police world

Chapter 394 The Death of Chen Yiyuan

Chapter 394 The Death of Chen Yiyuan

However, perhaps because they were assembled temporarily, Zhang Zaishan found that Zhang Chun and Chen Yiyuan always had one of their guns slanted, and they could react quickly if there was a situation behind them.

Although these people all spoke nicely, they always had their own ulterior motives, which also made Zhang Zaishan extinguish his desire to shoot black guns behind his back.

Anyway, these people have no chance of escaping!

They went down six floors without police. Hong Jipeng and others understood that their suspicion just now was not fake, but real. The police must have set up an ambush in front of the building.

But now they have nowhere to go.

Just at this moment, Hong Jipeng's cell phone rang, and it was a text message, "We have arrived!"

It was an unfamiliar number, but Hong Jipeng knew that this person must be Bao Qiang, and changing the number would ensure safety.


"Sir Zheng, get ready to act!" Fang Jiexia said quickly.


Two black cars rushed across the cordon in a rampage, followed by a group of policemen running on their waists, and of course the "Wow! Whoa!" police motorcycle.

"Call the command center, call the command center, a car broke in, a car broke in, we are trying to intercept..."

"Traffic police who are closing the road, please go back without stopping!"

The running traffic police were all experienced people, and they immediately understood that the headquarters might have new actions, so they all retreated.

But each of them had a look of unwillingness on their faces, and they broke in from the place they were blocking. Although they achieved the upper-level intention, didn't this also prove from the side that their strength was weak and their defense was ineffective?

Wait, why is the man driving the car so familiar?

Just as Hong Jipeng and the others rushed to the first floor, the car arrived, and the timing was very accurate.

The two cars just stopped at the door, and there was a roar from inside: "Get in the car!"

Because of the special bullet-proof glass and the accelerator was open again, Hong Jipeng couldn't hear what he was shouting.

And the glass of the car can't see who is inside from the outside, but in this case, what else is there to think about?
Zhang Chun, who took the lead, opened the car door and was about to step up when he suddenly felt a warning sign, so he immediately dodged.


A gunshot came from inside the car and hit Hong Jibiao, who was still smiling.

Blood spurted from Hong Jibiao's chest, and the severe pain distorted his face, and he felt as if his consciousness was constantly disappearing.

"elder brother……"

Seeing this scene, Hong Jipeng was startled, the gun in his hand fell to the ground, his face showed disbelief, then when Hong Jibiao was about to fall, he hugged him and cursed at Baoqiang: " Guess Ba, Leopard Qiang, should I draft, draft eight generations of ancestors, Lao Tzu..."

"Brother, retreat!" Zhang Zaishan held the pistol tightly in one hand and said with a solemn expression.

Then Zhang Zaishan cooperated with Hong Jipeng to drag Hong Jibiao into the building.


Zhang Chun, who had escaped from the catastrophe outside the building, was still dripping with cold sweat on his forehead, but he felt that it was not because he acted fast, but because the people in the car had a clear purpose, aiming at the brothers Hong Jipeng and Hong Jibiao behind him, probably because of the angle cause deviation.

Mobile troops, traffic police, media, etc. were all taken aback by this turn of events. What the hell is going on?Cannibalism?Eliminate dissidents?
Chen Yiyuan, who was hiding in the corner, shouted, "Brother Chun, how are you doing?"

"It's okay!" Zhang Chun's voice was very loud, but his face showed a wry smile.

Because Zhang Chun escaped the attack, but not the gun protruding from the co-pilot, the black muzzle of the gun was pointed at Zhang Chun's waist, so he could only slowly raise his hands.

This person was Zheng Qiang, and Zheng Qiang said in a low voice: "If you don't want to die, just shout!"

"I can't betray..." Zhang Chun showed embarrassment, but just halfway through his words, he felt that Zheng Qiang's face turned cold and he was about to shoot.

Zhang Chun's face tightened, and he forgot about any sense of loyalty, because countless facts proved that Sir Zheng really knew how to shoot.

"Sir Zheng, cooperate with me and fire two shots at once." Zhang Chun said tragically, "Otherwise he won't believe me."

"Boom! Boom!"

Zheng Qiang gestured, and Zhou Xingxing, who was behind the car, fired two shots out of thin air.

"A Yuan, I have already dealt with the shooter..." Zhang Chun panted.

If Hong Jipeng said this, Chen Yiyuan would definitely not come out, but Zhang Chun said that he would definitely come out.

Although Chen Yiyuan is a thoughtful person, he and Zhang Chun hit it off right away. There is a feeling of sympathy between men, and they both appreciate each other very much, so he trusts Zhang Chun very much.

This kind of trust has nothing to do with the depth of friendship!

However, when Chen Yiyuan came out from the dark corner, he saw a heartbreaking and unforgettable scene. Zhang Chun was tricked out by pointing a gun at him.

"Brother Chun, you..." Chen Yiyuan said in grief and indignation, he didn't say the rest, but Zhang Chun's eyes made Zhang Chun feel ashamed, and he didn't dare to look at Chen Yiyuan at all.

Since Chen Yiyuan came out and stood under Yangguan, although he had a gun in his hand, Zhou Xingxing, Wang Dong, Li Ying, and Zhu Huabiao had four guns pointed at his head, and there were snipers on the commanding heights outside. It can be said that Chen Yiyuan was planted, and planted very thoroughly.

"Put down your weapons and raise your hands!" Zhou Xingxing shouted.

Zhou Xingxing thinks that he is walking under Zheng Sir's command, and must share Zheng Sir's worries and problems.

When he got out of the car, Zheng Sir's words of "shoot and kill the boss if you meet a gangster" still echoed in his ears.

Although I don't know why Sir Zheng didn't kill Zhang Chun, Zhou Xingxing feels that it is necessary to implement Sir Zheng's important instructions, especially now that there is no such meritorious person as Ma Jun by his side!
There is nothing greater than heartbreak, Chen Yiyuan looked betrayed and unrequited, he smiled miserably and said: "Haha, you don't want me to raise my hands and surrender!"

But even though Chen Yiyuan said so, his hand holding the gun was obviously loose, and the downward trajectory was obvious.

Seeing this scene, Wang Dong and others understood that Chen Yiyuan had also given up resistance, which was good!



Two gunshots sounded one after another, shocking everyone.

Chen Yiyuan was shot in the neck and between the eyebrows, and then the body fell down with a bang.

The shot between the eyebrows was shot by Zhou Xingxing, needless to say the shot that hit the neck.

Zhou Xingxing was very happy, he finally made the right bet once.

"Hmph, this is what happens when you try to shoot and resist!" Zheng Qiang said coldly.

For Chen Yiyuan, the potential Fang Jiexia, who once had a good impression, Zheng Qiang could only send him to die. Who made Chen Yiyuan a gangster?
The gangster can only wash away his sins by death!
He shot and killed many policemen on this street back then!
(End of this chapter)

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