police world

Chapter 677 Zheng sir, so you know everything!

Chapter 677 Zheng sir, so you know everything!
The legendary Hong Kong policeman, the leader and superintendent of the high-level crime team of the police force, Zheng Qiang, the former head of the serious crimes and anti-triad team of the Central General Administration, arrived. Although it is not possible to make the Central Central Administration go crazy, there are always some newcomers , or grew up listening to Zheng Qiang's story... Uh, hearing Zheng Qiang's story, people applying for the police academy crowded in front of Zhu Huabiao's office, wanting to meet Zheng Qiang!
This star chasing power is no less than that of some of the current Uranus superstars, even worse.

However, in the office, after hearing what Zheng Qiang said, Zhu Huabiao's expression was very strange and astonished. He pondered for a while, and then said in a gentle tone: "Sir Zheng, you said that if a man already has a fiancée, he still thinks about other things. woman, is this man a scumbag?"

Zheng Qiang glanced at Zhu Huabiao when he heard the words. Although he didn't understand why Lao Zhu asked, he still said: "Not only is he a scumbag? He is simply the scumbag of scumbags. What I despise the most is the kind of guy who eats the pot." The scumbag in the bowl, if I see this kind of person, I must beat him severely, no discussion."

Seeing that Zheng Qiang's views on marriage and love are still very upright, Zhu Huabiao breathed a sigh of relief, and then he continued: "Sir Zheng, since this is the case, as your old friend, I won't hide it anymore."

"Speaking of which, you and Fang Madam have reached the point where they are talking about getting married, so don't worry about Apple anymore, after all Apple..."

Hearing this, Zheng Qiang couldn't sit still. Although Zheng Qiang was a little confused, Zhu Huabiao couldn't let Zhu Huabiao care about such a matter that was related to his life and death, so he hurriedly cursed: "Lao Zhu, what the hell are you talking about?" Why the hell did I care about Apple? It's okay for you to be blind, but if these words reach Xiaojie's ears, will I still be alive?"

"This is your second time arranging me and Apple. What do you mean?"

Zhu Huabiao was stunned. Seeing Zheng Qiang's furious look, as if his tail had been stepped on, he didn't seem to be fake, so he asked tentatively: "Then we are obviously investigating the case, why did you come to the General Administration and no one was seen? Dao wants to see Apple?"

"Then it's because of Apple...fuck, am I talking to you, a person full of unhealthy thoughts?" Zheng Qiang said depressedly.

This incident really cannot be explained. After all, Apple’s father is the Deputy Chief Secretary Han, and Deputy Secretary Han recognized a distant relative in the mainland who is now Consul Han in Hong Kong!
Lai Youwei's case involves Chief Secretary Thomas. He has been reselling cultural relics for so many years, so he must have a lot of money in his hands.

The reason why Zheng Qiang was able to persuade that greedy British guy Lawrence to help him was because he took a fancy to the wealth and cultural relics accumulated by Thomas.

But to deal with Thomas, Zheng Qiang, a small police superintendent, is not high enough at all. At least he needs to report to the ICAC, but if the ICAC finds out, how can it be possible for Thomas' money to fall into the pockets of Lawrence and Blaber? ?
So this case can only be handled by Zheng Qiang. Of course, it is absolutely impossible for Zheng Qiang to let the country’s cultural relics flow overseas. As for the money in the pockets of Hong Kong Governor Blaber and Colonel Lawrence, hehe, Zheng Qiang Qiang is also thinking about it.


Originally, if dealing with Thomas, it would be the easiest thing for Blaber to do it directly, but in this case, Zheng Qiang would have no benefit.

Zheng Qiang just remembered that Uncle Biao once told him that Apple was the daughter of Deputy Director Han. At the critical moment when 97 was approaching, Deputy Director Han recognized Consul Han in the Mainland as a relative. Needless to say, his heart must be for the Mainland.

If this fire starts from Deputy Director Han, even though Blaber is "furious" and dismisses Deputy Director Han, after the return in the future, according to Deputy Director Han's prestige and his contribution to recovering cultural relics for the country, Definitely be able to make a comeback and make further progress!
In this way, Zheng Qiang's layout in Hong Kong will be even more perfect!
It is precisely because Zheng Qiang has this kind of mentality that there are some things he cannot tell even Zhu Huabiao.

Fortunately, Zhu Huabiao is a sensible person. Seeing Zheng Qiang's appearance, he immediately understood that he would be wrong, so he smiled.

Under Zheng Qiang's strange gaze, Zhu Huabiao was very embarrassed, so after Apple came, Zhu Huabiao immediately left with an excuse.

After Apple entered the room, she noticed that the atmosphere in the room was strange, so she tilted her head and asked, "Sir Zheng, what's going on between you and Sir Zhu?"

I wipe!You two are really good enough, this one suspects that I have a problem with that, that one suspects that I have a problem with this...

Zheng Qiang was speechless and helpless, so he ignored Apple's words and asked, "Apple, I'm here this time to ask you to do me a favor!"

Apple said happily after hearing the words: "Sir Zheng, what are you doing? It is my honor to help you."

These are Apple's sincere words, because she feels that she has come to this day with her own ability and hard work, and did not rely on her father's influence.

Among them, Zheng Qiang, who has knowledge of people, played a big role.

Unexpectedly, what Zheng Qiang said next made Apple feel underestimated, because what Zheng Qiang said was, "Apple, I want to see your father, Deputy Director Han."

"Zheng sir, so you know everything!"

Zheng Qiang's image instantly collapsed in Apple's heart. She wondered why even if she was doing the internal work, she had credit for it. No wonder she was recommended by Zheng Qiang to be Fang Yihua's secretary without doing anything. It turned out that it was all because of her. Father, it's not because of her own ability that Apple is very frustrated!

She felt like a smug fool.

Zheng Qiang saw the expression on Apple's face, and immediately understood that this girl was starting to get into trouble. He was about to speak when Apple asked softly: "Sir Zheng, do many people in the General Administration know about this matter?" ?”

Zheng Qiang smiled when he heard this, and then said: "Apple, to be honest, you were born in a prominent family, but you can abandon everything and come to the General Administration to start from the lowest level without using even a little bit of family strength. This is what makes me Very impressed."

"You have been with me, you should know that my future father-in-law's help is inseparable from the fact that I can get to where I am today. Compared with you, I am still far behind."

"And one more thing, before I recommended you to be Director Fang's secretary, I didn't know your identity, and only Director Lin, Uncle Biao and I knew your identity in the entire General Administration, even if it was Director Fang I don't know how long."

"The reason why I know is because Uncle Biao told me."

Zheng Qiang's tone is very sincere, coupled with his praise for Apple, it makes Apple feel happy.

(End of this chapter)

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