police world

Chapter 372 Do You Say He Should Die? (seeking subscription)

Chapter 372 Do You Say He Should Die? (seeking subscription)

It was still opposite Zhuoben Building, in the car, after Zheng Qiang finished hanging up his phone, he said calmly: "The guy from the serious crime team will be here in a while."

Zhou Xingxing and Ma Jun looked at Zheng Qiang in admiration. It turned out that Sir Zheng had a plan long ago, just to test them. However, this is the omnipotent Sir Zheng in their hearts, who can turn decay into magic!
10 minutes later, 25 guys from the crime team arrived on the scene.

Because there are some unknown things to be done, the leader of the team is Zhu Huabiao. In addition, there are Li Hui, Cao Li'ang, Cao Dahua, and Wei Jinghao who only follow Zheng Qiang's lead.

Coupled with Zhou Xingxing and Ma Jun in the car, Zheng Qiang felt that this combination, let alone dealing with a mere Takeshi Ito, even if it was smuggling to Japan to uproot the Kobe group!
On the way here, Zhu Huabiao and others knew that Zheng Qiang's goal was the Zhuoben Building, so Cao Dahua specifically found a picture of the internal structure of the Zhuoben Building.

This made Zheng Qiang look at Cao Dahua very highly. Cao Dahua was secretly happy and thought to himself that it would be good to have a good wife, but this was all due to the girlfriend he had!

Zheng Qiang took a few glances, and he understood the deployment inside, but he didn't make any specific deployment. They were doing mental calculations without intention, and they were dealing with a small character like Takeshi Ito. If this is still useful With any plan, Zhu Huabiao, Zhou Xingxing, Ma Jun, Li Hui and other pig feet can collectively wipe their necks and commit suicide.

A group of people marched into the Zhuoben Building, and the security guard tried to stop them, but Cao Liang and Ma Jun mercilessly pushed them away.

Zheng Qiang glanced around, and then ordered: "Jing Hao, you take a group of people to stay and control the first floor, the back door and the control room of the entire building. These people are all Japanese desperadoes. , you can pre-emptively strike, and if there is any resistance, kill it directly!"

"Yes, sir!"

Zheng Qiang's last few words were resounding, and Wei Jinghao and the others responded crisply. To be honest, the people in the General Administration like to follow Zheng sir out to handle cases.

Zheng Qiang himself is not short of money, and the serious crime team is not short of funds, so the food is good, but the most important thing is that Zheng Qiang always puts the lives of the guys first, so that when they encounter gangsters , so as not to die because of procedures such as shouting and firing warning shots!
"The rest, follow me!"


Takeshi Ito had just hung up the phone with Tan Cheng, and he was thinking about how to strengthen the defense of Takuben Building. Although he could say he didn't care, or even talked nonsense on the phone, Takeshi Ito still cherished his own life very much. He didn't want to be Takumoto O and Takumoto Eiji, rich but desperate to spend!
"Boom!" A loud noise interrupted Takeshi Ito's train of thought.

Takeshi Ito looked up, and one of his subordinates rushed in in a panic.

"President, it's not good, the police broke in!"

Takeshi Ito frowned, Chen Jianqiang's people didn't wait for the police to come?

But Takeshi Ito is also a person who has seen the world, he scolded: "Why panic? What's so great about the police?"

"Hi!" The subordinate immediately turned red and bowed, then lowered his head.

Just when Takeshi Ito was about to continue to teach this subordinate, there was a rush of footsteps outside the door, accompanied by a loud voice, "Cao Dahua, bring a group of people and control this floor! "

Then Takeshi Ito had only time to stand up, unable to make any arrangements, Zheng Qiang and others broke in.

What Zheng Qiang wants is this effect, to catch him by surprise and catch him off guard!
"You are Takeshi Ito?" Zheng Qiang asked arrogantly, and then he found that Takeshi Ito was tall, about 1.8 meters tall, with a thin face, a mustache, and a bit of literary temperament. Zheng Qiang didn't think he was like that The Japanese, on the contrary, are like the idol stars of the Great Universe.

It turned out to be Zheng Qiang who came here, so it's troublesome now.

Takeshi Ito felt a chill in his heart. Although he looked down on Zheng Qiang, a "Hong Kong-style" self-made hero, he concluded that as long as Zheng Qiang shot, he would never return empty-handed, and Zheng Qiang shot It never makes sense, it can be said that there will be blood when you get out of the scabbard!

Takeshi Ito took a deep look at Zheng Qiang, then bowed and said, "I am the president of Ito Trading Co., Ltd. in Tokyo, Japan."

The Japanese are good at this. Even if you are his enemy, he can’t wait to kill you, or he will cut off your head in the next second, but he will still respect you, and his etiquette is meticulous and solemn, so that You can't find a single fault.

The same is true for Takeshi Ito, Zheng Qiang is his brother-killing enemy, and he can also greet him with a smile. Zheng Qiang would never be able to do such a thing, and he is a real man who turns his face on the spot and draws his gun!

After Takeshi Ito finished speaking, he said again: "Sir Zheng, our Ito Shoji Co., Ltd. is a serious company in Japan, a foreign-funded enterprise, and a major taxpayer in Hong Kong. Your barging in so aggressively will cause great dissatisfaction to our company. Good influence, if this causes the company's stock to depreciate, who will be responsible? And if you do this, it will easily cause diplomatic disputes!"

Zheng Qiang sneered, and said in his heart, he hasn't said anything yet, it's good for Takeshi Ito, he'll beat him up first, and take the initiative first, if it's other Hong Kong policemen, they might just leave in such a disgruntled manner, it's a pity you met me!
So Zheng Qiang sighed and said: "Mr. Yi, you are right, but I would like to ask you a question, may I?"

The corner of Takeshi Ito's mouth twitched. He felt that Zheng Qiang did it on purpose. What Mr. Yi?Obviously it's Ito!
But there is no need to entangle with Zheng Qiang on this, Ito Takeshi made a gesture of please, Zheng Qiang said: "May I ask whether the Americans enjoy more power in Hong Kong, or the Japanese enjoy more power in Hong Kong?"

Takeshi Ito was taken aback, not understanding why Zheng Qiang asked this question, and how to answer this question?Although the Japanese think highly of themselves, they still have no confidence in front of American fathers.

Seeing Takeshi Ito's confused look, Zheng Qiang said to himself: "There was a person who once told me that he was a citizen of the United States of America, and that the United Kingdom and the United States had signed some extradition agreement, but in the end he died. Guess what? Who is this guy?"

Takeshi Ito felt a sudden in his heart, and asked, "Who is he?"

"Haha, Mr. Yi also knows this person, he is Takahashi Yuji!" Zheng Qiang said with a smile: "A person like this who does not know what to do but holds a chicken feather as an arrow, do you think he deserves to die?"

Takeshi Ito was silent, he understood the meaning of Zheng Qiang's words.

Seeing this, Zheng Qiang said coldly: "Ito Takeshi, you have done something wrong, come with us!"

(End of this chapter)

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