police world

Chapter 375 Who Says I'm Going to Leave a Last Word? (seeking subscription)

Chapter 375 Who Says I'm Going to Leave a Last Word? (seeking subscription)

Zhu Huabiao, who led the team to ambush outside, was watching the situation inside carefully with a telescope.

Seeing this, Zhou Xingxing asked, "Sir Zhu, why don't we support Ah Tou?"

Zhu Huabiao put down the binoculars, glanced at Zhou Xingxing, and then said with a soft smile: "No, there are only a few people here, and Sir Zheng can handle it all by himself, so what's the use of us?"

"If you really rushed up like this, aren't you afraid that Sir Zheng will give you small shoes to wear after the operation is over?"

Zhou Xingxing lowered his head and thought, Zhu Huabiao was right, these people are not enough for Sir Zheng to get between his teeth, if he leads the team up, wouldn't it be obvious that he doesn't trust Sir Zheng?
The only thing that makes Zhou Xingxing a little regretful is that Ma Jun has benefited this time.

Zhou Xingxing looked down at his injured right hand again, and said in his heart, but how could it be a blessing in disguise?
The strength of his right hand is getting stronger and stronger, maybe he can learn boxing kung fu from Amin's father in the new Jingwumen, and he should be able to kill that pretender to commit martial arts!

Zhou Xingxing still has a lot of resentment for the martial arts at the time.


What Zhu Huabiao and Zhou Xingxing didn't know was that Zheng sir, whom they worshiped as a man of gods, had nothing to do at this time. The people in the car did get off, but all of them were holding bulletproof shields, just like the police at the time. To deal with the kind of shield array like Dr. Ito.

Zheng Qiang can indeed bend bullets, but hell, even now that his intelligence has increased to "2.5", he can only fire three shots.

Three guns, for a fart, but there are at least 30 people outside!
Zheng Qiang didn't know that these were generous gifts prepared by Takeshi Ito for Zheng Qiang, and it was more than that. Takeshi Ito watched Zheng Qiang's video and found that Zheng Qiang was only injured when he first debuted, and the rest of the time he was injured. He has never been injured, so he equipped each of his men with grenades, which are large in size, strong in size, and powerful in firepower, as well as bulletproof vehicles, shield arrays, and steel plates to protect their necks!

If it was really blocked by Takeshi Ito, it would be enough for Zheng Qiang to drink a pot.

Ma Jun looked at the scene outside, and said in surprise, "Hey, that's not right! Why do I feel like we are gangsters, and those guys outside are like policemen? This is so...fucking Are all gangsters so professional?"

"Equipment, firepower, tactical means, etc. are all better than ours, so how can we do it?"

Seeing Ma Jun lying there still restless and still yelling, Zheng Qiang sighed and said, "I was careless, I was really careless. I didn't expect that Guan Gong lost Jingzhou because of his carelessness. Today I, Zheng Qiang, actually..."

Hearing the words, Ma Jun said hastily: "Tou, Tou, don't say such frustrating words, we haven't reached the time to leave a last word, and don't you have a unique trick?"

Zheng Qiang said with a chuckle: "Who said I'm going to leave a last word? Fuck, just these thirty or so heads of garlic, see if I come up with a unique trick, I can kill them in minutes!"

Although Ma Jun nodded in agreement, he felt that Zheng Qiang was bragging.

No matter how powerful a sharpshooter is, once someone targets him, it will be very troublesome.

I saw Zheng Qiang picked up the headset, pressed it and said softly: "Group A is responsible for clearing the field, Group B is responsible for sniping, and Group C is responsible for sealing and controlling. The gangsters are very fierce. They have police standard equipment. Pay attention to safety and start moving!"

Trick?Is this the trick you mentioned?I will too!How can there be such a showy operation?
Ma Jun was dumbfounded by Zheng Qiang's actions.


After receiving Zheng Qiang's instructions, Zhu Huabiao and Zhou Xingxing were stunned for a moment. This is a bit of a style that doesn't want Zheng Qiang!

Zhu Huabiao thought for a while, and said in a deep voice: "I understand, anyway, no matter what kind of credit Zheng Sir makes, it is impossible to continue to be promoted in a short time, so he simply gave the credit to us!"

When Zhou Xingxing heard the words, he suddenly realized: "Yes, it is said that Sir Zheng solved the ship robbery incident alone, but he didn't even attend the commendation meeting and press conference..."

Having said that, Zhu Huabiao and Zhou Xingxing looked at each other, and they both saw the excited light in each other's eyes.

Then the members of the serious crime team who were ambushing on the side quickly unfolded according to the predetermined plan.

Zhu Huabiao was wearing a bulletproof vest and a bulletproof helmet, and he personally led the charge. Originally, he charged without protective equipment, but after being scolded by Zheng Qiang a few times, he became honest.

Zhou Xingxing quickly climbed to the commanding heights and played as a guest sniper with two other guys. Miao Zhishun was the most suitable for this kind of thing, but since Atou didn't ask him to come, he didn't trust him!

So Zhou Xingxing endured the gunshot wound on his right hand, and with a bang, he fired the first shot in the battle between the two sides.

Then I saw a person who was holding a shield and was about to touch Zheng Qiang's car was shot in the head. He died, and the shield in his hand fell to the ground, and the two people behind him were naturally exposed.

"Crack! Crack!"

The two fell down in pain clutching their necks.

"Hmph, if the tiger doesn't show its power, do you think I'm a sick cat?" Zheng Qiang said pretentiously.

Then he pressed the headset again and said, "Zhou Xingxing, you did a good job, keep working hard!"

This sentence made Zhou Xingxing full of energy, as if he had eaten a Snickers bar and drank a can of Red Bull.

Moreover, Zhou Xingxing also saw the scene of Zheng Qiang shooting someone from the camera, so all meritorious deeds and the like were left behind by him at this time, and it became a pleasure for Zheng sir to beat him up.

So Zheng Qiang cooperated with Zhou Xingxing like this.


"Crack! Crack!"



"Crack! Crack!"

After repeating this cycle, three groups of people holding shields turned around directly, trying to block Zhou Xingxing's sniper bullets with their shields.


There was a crisp sound, which was really blocked, but before they had time to cheer, they all fell down clutching their necks!
"Stupid, typical caring about the head and ignoring the buttocks, who will die if you don't die?" Zheng Qiang cursed calmly.

Ma Jun was thinking in his heart, hmph, now he's starting to pretend, I wonder who was leaving the last words just now?
The gunshots kept ringing, and the number of fallen people kept increasing.

By the time Zhu Huabiao and others rushed up, there were already more than [-] corpses lying on the ground, either headshot or shot in the neck.

Zhu Huabiao thought to himself, wow, the marksmanship is so good!In the future, I will also practice marksmanship well, but it's a pity that he can only drink some soup this time!

The rest of the people huddled in the car.

At this time, Zheng Qiang and Ma Jun got out of the car when they were safe. Ma Jun's blood frightened many people, especially Cao Li'ang.

So Cao Liang took out a grenade from his body, pulled the tab, and threw it directly under the car in front of him.

"Fuck, are you crazy?"

Accompanied by a few curses and a loud "boom", the car was scrapped, and of course the people inside were also scrapped.

The glass is bulletproof, but the chassis is not!

 Thank you for the tip of Wei Liang Yi Yan Cheng Shang's 588 reading points, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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