police world

Chapter 50 Hong Kong Island Police Are Too Crazy

Chapter 50 Hong Kong Island Police Are Too Crazy
At this time, Zheng Qiang was waiting quietly, as if he was a born assassin, not showing even the slightest sensuality.

This was the thinking of Wang Dong, Chen Jun and others. Flying Tigers captain Wang Dong was even considering whether to recruit Zheng Qiang into the Flying Tigers.

And Chen Jiaju, who is familiar with Zheng Qiang's urination, understands that this is a manifestation of Zheng Qiang's fear of death, or even injury, because Zheng Qiang has never charged forward during the operation.

Chen Xinwei also discovered the abnormality of the Galaxy Center commercial building, so he turned on the headset. Unfortunately, the communication facilities were silent at this time, and he did not get any useful information.

At this time, through the efforts of Xiaofu and the management of the Galaxy Commercial Building, the citizens in the commercial building were finally evacuated.

"Xiao Fu, move immediately with the citizens and call the fire brigade." Chen Jun dispatched two more heavily armed policemen, and after noticing that the enemy sniper had made no movement, he immediately understood that the enemy was either pissed off or wounded. He couldn't make a move, so he opened his mouth and said, after all, he still admires Xiaofu, unlike Zheng Qiang's kind, he admires Zheng Qiang with a trace of awe, it's funny to say it, he is a majestic chief inspector To be afraid of a high-ranking police officer, yes, after today, Zheng Qiang's police rank should also change, the last time he was an inspector.

"But Commander, I haven't caught the opponent's sniper yet?" Xiao Fu hesitated and said.

Chen Jun was very satisfied with Xiaofu's persistence. Just as he was about to speak to persuade him, Zheng Qiang's voice sounded, "Well, well, hurry up, Xiaofu, there will be tough battles to be fought in a while, don't worry, the commander-in-chief just agreed bonuses are still valid."

"Okay!" Xiao Fu replied happily, turned around and left without hesitation, never mentioning the matter of catching the sniper again.

Chen Jun: "..." Persistence, kindness, and honesty are what you said!

Xiao Fu followed the commercial building to a safe location, and on the square about 400 meters away from the commercial building, a large number of people gathered here, all of whom came out of the commercial building.

Now that they are out of danger, they are not leaving, ready to watch the fun, bomb?How fun!
Someone even called the media on Hong Kong Island, saying that there was a bomb in the Galaxy Center shopping mall. This is really "explosive" news!

When there is explosive news, the media is quicker than anyone else. Generally, when vicious incidents occur on Hong Kong Island, the police clean up the ground and the media rushes.

In less than 3 minutes, two media outlets came over with long guns and short cannons.

Ito Hirobumi was still standing on the roof of the building, and he also heard the alarm and broadcast of the commercial building. Is there a bomb?Hmph, stupid Hong Kong Island police, do you think this will scare me, Asia's No. [-] professional killer?I've seen this kind of trick a lot, isn't it just trying to lure me out?It was a moment of turmoil just now, and there was a flaw in my heart. Don't you think I will make the same mistake just now?Dr. Ito thought smartly.

The time passed bit by bit, and 10 minutes passed quickly in 5 minutes.

But the Galaxy Center commercial building was still standing there, without any movement, and the gathered citizens began to whisper.

"Is there a bomb in the end! Waiting to see the explosion is so frightening, I still have fish stew at home!"

"Who says it's not? My family also has stewed fish. Tiaozi just likes to be surprised."

"Brother, my yellow croaker, what kind of fish is yours!" This building is crooked...

"I wanted to watch the excitement, but it seems that I can't watch it, but does this big group like the Galaxy Center Commercial Building have some people?"

"Let's go, let's go home, wash up and sleep... Oh, damn, why are there people rushing in? Didn't they say there was a bomb?"

"Could it be the bomb disposal unit of the police?" Someone said with bright eyes.

"Destroy your head, have you ever seen a bomb defuse with a gun without equipment?"

"Pu Jie boy, keep your mouth clean, brother Hong Xing Feigou, didn't you ask for advice?"

"Ma Dan, others are afraid of you, Hong Xing, but I am not afraid of you, Dongxing Ma Gang, you are the one who did it today!"

Then, nothing, the two fought...
Seeing this scene, Xiaofu shook his head helplessly. He also saw the people who went in with guns, obviously not from the police, so there is only one possibility...

"Commander, there are more than [-] unidentified people who are heading to the Galaxy Center Commercial Building. They are suspected accomplices of the sniper."

At this time, both Zheng Qiang and Chen Xinwei received Xiaofu's call, and both of them saw it.

Zheng Qiang took another careful look with the scope. Sure enough, he was not one of his own, and all of them were holding guns and wearing black suits. They were not good people, so he shot decisively. Killing people had always been his strong point, and these people represented It's all about experience.




After the three gunshots, three of the 20 people sent by Eiji Takumoto to meet Hirobumi Ito did not even hum, and just lay down straight. There was a blood hole in their throat, and they couldn't die anymore.

"Sniper に気をつけて! (Be careful, sniper!)" one of them yelled in Japanese.

Chen Xinwei froze for a moment when he heard the gunshot, and then pulled the trigger twice. He couldn't lose to Zheng Qiang anymore. This was the only thought in his mind.

Two more people fell in a pool of blood, reducing the number by two more.

Takumoto Eiji's subordinates no longer dared to stay at the door and rushed into the commercial building. The basic quality of these people is still acceptable.

However, seeing Zheng Qiang is very aggrieved, these little Japanese would rather be killed by the bomb than by him!
Zheng Qiang started looking for weapons. This is a body armor vest, a bulletproof helmet... and a grenade. Unfortunately, the distance is too far to throw it!Zheng Qiang was very sorry.

Since there was no one in the commercial building and it was empty, they quickly got on the elevator and reached the top floor. The whole process took less than 3 minutes.

At this time, Zheng Qiang was no longer looking for the target, but was looking at his watch. When the hour hand pointed to twelve, he said softly, "Explosion!"



Loud noises kept sounding, and there was that shrill alarm!

Although five people died, these people were all dead men, and they didn't care at all. When they found Ito Hirobumi lying on the ground, Ito's consciousness had begun to blur. He seemed to see the blooming cherry blossoms in his hometown, and his The scattered blood flowers seen through the scope during the first killing are equally gorgeous and beautiful!No, it wasn't a cherry blossom or a blood flower, but his beloved Lanxie!Maybe I'm going to find you in heaven!Maybe people like me with bloody hands are going to hell!
But what did he hear?Although he was dying, he could not mishear the sound of the explosives. The police on Hong Kong Island were too crazy. After knowing his true identity, they even blew up a commercial building in order to kill him. Am I so important?Is it so valuable?
This is Ito Hirobumi, Asia's number one professional killer - "O", the last thought to stay in this world!

 Continue to ask for collection, please recommend! ! ! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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