police world

Chapter 627 Confronting the Golden Gun Man

Chapter 627 Confronting the Golden Gun Man
Lai Youwei is receiving distinguished guests, distinguished guests from the Mainland.

This place is very hidden. General Nan and his men have arrived. According to General Nan's wishes, it is safest for the dinosaur bones to be placed in his base. After all, it is the place where he has been operating for ten years.

It's a pity that when Zheng Qiang took over the case, people on both sides of the black and white have moved to block all the loopholes in Hong Kong. This is why Lai Youwei is unwilling to allow Nakajima to take risks. Even the southern general can't do anything, so what can he do?
Seeing the Southern General stroking the dinosaur bones, his expression was very proud, and indeed worthy of pride. Dinosaur bones are priceless treasures, who doesn't care about them?
But sometimes Lai Youwei also feels incredible. The Southern General should be regarded as the No. [-] figure in the South. This kind of person is still greedy for money. Lai Youwei doesn't understand.

However, it is precisely because of the southern general's greed for money that the chance of Youwei's rise depends on it.

So although Lai Youwei looked down on the southern general a hundred times psychologically, he didn't show it on the surface.

Taking a step back, Lai Youwei still hopes to rely on the strength of the southern generals to force Nakajima to submit!
After Nanfang General stroked the dinosaur bones, Lai Youwei was about to step forward when suddenly there was a car beeping outside the door. Nanfang General's expression changed, and he looked at Lai Youwei and said, "What's going on?"

Lai Youwei was also a little puzzled. This place is very hidden and has been thoroughly searched by the police. It is a neglected place. How could there be a car?
Just when the two were puzzled, there was a loud "bang!", and the two iron doors were knocked open, and a dozen armed people rushed in from the outside.

Before Lai Youwei could react, the Southern General was startled, because he knew all the leading people, the agents Ling Lingyi, Gang Ya, and Ai Meishen (made in China, Ling Lingqi, played by Chen Baolian). There is another person who was tied up by five flowers, and it was Li Xiangqin, the confidant of the Southern General!

"Golden Spearman, we have even arrested your capable subordinates, you should hurry up and arrest them!" Ling Lingyi said coldly.

The Southern General bowed his head in silence for a while, then raised his head and glanced at Li Xiangqin lightly, with a trace of complicated look in his eyes.

Li Xiangqin felt a little guilty when she saw General Nan's performance. After all, she was tricked by Amy to tell where the dinosaur bones were hidden, otherwise, she would never have said it.

Of course, if Ling Lingqi asked her again, she would still say it, because the power of love is great, it is also blinding, and it is pure!

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Just when Li Xiangqin was immersed in guilt, the Southern General suddenly pulled out a pistol from his waist and fired four shots. This crazy move frightened Ling Lingyi and others, and the three of them hurriedly ran away.

Fortunately, the Southern General's target was not them, but Li Xiangqin.

As a man with the golden gun, General Nan's marksmanship is very powerful. It is estimated that it is not much better than Miao Zhishun, Fang Keming and others. In terms of the power of marksmanship, it is even worse than that!

Four shots in a row hit Li Xiangqin's heart, very densely, and the bullet holes made people worry.

Li Xiangqin, who was shot, lay on the ground almost without making a sound.

There was a sneer on the corner of General Nan's mouth, he killed Li Xiangqin, a tainted witness, and killed Ling Lingyi and others, he is still a justifiable Southern General!

Who knew that Li Xiangqin, who was supposed to die at this moment, suddenly cursed: "Little trumpet!"

"Are you even a human?"

"Fortunately, I'm wearing body armor, or two, otherwise I would have been beaten to death by you."

"I was born and died for you in vain. I have done so many things. Even if there is no credit, there is hard work, but what about you? If you don't ask, if you don't say anything, you will kill me!"

"You hit me, right? Are you going to kill me? Hit him, he is the man with the golden gun, and he stole the dinosaur bones."

At this time, Li Xiangqin also took the risk and shouted regardless, as if she was a crazy woman.

After Li Xiangqin finished yelling, Linglingyi, Gangya, and Amy God stepped forward one after another. There was nothing to say about this, it was all discussed by them before.

Seeing Ling Lingyi, the leader, the Southern General sneered and said, "It's just a defeated general. I let you escape by chance, but you still dare to come in front of me. I really don't know how to live or die!"

"And don't forget, how did the title Zero Zero One come about!"

General Nan said this to Ling Lingyi's pain point. If Liu Jiehui hadn't saved him, he would have died long ago.

Of course, there is another meaning, that is, Zero Zero One was single-handedly trained and promoted by the Southern General. Without the Southern General, Zero Zero One would probably end up with a job changer and return home. How could he have come to where he is today? step.

But just like this, Ling Lingyi felt unspeakable resentment in his heart, and was almost killed by what he regarded as his father. What kind of feeling is this?
"Hmph, I admit that without you, I would not be where I am today. You can beat me, scold me, or even kill me, but you should never betray the country and kill innocent people indiscriminately. This is an unforgivable crime." Ling Lingyi said angrily.

After Ling Lingyi finished speaking, he drew his gun and shot, apparently enraged.

As the No. 1 of the zero number of mainland agents, Zero Zero One's ability is beyond doubt.

The marksmanship is like a god, as fast as lightning, and a gun can kill a person.

General Nan didn't wear that armor, so he didn't dare to take risks, so he could only keep avoiding.

Fortunately, there are many diehards under the command of the Southern General, and there are also many Lai Youwei's horse boys, so although some people continue to fall down, there are still people who rush forward to block the bullets for the Southern General and Lai Youwei.


Gang Ya shouted loudly, and then pushed all the gasoline cans in front of him to the place where General Nan and the others were standing. Because of his great strength and fierce force, many gasoline cans rolled to the place where General Nan and others were standing.

The mouths of many gasoline barrels were opened, and gasoline gushed out of them, and the whole dilapidated factory was filled with the smell of gasoline.


There was a bang, and a rocket flew out suddenly, targeting the gasoline barrel.

"Boom!" There was an explosion, followed by successive explosions.

The roaring sound continued, shaking people's eardrums to hurt, not only that, but also the scorching air waves, which made people's faces hot and hot.

Under this rocket, the southern general's men suffered heavy casualties.

Lai Youwei is worthy of being a local snake. Seeing that the situation is not good, he ran away a long time ago, and he didn't care about the southern general at all.

Lai Youwei's run also caused his subordinates to follow. There were wailing, whimpering, and bitter cries all over the place. The scene was filled with gunpowder smoke and chaos!
The southern general took the opportunity to slip away.

At this time, Li Xiangqin casually threw the bazooka on her shoulders (I don’t know where she got the bazooka from), and said imposingly: “If you are the first grader, don’t blame me for being the fifteenth, huh, I know where he is hiding.” , Come with me, I will take you to find him!"

This piece of factory has long been transformed into a secret base by the southern general, so the facilities inside are very complete.

After the southern general fled into the secret room, he closed all the doors.

However, he forgot one thing, that is, the people he dealt with were not ordinary people, Steel Fang only used two punches to cut through the wall, and a human-shaped door appeared just like that.

But at this time, the southern general had already put on the invulnerable armor. Since he had a steel helmet covering his face, he said in a low voice, "I have been waiting for you to come!"

"Suffer to death!"

After the southern general finished speaking, he raised his hand and shot.

"No, be careful, hide!"

"Unstoppable, run away."

Although the meanings of the two sentences are different, the content is almost the same.

The first sentence was said by Ling Lingyi, and the second sentence was said by Li Xiangqin.

The two of them, Zero and One, have suffered from the Southern General, while Li Xiangqin understands the power of the Southern General's golden gun (students who want to be crooked face the wall)!
Gangya may not listen to Li Xiangqin's words, but he will still listen to Ling Lingyi's words.

So he ran away in a hurry, and so did Amy.

The red bullet is as fast as lightning, no, perhaps faster than lightning, just the sound of howling through the air, the expressions of Gangya and Amy changed greatly.


Cold sweat oozes from the back of Gang Fang who hid there, because the entire wall in front of him was blown up, and the dust was flying. Not only that, but a deep pit appeared on the ground.

And the arm-thick steel bars inside were blown to pieces.

Gang Ya reckoned for a while, if this shot hit him, he might only be left with a pair of indestructible Gang Fang.


Another shot came, Gang Ya and the others, who had seen how powerful they were, hurriedly dodged this time without warning.


"Come on, aren't you very loud?" The Southern General said arrogantly.

Li Xiangqin is also an agent, but her ability is far worse than that of Linglingyi, let alone compared with Gangya and Aimeishen.

Ling Lingyi and the three escaped, but Li Xiangqin was still standing in the middle.

Seeing this scene, the Southern General laughed and said, "This time you have a body armor and I will shoot you too!"


Fortunately, Li Xiangqin's kung fu is not weak, and she escaped the fatal blow at the last moment, but her speed is still a bit slow.

The shelf behind which the firefighting equipment was placed was blown to pieces, and the fire extinguishers were ejected into the air one after another, and then a shriveled fire extinguisher accidentally hit Li Xiangqin's leg.

Her leg was broken with a click, and Li Xiangqin's face twisted in pain.

General Nan showed a ferocious smile on his face, without any nostalgia for the past, he shot out again, and he wanted to kill Li Xiangqin.

Fortunately, at the critical moment, Gang Ya threw out a shelf with all his strength to block the blow for Li Xiangqin.

On the other side, Ling Lingyi took the opportunity to rescue Li Xiangqin.

Ling Lingyi and Li Xiangqin hid there, but Gang Ya was miserable, he faced the Southern General directly.

General Nan stretched out his hand and quickly took out a bullet from his waist, then shot it out with a bang, and the steel teeth flew back backwards with a scream.

And not only did he fly back, but his left arm flew out as well.

The shot by the Southern General just now knocked off one of his arms.

Gang Ya fell heavily to the ground, and shouted angrily with a sad face, "Don't look any more, hurry up and make a unique move, otherwise, we will all die here today."

Hearing this, Ling Lingyi raised his hand to shoot. Although his bullet did not pose any threat to the Southern General, Ling Lingyi's shot did not hit the Southern General, but the gun in his hand.

With a crisp sound of "Keng!", the gun in General Nan's hand was knocked crookedly, and it was precisely because of this that Gang Ya's life was saved.

"As expected of a person I have carefully cultivated, his marksmanship is good." General Nan said with a sigh.

"I really regret that I didn't see your true face earlier." Ling Lingyi said with a cold snort.

"It's not too late to see clearly now!" Amy stood up and said.

"Suffer to death!"

After Amy finished speaking, she raised her hands above her head, revealing her graceful figure, especially the turbulent waves in front of her.

However, the turbulent waves turned into small steel cannons in an instant, and two iron pipes about one meter long protruded from her chest.

"High heat flame!" (If you don't call out the name of the move, it always feels like something is missing.)
The blazing fire erupted from the iron pipe on Amy's chest, and the burning air crackled at the scorching height.

"Look at your invulnerable armor, can it stop my [-]-degree hot flame?" Amy God said coldly.

Under her special high-heat flame, General Nan felt a sense of suffocation, and the temperature of the armor continued to rise, and he could feel the pain on his skin.

Fortunately, this kind of pain is still tolerable, and his armor is also made by the wisdom of tens of thousands of people in the Southern Military Region. The materials are all the best in the world, otherwise he would not be invulnerable.

Even if he is invulnerable, just the shock from the explosion can kill him. Obviously his armor is not that simple.

And because Gangya acted alone this time, no, he acted with Zero Zero One, not with Amy, so the high-heat flame of Amy lasted for less than a minute before going out like in the movie up.

The reason is that Gang Ya cooked instant noodles with Amy God's high-heat flame and used up her liquefied petroleum gas, so she didn't notify Amy God.

But even so, General Nan has a solution. He took out a blue bullet from his waist very quickly, and there was a "bang" gunshot, and a burst of ice and water mist erupted in front of him, filling the surrounding area. , The cold breath instantly filled the entire factory.

Amy, whose expression changed drastically upon seeing this scene, suddenly realized that the air-conditioning could not extinguish her high-heat flames, and her heart was instantly relieved.

However, Amy's complexion changed drastically immediately after, because the "boom bang bang" gunshots kept ringing out, and the air-conditioning in the factory continued to increase!
(End of this chapter)

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