jun, Deputy Director Fang did his best. It is to resist all opinions, directly set the tone, and go up three levels in a row!
Therefore, the favor needs to be repaid, and Zheng Qiang is not an ignorant person, he is very familiar with dealing with this kind of thing!

Zheng Qiang took out the pager, it felt a little too slow, picked up the walkie-talkie, it didn't feel right, if you heard all the channels, it would be inconvenient to operate, it's better to communicate with the director first, Zheng Qiang expressed his great credit to him I can't eat it!Even if you can eat it, you will have to choke to death!
Dozens of heavily armed and heavily guarded policemen in the Operation Department are not as good as a traffic policeman and an assault vehicle led by an inspector like you. Slap in the face!Press the ground and rub hard!
So Zheng Qiang thought for a long time and said to Zhu Huabiao: "Brother, if you believe me, let me handle this matter, and your brother's contribution will never be lost!"

Zhu Huabiao looked at Zheng Qiang for a long time, and felt that this guy should be under 25 years old. He should have a background to become an inspector at such a young age, and judging from the battle just now, his marksmanship can be said to be perfect, ruthless and cruel. , is a person, Zhu Huabiao smiled lightly: "You are the highest officer, of course I listen to you."

Since Zhu Huabiao had been patrolling outside all day, and there was a stubborn Fan Jiao in the car who regarded discipline as his life, so he didn't see Zheng Qiang's heroic figure, otherwise he would sigh more!
"Okay." Zheng Qiang turned to face Zhou Xingxing again. Zhou Xingxing straightened his waist immediately. You must know that he was very brilliant in the action just now. The punch smashed the windshield of the SUV, and later rescued an undercover agent, oh yes, the undercover agent is still there in handcuffs!
Wait, there are a lot of things that stand out anyway, so I have to raise it to a level or two no matter what!
As a result, Zheng Qiang said to Zhou Xingxing, "Are there any coins?"

Zhou Xingxing: "..."

 The first update, there are two more updates, continue to ask for favorites, please recommend!The collection is growing so slowly!


(End of this chapter)

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