police world

Chapter 508 I will definitely not help if I can!

Chapter 508 I will definitely not help if I can!

After thinking about it, Lu Qichang couldn't understand what Huang Zhicheng said.

And looking at Huang Zhicheng's appearance, it seemed that he had a deep hatred with him, which made Lu Qichang even more puzzled.

However, Lu Qichang is an open-minded person, so if he can't figure it out, don't think about it anymore. Anyway, he thinks that although there are some misunderstandings between himself and Huang Zhicheng, this will not affect their friendship.

If Huang Zhicheng knew Lu Qichang's inner thoughts, he would probably scoff at it, Lu Qichang, you are too naive, you have treated me like this, and you still don't allow me to feel resentful, do you want me to be grateful?


Hong Kong Police Headquarters Building, Operations Division.

There were only three people in the office of Fang Xing, deputy director of the police force, Fang Xing, Chen Jun, and Huang Zhicheng.

Huang Zhicheng sat there quietly. Fang Xing observed Huang Zhicheng carefully. Before he knew that Huang Zhicheng had come, Fang Xing had already carefully read his file, and found that this Huang Zhicheng was also a rare talent. Highly recommend people.

Chen Jun saw that Huang Zhicheng had been hanging here for more than ten minutes, and his face was still as usual. Apart from other things, he was admirable in terms of his energy-raising skills.

Chen Jun and Fang Xing looked at each other, and both could see the satisfaction in each other's eyes.

Fang Xing coughed lightly, and said, "Sir Huang, I asked you to come here this time because of a case. After comprehensive consideration of many aspects, I hope you can participate."

After Fang Xing finished speaking, he motioned to Chen Jun with his eyes, and Chen Jun then handed over some materials on the table to Huang Zhicheng.

Huang Zhicheng leaned slightly, and after reading the information, he looked at the topic above, and felt that being transferred to the operation department was not a bad thing, because some words written on it were very eye-catching, "Regarding the investigation of the Hong Kong Wengang Toy Trading Group's behind-the-scenes illegal The decision to smuggle and traffic human organs".

Wengang Toys Trading Group may not sound like a very good name, but it monopolizes all toys in Hong Kong and even exports them abroad. It is a large group that is well-known internationally.

And no matter in any age, children and women are the best money earners, let alone toys!

Wengang Group has seized this point of children's toys, and has risen rapidly. Its speed is so fast and it has amassed so much wealth.

Some people in Hong Kong even joked that the newly rising rich man Hong Wengang is the new generation of Superman Li!
Investigating such an earth-shattering case may really be due to his rich experience. For a while, Huang Zhicheng felt a little regretful about saying those things to Lu Qichang, maybe he was supercilious.

However, when Huang Zhicheng turned to the first page and was about to examine it in detail, Fang Xing's next sentence shattered his dream, "Considering the huge impact of this case, the Wengang Group is not easy to deal with, and we We don't have too much evidence for them, but every day this case drags on, innocent citizens will die, so we decided to send you to break into the Wengang Group..."

Although Huang Zhicheng was flustered in his heart, his face was still very calm, Ma Dan, these f---ing lines were all my lines to others before, so f*cking irony!
Deputy Director Fang, your script must have been wrong. How could I be an undercover agent?

But when Huang Zhicheng saw Fang Xing staring at him with piercing eyes, and Chen Jun next to him was also staring at him, as long as he still wants to be a policeman, then all this is a foregone conclusion.

Huang Zhicheng swallowed with difficulty, and then asked hoarsely, "What should I do?"


After solving Huang Zhicheng's matter, Zheng Qiang was about to pack up his things and leave work. Who would have thought that just as he walked to the door, a man walked in front of him, a fucking flirt, combing his hair with such a big comb while walking.

Then he stretched out his hand and said with a smile, "Sir Zheng, long time no see!"

"Hey, it's been a long time. What wind brought you here again, Lin Guiren?"

However, Zheng Qiang did not shake hands with Lin Guiren. Instead, he stretched out his hand to open his hand and cursed with a smile: "How dare you come to see me? No, how dare you come to see me? You promised me at the beginning?" Nothing was accomplished!"

Lin Guiren said with a forced smile: "Sir Zheng, you killed so many Japanese, how could the Ministry of National Defense agree to your conditions?"

"And why do you think it's okay for you to kill so many Japanese? This is all the result of my dealing with you, otherwise..."

Zheng Qiang didn't appreciate it, and said in a cold voice: "Otherwise, what? I, Zheng Qiang, are in Hong Kong. They can greet people in the open or in the dark. Let's see who is afraid of whom!"

The expression on Lin Guiren's face froze. Now Zheng Qiang's record is brilliant, and there is still a myth that he can't be killed. It is precisely because Lin Guiren knows how powerful Zheng Qiang is that he strongly advises the Japanese Ministry of Defense.

Because if you want to catch Zheng Qiang and then put him on trial, it is useless if you have fewer people. If you have more people, do you think the Hong Kong police grew up eating shit?

And when Zheng Qiang kills people, he doesn't know which country you are from!
Moreover, Lin Guiren has also heard about Zheng Qiang's influence in Hong Kong. If the Japanese Ministry of National Defense did not catch Zheng Qiang, Zheng Qiang would very likely put this bad debt on his head. Small, powerful, and very dark-handed people stare.

Lin Guiren had no choice but to bite the bullet and continue, "Zheng sir, so I'm here to apologize to you?"

"Hey, Lin Guiren, it's okay to deceive a three-year-old child with your words, but you're not so good at fooling me. Tell me, what identity are you here this time?" Zheng Qiang sneered.

Lin Guiren's heart moved when he heard the words, and he said, "Sir Zheng, I came to ask you for help in my personal capacity."

"Tell me, what's your favor?" Zheng Qiang said with a smile: "I will definitely not help if I can. Not only that, but I will also make trouble for you."

Lin Guiren was very happy to hear the first sentence, but the second sentence left him speechless, but this is Zheng Qiang who must report his flaws.

"Sir Zheng, stop joking!" Lin Guiren said with a wry smile.

"Who's kidding you?" Zheng Qiang snorted coldly and said, "Hurry up and tell me what's going on. I'm busy, so I don't have time to chat with you."

Lin Guiren hurriedly said: "Sir Zheng, it's like this, the US government has offered a reward of 3000 million US dollars to find the digital version of the Avengers, do you understand?"

clear?Not only do I know, I also know who owns the electronic version!

However, Zheng Qiang did not say these words, but instead asked in a pretentious manner, "Why are you asking this? Could it be that the Japanese Ministry of Defense wants to use this digital version of the Avengers to curry favor with your American father?"

Lin Guiren's face darkened, "Zheng sir, can we talk properly!"

(End of this chapter)

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