police world

Chapter 333 Because You Don't Know About Zheng Qiang's Power 1! (seeking subscription)

Chapter 333 Because You Know Nothing About Zheng Qiang's Power! (seeking subscription)

It was none other than Xiaozhuang's group of four!
It is said that after Xiaozhuang lost to Zheng Qiang just now, he left sadly, accompanied by Wang Jianjun and three people, of course, the curly beauty also followed.

Since Zheng Qiang was on the boat, the four of them were in a terrible pain, and they felt like they had no energy to walk!
Ling Jing sighed helplessly and said, "Nie Yuan!"

Brother Wang Jianjun also nodded when he heard the words, why is this Zheng Qiang indispensable everywhere, isn't it evil fate?
"Mr. God of Gamblers, please stop, I know that the one who won just now should be you!"

When the female voice came from behind, the expressions of the four of them suddenly changed, as if something had been revealed to them.

Wang Jianjun's speed was very fast, he turned around in three steps, and then kept choking the neck of the wavy beauty with his big hands, as if pity and pity did not exist in his dictionary.

Wang Jianjun stared at the other party coldly and said, "Who sent you here?"

"Cough, cough, cough..." The wavy beauty was struggling to breathe after being pinched by Wang Jianjun, her face was flushed, and she was almost out of breath.

The three of Xiaozhuang understood why Wang Jianjun had such a reaction, because what the hell they were facing was a guy who couldn't play cards according to common sense. You must know that Zheng Qiang's mind is smaller than the eye of a needle.

If something like this gets out, with Zheng Qiang's IQ, they will be the first to suspect it!They don't want to be targeted by Zheng Qiang, and what's more, they don't want to die!

Understanding is understanding, but Xiao Zhuang still couldn't bear to say: "Brother Jun, let go, if you use force, she will be strangled to death by you."

The curly beauty was very grateful to Xiao Zhuang, but who knew Xiao Zhuang's next sentence was: "And with the strength of the four of us, she can't escape, and she can't play any tricks!"

Although Wang Jianjun let go, he still stared intently at the curly beauty and said, "Tell me, who are you? How do you know?"

The wavy beauty covered her neck and coughed a few times, then hurriedly explained: "I saw the hole card of the last game behind the God of Gamblers!"

So, after the truth came out, the four of them breathed a sigh of relief!

The four of them are experienced people, and they can tell at a glance that the curly beauty is telling the truth.

"Then who are you?" Wang Jianjun asked with a frown.

"My name is Haitang (God of Gamblers 2, Qiu Shuzhen), and my father is the leader of Taiwan's East Lake Gang Haitang (God of Gamblers 2)." Haitang said after recovering.

Taiwan?East Lake Gang?Wang Jianjun frowned and looked at Ling Jing and Xiaozhuang. He and Wang Jianguo hang out in Hong Kong, and they really don't know much about Taiwan.

Ling Jing and Xiao Zhuang also shrugged, expressing that they didn't know.

But that doesn't matter, as long as it wasn't sent by that bitch Zheng Qiang to scam them.

So Wang Jianjun continued to ask: "Then why are you following?"

"I want to ask you for a favor!" Haitang summoned up her courage and said, "Mr. God of Gamblers to be exact."

Xiaozhuang glanced at Haitang and asked, "Why should I help you?"

"As long as the God of Gamblers helps my father win someone, I can help you get rid of that annoying gambler!" Haitang said with a smile.

Perhaps afraid that they might not believe it, Haitang said confidently: "Our East Lake Gang has great power in Taiwan, and we are a three-legged rivalry with the Sanlian Gang (Young and Dangerous) and the Songlin Gang (Black Gold), so don't doubt our strength!"

The four of them opened their mouths into an "O" when they heard the words, and then a word popped up in their minds, the ignorant are fearless!
There is a lot of power, so is it possible that Zheng Qiang will go to Taiwan specifically to let you kill him?
If you send people to Hong Kong, hehe!

It's not that the raptors can't cross the river, but even the raptors that cross the river are nothing but a fart in front of Zheng sir. How many international gangsters, killers, etc. have already proved this with the fact that they have stepped forward!
Besides, killing Zheng Qiang is just a matter of thinking and lusting, so don't take action!

Wang Jianjun asked with some toothache: "Miss Haitang, we admire your courage very much, but do you know who that gambler is? Do you know him?"

Haitang was startled, she was about to speak when eight people came from the side, they were Chen Dawen and others.

Chen Dawen is in a very upset mood now. He found two men who had been knocked out in Zheng Qiang's box, and then he saw five people blocking the road in front of him. He impatiently took out a pistol from his waist, wanting to Shun Shun Xin killed the few people in front of him.

In the movie, when Chen Dawen went to arrest Meng Bo, he did the same thing. When he saw someone blocking the way, he shot him to death with a gun.

It's a pity that Chen Dawen picked the wrong partner this time. The moment he just lifted the hem of his jacket to reveal the pistol on his waist, Xiaozhuang, Wang Jianjun, Ling Jing, and Wang Jianguo were already holding guns.

Although Xiao Zhuang is a little soft-hearted and occasionally treats beautiful women, he is by no means a bad person. Those who want to kill him will usually save them!

Chen Dawen was taken aback, he didn't bother to take the gun at all, and then blocked a subordinate beside him.

"Bang bang bang bang..."

Gunshots rang out non-stop, and except for Chen Dawen, the other seven people fell into a pool of blood.

Chen Dawen's skills were also good, taking advantage of this opportunity, he rolled on the spot and hid in the aisle next to him.

Since his subordinates were all searching nearby, the remaining 20 people rushed over as soon as the gunshot rang out.

All of them were fully armed, almost to the teeth.

How similar is this scene to what happened at Longgutan back then!

But Wang Jianjun had fought in the Vietnam War, so he could see that these people were much stronger than Wang Hai's subordinates. If they were ordinary killers, they might be hated.

And if they encountered these red-clothed gangsters in an open area, I'm afraid the four of them would feel bad too.

It's a pity that this is on the cruise ship, the space is small, and the field of view cannot be seen, so this has become the home field of the four of them.

Ten minutes later, the gunfire stopped. Except for Chen Dawen who saw the situation was not good and ran away, all the bandits in red clothes were killed, and the four of Xiaozhuang had no casualties except for a little bullet consumed.

Haitang looked at the four of them in surprise, and then asked doubtfully: "You have such good skills, why are you still afraid of that gambler?"

You must know that these gangsters in red clothes are much stronger than the elites of the Donghu Gang, and their weapons are also very sharp, but even so, they still all died in the hands of the four of Xiaozhuang, so she didn't understand why they were afraid. That gambler!
These words made Wang Jianjun and the others look a little unnatural, and finally Xiao Zhuang sighed and said, "Haitang, don't say anything about killing the gambling tyrant in the future, so as not to cause trouble."

"Why?" Haitang asked in confusion.

"Because you don't know anything about Zheng Qiang's power!"

(End of this chapter)

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