police world

Chapter 67 Chen sir, do you think these are coincidences?

Chapter 67 Chen sir, do you think these are coincidences?

Proper Fang Xing's version of Qiong Yao's drama!
Fang Xing slammed the phone down on the table, "Boom!" The phone finally completed its mission, and the uncle Biao next to him saw his eyelids twitch. Deputy Director Fang is destroying the public property of the Central Police Station. !
Seeing Fang Xing sitting on a chair and rubbing his forehead, Lei Meng couldn't help asking in combination with the sporadic words just now: "Director, is that [-] million dollars?"

Fang Xing smiled wryly, and said wearily, "You're right, [-] million US dollars was robbed!"

Although everyone was mentally prepared, they were shocked when they heard this. Lei Meng felt his heart beating. This is a big case of pulling out teeth!

And the police force has gone through all kinds of troubles for this [-] million US dollars!

On the basis of the Plan A provided by Zheng Qiang, the people in the Operation Department made more than 30 copies of the backup plan, detailing each police officer, each vehicle, and each route, etc. It can be said that It is impeccable!

Among them, there are the most important links, namely, Li Daitao's rigidity in Project A, the true and false Flying Tigers in Project A, the deceitful crossing of the sky in Project A, waiting for a rabbit in a tree, and catching turtles in the urn of Project A...

The plan is thorough, the deployment is perfect, and the police force is huge. It can be said that the previous operation is the most rigorous and the most rigorous. The most difficult part is the urn of plan A, because it needs to wipe out all the gangsters. The director is going to sit in the Central Police Station in person, but the governor of Hong Kong will leave for Great Britain the day after tomorrow, so he is asked to report the whole story about the murder of Takumoto O, so he is appointed as the acting director of the police department and the director of the operation department Fang Xing came to deal with this most important link, which is both trust and responsibility.

As for transporting the [-] million US dollars to the ICAC, two superintendent-level senior officers from the Operations Department are in charge, namely, Superintendent Mostim (Baby Project) and Superintendent Luo Peiquan Luo (True Man).

Among them, Superintendent Mo is in charge of drafting the plan, while Superintendent Luo is in charge of specific actions. It can be said that the division of labor is clear and the responsibility is assigned to everyone!

Involving such a large amount of 55 million US dollars, with Chen Jun and others attracting hatred on the surface, and with [-] elite policemen guarding them with live ammunition, the task of their group should be said to be quite easy, and it can be called a top-secret escort , after all, no one will know!Except for those inside the police force!
But who would have expected that on the way to the ICAC, it would actually be robbed!
After all, although such a large amount of money has a license from the Governor of Hong Kong, the corresponding procedures still have to go through. It needs to be checked and inspected by the ICAC before it can be included in the police budget.

Especially compared to the successful cases of Chen Jun, Wang Dong and others, Luo Peiquan's group can be called a disgrace to the police force!It's a disgrace to the Operations Department!It is also Fang Xing's shame!

Although Fang Xing was angry just now, he has been thinking about countermeasures. He can say harsh words, but things still have to be done. Luo Peiquan and Mo Shidi are the people he single-handedly promoted. After so many years, how could he Might not catch them!

But this matter was difficult to deal with, more than 400 gangsters were attracted to Chen Jun's side, and now eight gangsters were able to accurately know Luo Peiquan's driving route, and even set up time bombs on the route in advance!What does this mean?This shows that there are ghosts in the police force!

This is Fang Xing's biggest headache!

There are more than 30 members of the ICAC who are waiting in full force. They are all elites of the ICAC. Today’s task is to review the police force’s [-] million US dollars. It stands to reason that the police escort vehicle should have arrived long ago, but it has already passed an hour. gone, still missing!
The heroic figures of Zheng Qiang and Chen Jiaju were constantly broadcasting on TV. Lu Zhilian watched intently. He had already seen that this Zheng Qiang was not simple. He never thought that this guy was so brave!It is simply a model of recklessness!
Suddenly Lu Zhilian's cell phone rang, and he picked it up, it was the Deputy Commissioner of Integrity Commissioner's call, "Xiao Lu, you don't have to wait, the police escort vehicle can't come!"

"Why?" The deputy commissioner was his old boss, and Lu Zhilian had nothing to do with it, so he directly asked the doubts in his heart.

"He was robbed!" The Deputy Commissioner's tone was indescribably weird, and then continued: "In short, the police force is now in chaos!"

"Understood!" Lu Zhilian always felt that the deputy commissioner's tone was a little gloating, isn't that a bit bad?He glanced at Zheng Qiang who was sweeping with a submachine gun on the TV again, thinking that maybe they should know about this too!

At this time, Zheng Qiang and Wang Dong and the others were inspecting the scene where Takumoto Yinger and the others shot.

A large truck was lying in front of the car, and anyone inside was headshot if they were dead. The blood was extremely bloody, red and white flowed all over the truck, especially Takumoto Eiji, who was dying with a grievance!

Just as Zheng Qiang and the others were about to analyze, suddenly there was a sound of footsteps beside him. Fang Jiexia came again. Under the astonished eyes of Wang Dong and the others, Zheng Qiang picked up the manuscript and began to read, "This The reason why this operation was able to achieve complete success is mainly due to the strong leadership of the senior police force and the tenacious struggle of the front-line police officers..."

I wipe!This shit changed too fast, Chen Jiaju was a little speechless, suddenly he remembered what Zheng Qiang said, what Zheng Qiang told Fang Jiexia was his name Chen Jiaju, although he was a brother, but he said he couldn't take the blame!

Just as Chen Jiaju was about to take action, he heard Zheng Qiang next to him say: "Sir Zheng, what are you going to do?"

Chen Jiaju was stunned for a moment, Zheng Qiang was a little dishonest, and he was going to be killed at this time!

Fang Jiexia had already walked over, looked at Zheng Qiang with a smile and said, "He is Zheng Qiang, Zheng sir, then you must be Chen Jiaju!"

When Chen Jiaju wanted to speak, Zheng Qiang grabbed him and said first: "I didn't expect Madam to have heard of our brother's reputation!"

"I didn't know it at first, but this time your Central Police Station has won such a big prize, and Zheng sir and Chen sir have each been promoted to three levels in a row. Zheng Si was promoted to inspector, and Chen sir was promoted to senior inspector. Special approval from the chief executive!" Fang Jiexia said with a smile, "Congratulations to both of you!"

Zheng Qiang felt that although Fang Jiexia was smiling, there was always something different in it.

"And the photos and information of the two of you have been published on the police intranet. These are all done by our publicity department. Chen sir, do you think this is a coincidence?" Fang Jiexia continued to ask with a smile.

 There is only one update today, I will go to dinner later, and I will make up for it tomorrow, please collect it, please recommend it!

(End of this chapter)

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