police world

Chapter 55 Level 3 in a row

Chapter 55
A person of Lu Minghua's status should be able to calm down and calm down, but he is afraid to look at the pictures on the TV screen...
The Police Force is a subsidiary of the Security Bureau. The Chief of Security is responsible to the Governor of Hong Kong, so if the Governor of Hong Kong is dissatisfied, one can imagine what will happen to him. Moreover, he is the first Chinese Police Commissioner. There are many people who dislike him. , so Lu Minghua's palms were covered with sweat.

The scenes on the TV kept playing, and explosions, gunshots, etc. came one after another. Lu Minghua's mood also went up and down. At this time, he only heard the awkward voice of the Hong Kong Governor: "Who are these three brave police officers?"

Lu Minghua raised his head suddenly when he heard the words, and just happened to see Chen Jiaju jumping on the motorcycle on the screen, Zheng Qiang picked up the carbine and swept wildly, and then the three of them performed the classic tactical search and forward movement. Even if two people were shot, they still fought to the death. It perfectly explains what is called Veyron Detective!What is the Hong Kong Police Force!
The hard work and sacrifice of the front-line police officers are also very intuitively and clearly presented in front of the Governor of Hong Kong.

The screen was cut off at this moment. The reason is very simple. The lives of Fatty Wang and others are threatened by the bazooka. They are not war reporters. Who would dare to risk their lives to continue filming?

Then it started playing from the beginning again. Zheng Qiang was wearing a bulletproof vest, like a divine soldier descending from the sky, holding a carbine in his arms and sweeping desperately. The cameraman also gave Zheng Qiang a close-up. His face was full of ferocious expressions, but he was not afraid. Two words, Hong Kong Island Rambo!

Xiaofu threw grenades uninterruptedly, and the sound of explosions made the screen shake a bit!

Chen Jiaju drove a police motorcycle and rushed directly into the middle of the gangsters, holding the grip in one hand and holding a gun in the other, chic and easy...
These three people are really too fierce, with long faces, very long faces!

At this time, the governor and the security chief were talking in low voices, as if they were talking about the three police officers just now. Seeing that they didn't pay attention to him, Lu Minghua took the time to walk out again.

The phone of the Central Police Station rang again, this time Fang Xing picked it up and said, "Who is there?"

"I, Lu Minghua!" Lu Minghua said in a relaxed tone.

Fang Xing smiled and said, "Director, have you read the news just now?"

"Look, Deputy Director Fang, you've done a great job!" Lu Minghua said.

"Don't dare to take the credit, it's all done by the front-line police officers!" Fang Xing said, this is not his words against his will, but the fact, because he also came up from the grassroots step by step, otherwise he wouldn't be able to do it. Up to now, the position of the Acting Commissioner of the Police Department, to put it another way, is that the Standing Deputy Commissioner of the Police Department executes all the orders of the Commissioner of Police and presides over the overall daily work of the Police Department.

Lu Minghua smiled slightly. This old Fang still couldn't change his straightforward style, so he asked, "Who are these three police officers?"

Fang Xing hesitated for a moment and said, "Two of them are Zheng Qiang and Chen Jiaju from the Central Police Station, and the remaining one is... a good citizen!"

"Central Police Station? That's Xiaolin's place! I have impressions of Zheng Qiang and Chen Jiaju, especially this Zheng Qiang. The special operation of Plan A of the police department this time was planned by Superintendent Mo and the others in Zheng Qiang." Basically perfect, and that Chen Jiaju is also good!"

"What level are they two?"

Fang Xing really didn't know about this, Lei Meng next to him whispered something in his ear, and he said: "Chen Jiaju is the police chief, Zheng Qiang is a senior police officer."

"Sergeant? Senior police officer?" Lu Minghua thought about it carefully. Remembering the words of the Hong Kong Governor just now, he felt that this level was a bit low, so he said: "Well, Deputy Director Fang, you can discuss it with Xiao Lin and see if you can Let me remind these two people, I have read their resumes, and they fully meet the conditions for super-promoting talents in special times! Sometimes we cannot be too rigid and formal!"

"Our police force is a disciplined force, and we don't need too many clerks. The police officers in the front-line police force are not promoted, so are the officers in the office? I think it's totally fine!" Heart, he even said something insincere.

"Okay, there is also that good citizen who tries to recruit into the police force. Our police force needs such excellent talents! Well, that's it, the Governor of Hong Kong and the others should finish watching!"

Lu Minghua hung up the phone, looked around and said, "Did you hear that?"

Lei Meng made it clear, then handed Fang Xing a cigarette and asked, "Director Fang, what level do you decide?"

Fang Xing lit a cigarette on Uncle Biao's fire, took a sip, and said without hesitation: "Too low will make the Chief's face ugly, too high may have opinions within the police force, everyone has three ranks, Senior Inspector Chen Jiaju , Inspector Zheng Qiang!"

This Nima is not tall?Everyone couldn't help complaining, and Zheng Qiang was promoted to four levels in a row, while Fang Xing selectively forgot the position of trainee inspector!
Uncle Biao frowned and said: "Chen Jiaju has rich experience and has made a lot of contributions. He is also well-known in the police force. He has been promoted to three ranks in a row. It is not a big problem to be a senior inspector. But Zheng Qiang just graduated a few years ago. As a newcomer, just skip the rank of trainee inspector, what if someone refuses to accept it?"

Fang Xing blew out a smoke ring and glanced at Uncle Biao. He understood the other party's worries. Regardless of him, he said directly: "Director Lin, you should sign the document to promote them now. Special cases will be dealt with without any rules. Then let Fang Jiexia from the Publicity Department will cooperate with you to publicize the fact that the two of them were promoted to the third level in a row through the media."

Then Fang Xing still put the cigarette butt on the ground, crushed it with his heel, and said coldly: "I want to see who dares to refuse to accept? Let them come to me if they have any objections, and I will send them to the front line. As long as he dares to go through the hail of bullets just now and come back alive, I will guarantee him to be promoted to the fourth level! Even if the position of director of the operations department is handed over to them, it is not a bad idea!"

Lei Meng and Uncle Biao looked at each other. They had long heard that Deputy Chief Fang had an upright temper, acted vigorously, and was very domineering. Otherwise, he would not have secured the position of Director of Operations. We met today just know it's true...

Fang Weilun looked not surprised, because that's how he mentioned it!

Although Lei Meng had Lu Minghua as his backer, Deputy Director Fang still didn't dare to offend him, let alone the people from the Central Police Station, his direct descendants, it's too late to be happy!
So in less than 10 minutes, Uncle Biao had already brought over the files and materials of the two of them. Lei Meng signed them one by one, feeling a little sigh in his heart. He watched Zheng Qiang and Chen Jiaju grow up step by step, starting from today They completed their turns gorgeously and officially became police officers!

Because in the eyes of the high-level people in the police force, the trainee inspectors are all police officers...
 I wrote the report materials for a day today, and I felt dizzy and dizzy. I didn’t rest at noon, and I didn’t have a rest at noon.Continue to ask for recommendations, collections, and rewards, come on!I will speed up the update when I am busy these days! !

(End of this chapter)

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