police world

Chapter 661 They Stationed a Division's Forces There!

Chapter 661 They Stationed a Division's Forces There!
Not only did Mike feel that he couldn't control the situation, even Zheng Qiang was a little dazed, and he didn't say that anyone would respond at the beginning!
Now who is this guy with sunglasses and tie?

Zheng Qiang knew him even when he was turned into ashes. It was Li Jie, the bomb disposal expert.

Li Jie glanced at Zheng Qiang expressionlessly, and then directly inserted six modified cars, causing Mike's team to be in chaos in an instant.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The gunshots kept ringing, there were people from the CIA, and there were people brought by Li Jie.

"Get in the car!" Li Jie said with a stern face.

Zheng Qiang didn't care to say anything else, and immediately waited for the car, followed by Chen Jiaju and Xu Jie, and the three sat in the car together.

Without Zheng Qiang's suppression, the CIA's counterattack became sharp in an instant, and Li Jie's subordinates just took the lead. After the CIA got serious, many of their people died.

Zheng Qiang felt a little distressed when he saw it. After all, he thought that the people Li Jie brought were his comrades, but when he saw that the dead were all old men, he immediately understood that it was not what he imagined.

If it was his own comrade, Li Jie would not even frown.

Seeing that even the driver who drove the car was an old man, Zheng Qiang felt relieved.

On the contrary, Chen Jiaju was hesitant to speak after seeing Li Jie, obviously he also recognized Li Jie.

On the contrary, Xu Jie looked at Li Jie with a rather ugly face, which made Zheng Qiang a little confused. Chen Jiaju knew Li Jie, so Zheng Qiang could understand, but Xu Jie also knew Li Jie, so Zheng Qiang couldn't understand.

So Zheng Qiang asked in a low voice: "Xu Jie, do you know him?"

Xu Jie's complexion changed, and then he lowered his voice and said: "Sir Zheng, of course I know him, the Russian Mafia leader Kad, the newly promoted capable general, he did almost all of Kad's affairs recently! "

As soon as Zheng Qiang heard this, he immediately understood that Li Jie should be on a mission, otherwise, how could he have run under Card's subordinates?
Of course, Zheng Qiang would not show this, and he continued to ask: "How can he gain Kade's trust with a Chinese face? Does it mean that Kade has no one under his command?"

Hearing this, Xu Jie took a deep breath, and then slowly said: "It's not that Kade has no subordinates, but that Kade's subordinates are not as cruel as him, he kills people, tsk tsk, Sir Zheng, you haven't seen it, after you see it, you Then you will understand why Card appreciates him."

Li Jie is cruel?Wow, I didn't look like this kind of person before!
However, when he came to Russia to perform an undercover mission, if Li Jie didn't change, he might be beaten to death, and all the people killed were gangsters.

Chen Jiaju was also listening attentively, obviously he also understood Li Jie's current identity, so he kept silent all the time.

Li Jie glanced back fiercely with his eyes wearing sunglasses, Xu Jie was so frightened that he didn't dare to speak anymore.

Zheng Qiang wanted to laugh at this scene, but he didn't expect Li Jie to act like a killer, very murderous.


Although five of the six cars were left behind, the most critical car ran away, which was the car that Zheng Qiang and others took. It's a bunch of trash!"

After Mike finished cursing these words, his anger subsided a lot. After all, the corpses all over the floor were enough to show that it wasn't that the CIA was too incompetent, but that Zheng Qiang was too powerful and cunning.

At this moment, a group of convoys came from a distance, and all they could see were military vehicles, including armored vehicles, personnel carriers, and so on.

Ukrainian military reinforcements are finally here!

However, the battle was over at this time, and it was useless for them to come again.

No, it still works!
Just listen to Mike say in a cold voice: "Follow me, we must catch up with them and get the nuclear weapon back!"

The reason why Mike is so keen to catch up is because he has already made a promise to his superiors.

The rest of the CIA looked at each other in dismay, but they still showed good style and discipline, packed their things without saying a word, and prepared to catch up by car.

In this way, members of the CIA and the Ukrainian military, the two units joined forces, and chased after Zheng Qiang and others along the way they escaped, in an attempt to avenge their shame.


After leaving the dangerous area, Zheng Qiang, who was sitting in the car, yawned. He was very sleepy and wanted to sleep, but the road in Ukraine was too slippery. In just a short distance of 500 meters, the wheels slipped four times , so for the sake of his own life, Zheng Qiang endured his sleepiness.

It was also because the speed of the car was too slow that when Zheng Qiang and the others walked for an hour, the roar of the car suddenly came from behind.

Zheng Qiang turned his head to look, Huo, good guy, what the hell are you doing?Want to fight?

To deal with a few of them, there is no need to dispatch tanks and armored vehicles, right?Do you need such a big battle?

Xu Jie also saw this scene, and said nervously: "Sir Zheng, they are catching up!"

Zheng Qiang heard the words and said: "I know, wait for a while and see the situation first."

Zheng Qiang still has self-knowledge. When it comes to marksmanship alone, he is not afraid of anyone. As long as he has enough bullets, he can overthrow an army, but the premise is that there are no hard-core weapons such as tanks and armored vehicles. After all, his skills are only Limited to dodging bullets, it has no restraint effect on the king of land warfare. This is Zheng Qiang's headache.

A headache is a headache, it doesn't mean it can't be solved.

Moreover, Li Jie remained calm and confident, so the car they were riding in and the convoy chasing behind them kept driving forward in tandem.

Li Jie remained calm, but the people behind him, apart from the CIA, and the Ukrainian military all felt tense.

Because this road leads directly to Russia, and it will reach the border of Russia in less than three kilometers.

The Ukrainians are not afraid of the Russians, and the relationship between the two countries is very stiff, but the Ukrainian army, no, it should be said that the pursuing army is a little scared.

Because Russia has about a division of troops ahead, and they have only one company.

Ukrainian soldiers have never been afraid of death, but they are a little afraid of this kind of behavior that is obviously sending to death.

So the head of the Ukrainian military immediately said to Mike: "We can't move forward."

"We're about to catch up with them, why can't we move forward?" Mike asked suspiciously.

"It's less than three kilometers away to the border of Russia. They have stationed a division's troops there!"

"If we really fight, we are not opponents at all, and we can't die in vain!"

(End of this chapter)

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