police world

Chapter 77

Chapter 77


The driver, Da Dan, saw that Zhu Huabiao and the others were in danger, so he drove over directly.

Although the specially-made SUV is bullet-proof, it can't resist the violent impact of a police assault vehicle with more than 90 pulses. The rear of the car is completely sunken, almost deformed, and it can't be seen at all!

The SUV smashed the garbage can in front of it into pieces in an instant, and the garbage was flying all over the sky. Tian Yangen stepped on the brake desperately to avoid hitting the wall.

The same goes for the assault car, all the headlights fell off, the fender was directly broken, and the engine inside was directly exposed, and the windshield was also completely cracked by the violent impact.

When charging, Da Dan, Fan Jiao and the others all fastened their seat belts, otherwise they would all be reimbursed in one fell swoop.

But this also knocked Wei Jingda unconscious who was about to snatch the gun and run away. He happened to be sitting at the back of the car.

Tianyangsi was also uncomfortable, her body was guided by inertia, she was knocked out, and the gun in her hand was thrown under the car seat. She clutched her forehead and was shocked because there was a policeman behind the car - Wei Jingda!
When Yangsi looked back nervously that day, Wei Jingda had already slipped under the seat, and she breathed a sigh of relief.

After Tian Yangsheng stabilized his body, a black grenade flew out along the windshield that was smashed by Zhou Xingxing.

Zhou Xingxing, who was lying on the front hood of the car, was taken aback, this damn is desperate!Using a grenade at such a close distance?

He kicked his feet hastily, using both hands and feet, and climbed onto the roof of the car in two or three strokes.


The wall in front was blown down, bricks and mud were flying all over the sky, and the scene was comparable to a sandstorm.

Seeing this, Tian Yangyi raised the rifle in his hand and aimed it at the roof of the car, "Da da da...", a burst of bullets went out, completely ignoring the bullet casings and hit his face, and the roof of the car was instantly smashed into pieces. Hornet's nest.

Of course, a lot of bullet casings splashed onto Wei Jingda's face, the scorching bullet casings directly woke Wei Jingda up, then he took a look at the situation, and closed his eyes decisively.

Zhou Xingxing rolled over non-stop. Although he was not injured, the distance of even the extended version of the SUV roof is limited. In the process of avoiding shooting, there was a "bang" sound of a heavy object falling on the ground. The intimate joint of the car!

"Reverse, crush him to death!" Tian Yangyi roared angrily.

"Received!" Tian Yangen said loudly, but just as he said "arrive", a sharp bullet pierced his neck directly, and the seat was soaked in blood...

When he was dying, Tian Yang'en still had a look of disbelief in his eyes, as if he shouldn't die here.

"The third child!" Tian Yangyi cried out in grief: "Brother, the third child is dead!"

"Fifth and sixth, you deal with the assault car behind, second, you and I go down and kill those two scouts to avenge the seventh and third!" Although Tian Yangsheng was heartbroken, he knew that this was a critical moment , so endured the grief and said: "A Si, you stay in the car."

"Brother!" the only female Tian Yangsi cried out in tears, she understood why Tian Yangsheng arranged it, so she cried bitterly.

Tian Yangsheng gently wiped away her tears, and said: "Now is not the time to cry, you remember, if we are all dead, you should leave quickly and never come back! Don't take revenge!"


The four Tianyangsheng brothers opened the car door, rushed down with the AK in their arms.

Tian Yangzhong and Tian Yangming swept the assault vehicle behind them, directly smashing the assault vehicle into a sieve.

Seeing this situation, Zhou Xingxing, Dadan, Fanjiao and others immediately left.

Tian Yangsheng and Tian Yangyi were walking slowly in front. They were looking for Zheng Qiang and Zhu Huabiao. There were many grenades and plastic bombs hanging on their bodies, and they threw them into every building they saw.

Wherever they passed, explosions sounded continuously, like a battlefield filled with gunpowder.

The place where the battle was fought was in the suburbs, where there were relatively few people. Otherwise, the number of casualties would not be known, and the governor of Hong Kong would not be able to hold it!

"Come out, get out!" Tian Yangyi shouted angrily while throwing a grenade.

And Zheng Qiang and Zhu Huabiao hid in the grass next to them. The grass was as high as an adult's knee, which could just cover them.
"The opponent's firepower is too fierce, what should I do?" Zhu Huabiao asked, chewing a piece of dogtail grass.

Zheng Qiang took a look at the situation. Four people, Da Dan, McDull, Fan Jiao, and Apple, were pressed and beaten by the opponent. Not only were the bullets flying, but they also had to avoid grenades from time to time.

Although Zhou Xingxing is known as the number one killer of the Flying Tigers, he is like a toothless tiger without a gun, so he can only hide on the other side of the car with his head in his arms.

If this continues, they will be killed by Tian Yangzhong and Tian Yangming sooner or later.

And it's not that Zheng Qiang doesn't want to go out, he can dodge bullets, but there are conditions, and the two brothers Tian Yangsheng throw grenades and bombs desperately, how dare Zheng Qiang not dodge in such a situation?Once you hide, you will become a living target for the opponent!

So Zheng Qiang was also very melancholy. After thinking for a while, he found that there was no way out, so he could only say, "Rush out and face them hard!"

"Okay, I agree!" Zhu Huabiao thought for a while and nodded in agreement, obviously he had no choice.

Then Zheng Qiang and Zhu Huabiao started to look at each other, as if to say "You charge first, I will cover!"

Grass!When I met a fellow of the same kind, I didn't expect that Zhu Huabiao is quite simple and honest, and he can play tricks!Zheng Qiang cursed secretly in his heart, at this time Zheng Qiang missed Chen Jiaju's stupidity and boldness, if it was Chen Jiaju, he would rush out without even thinking about it.

In Chen Jiaju's words, "He likes the feeling of charging very much, especially charging against bullets", otherwise this guy would not be driving a motorcycle and rushing directly into the gangsters.

Zhu Huabiao was also very depressed. It was really unreasonable for this guy to think the same way as him. Shouldn't young people be very energetic, strive to be the first, and behave well?

At this moment in the SUV, Tian Yangsi watched her brothers charge outside, she couldn't help but feel alive, Tian Yangsheng and others didn't find their opponent at all, so it was hard to help.

So she picked up the gun and smashed the rear window of the SUV and the windshield of the assault vehicle, then picked up a C4 time bomb, and threw it into the assault vehicle with incomparable precision along the smashed window .

Seeing this scene, Tian Yangzhong pulled up Tian Yangming, who was still playing hide-and-seek with Zhou Xingxing and others beside the assault vehicle, turned around and ran away.

With sharp eyes, Fan Jiao yelled, "Run, there's a bomb!"

However, there was no time at all, and the four of them could only lie down and roll out on the spot.

"Boom!" "Boom!"

With two loud bangs, the assault vehicle was blown up, a mushroom-like flame rose, thick smoke billowed, the door of the car was blown away, and the contents inside were blown to pieces!

A loud "boom" hit Zhou Xingxing who was holding the manhole cover, startling him.

 There is only one update today, and the people from the head office will leave tomorrow, and then the third update every day until the weekend, don't slack off!Thank you for reading some funny articles and angshanximi for your life is so annoying, thank you! !Ask for collection, please recommend! !

(End of this chapter)

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