police world

Chapter 38 I am a Citizen of the United States of America

Chapter 38 I am a Citizen of the United States of America
There are two new skill cards, Zheng Qiang is gearing up, his only thought now is to find some criminals to try his hand, this is like playing a game and just bought new equipment, if you don’t find someone to PK, what’s the point? What about fun?
But the first thing to do now is the expansion card slot, so Zheng Qiang used the "expansion card slot", "Do you use the expansion card slot?"


"Sorry, because your level is too low, the maximum number of card slots is 1, and the expansion failed!"

Damn, what the hell is there to do this kind of showmanship!Do you care about the low level?Is the low level eating your rice, or digging your ancestral grave?Zheng Qiang cursed secretly in his heart, he felt that this broken watch was playing with him, so he could only sigh, he had to bow his head under the eaves!

But this time, his special ability has been changed into two items: proficiency in copywriting and sharpshooter, hoo hoo hoo, of course, there is also a change in evaluation "A genius in the exam, the strength is average, the speed is not bad, and the psychological quality is extremely poor. But after binding the sharpshooter I card, it has the strength of 100% hit, and the actual combat power soars, as long as you wear a few more bulletproof vests, you can carry the whole field!"

Just as Zheng Qiang was pondering, Chen Jiaju excitedly walked in to report that Takahashi Yuji was arrested in the office of Chen Meisi, the vice president of Huaxin Bank. With 3 AKs and 5 military pistols, Chen Jiaju and others almost thought they had caught the wrong person.

Now Lei Meng couldn't sit still anymore, so he rushed to the interrogation room, Zheng Qiang had to give up the research and went with Lei Meng and Chen Jiaju.

At this moment in the interrogation room, a high-intensity light directly shone on Takahashi Yuji's eyes. Even though his eyes were closed tightly, the glare of the light still made him feel very uncomfortable. He tried to cover it with his hands, but was handcuffed on the back of the chair .

"I am a citizen of the United States of America. You have no right to interrogate me. What's more, if you use this method of torture to extract a confession, you will pay for your stupidity." He is also quite sneaky, and he is not afraid at all, because although he is an agent of the CIA, he is only engaged in espionage activities in Japan. In Hong Kong Island, he is a serious businessman, Chen Meisi's boyfriend, and even an American. , has a natural sense of superiority.

Liao Zhizong said disdainfully: "What about the American citizen? He is not a little devil in essence? And you have to make it clear that you are on Hong Kong Island now. I will ask you to answer."

"At two o'clock in the morning on December 12, where are you? What are you doing?" Chen Jun asked after turning off the desk lamp.

Just as Takahashi Yuji opened his eyes comfortably, he was taken aback by this question and was a little dazed.

Seeing Takahashi Yuji's expression, Liao Zhizong sneered and said, "Why have nothing to say! Let me tell you, in the early morning of December 12, the night was dark and windy. Oh, yes, Chinese idioms are too profound. Little devil, you definitely don’t understand, let me change the word, it’s very dark, you are fully armed, follow the pre-set point, enter the Takumoto family’s mansion on Hong Kong Island alone, and kill Takumoto, right? "

"I don't understand what you're talking about!" Takahashi Yuji shook his head calmly. He understood that the police on Hong Kong Island had made a mistake, and he probably would be able to go out soon.

"Well, let's go back to the last question. Where were you at two o'clock in the morning on December 12? What did you do? Can anyone prove it?" Liao Zhizong stood up, leaning forward with both hands on the table, feeling full of oppression. asked.

Takahashi Yuji could not answer because the night of December 12 was the day when he contacted people from the CIA. For this reason, he also gave the members of the Kobe team who were traveling with him a night off to let them go and have fun.

People from the CIA can prove it, but can this be said?

"I have nothing to say, right? Let me tell you the answer?" Liao Zhizong threw a stack of materials on the table, "Ajie, show it to him, let him read it carefully, and help us, an 'American citizen' Remember memories."

Ajie, who was standing next to him, hurriedly took the materials and placed them in front of Takahashi Yuji page by page.

The more Yuji Takahashi watched, the more sweat appeared on his forehead. The bank card number, 30, the conflict between Takumoto and the Kobe group, the success of the back comparison...the evidence for each of these was solid.

After reading it, Takahashi Yuji understood that someone framed him, but he couldn't explain it, and couldn't say it because the evidence was so perfect.

If Takahashi Yuji didn't know that he really didn't kill Takumoto, and he didn't have the habit of sleepwalking.

Because a person who sleepwalks cannot be a spy, I am afraid he will also think that he is a murderer, and it will be difficult for everyone to tell!

Now Takahashi Yuji is somewhat regretful. If he had known this before, he should have run away when he was arrested. The reason why he didn't resist was because he miscalculated the situation. He thought that the police arrested him because of the Kobe group's threat to Zheng Tong last night. , It is too late to regret now!
"How is it? What do you want to say?" Liao Zhizong said confidently.

As a spy, Takahashi Yuji has received a lot of professional training, such as anti-interrogation, etc., so Liao Zhizong's level is not worthy of him as a student. He has been thinking for a long time, but he still has no perfect solution, and he doesn't know who is doing it. Damn him, this is the most important thing, it seems that it is fate, but it is a pity that I will not be able to come to Hong Kong Island in the future.

So Takahashi Yuji sighed and said, "Give me a cigarette."

As soon as this sentence was uttered, whether it was Liao Zhizong and others inside, or Lei Meng, Uncle Biao, Chen Jiaju and others standing outside, they all showed such expressions on their faces. People, basically the psychological defense line has been breached, and all that is left is to take notes and write reports.

But Zheng Qiang and Chen Jun were the only ones who frowned, because they were the only ones who knew that Takahashi Yuji was the one who took the blame. Will plead guilty, first degree murder is no petty charge.

Ajie helped Takahashi Yuji light a cigarette, he took a deep puff, then exhaled a smoke ring, closed his eyes and showed a comfortable expression, this is not enough, he still has to continue smoking...

Liao Zhizong knocked on the table in dissatisfaction: "Enough, almost enough, what do you think of this place? Hurry up and tell the truth!"

Takahashi Yuji took a deep look at Liao Zhizong, and then said: "I am a citizen of the United States of America."

"I know this, you don't need to say any more, this is Hong Kong Island, I get the salary of the Queen of England, not much worse than you, and ah, I am Chinese, I don't know how much nobler than you little devil." Liao Zhizong scolded road.

"You don't understand." Takahashi Yuji shook his head, took a puff of cigarette and said inscrutablely.

 Continue to collect and recommend! !


(End of this chapter)

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