police world

Chapter 297 Zheng Qiang's subordinates are nothing more than that!

Chapter 297 Zheng Qiang's subordinates are nothing more than that!
After Bao Qiang said this, Chen Jiaju and Yang Jianhua's hearts tightened. They were undercover agents, but now they are Bao Qiang's men, and Bao Qiang was going to save people. How could they not follow?
And since Chen Jiaju and Yang Jianhua jointly "defeated" Zheng Qiang, the legendary policeman, Bao Qiang paid more attention to the two of them, so this time Bao Qiang only brought them two when he came to Longgutan.

However, the people with guns on the outskirts of Longgutan were all policemen, and they were all from the Central Bureau. Chen Jiaju could see clearly that he pointed the gun at his colleague, and Chen Jiaju was very entangled.

The same is true for Yang Jianhua next to him, but now he has no way to worry so much, so he can only take one step at a time!

Chen Jiaju can only hope that the person leading the team is Zheng Qiang, because with Zheng Qiang's dexterity, when he sees him, he will definitely be able to react and immediately make the most reasonable judgment!

It's a pity that the telescope is in the hands of Bao Qiang, and Chen Jiaju didn't see Zheng Qiang just now, so his heart has been hanging in mid-air.

Who knew that the menacing Leopard Qiang just ran four meters away before climbing down, making Chen Jiaju and Yang Jianhua stunned, and then they saw more than a dozen police cars driving in from the west of Longgutan.

Chen Jiaju and Chen Jiaju reacted very quickly, and immediately lay down without waiting for Bao Qiang's reminder. Chen Jiaju was still like a maggot, crawling forward with his body bowed. After crawling to Bao Qiang's side, he deliberately asked: "Brother Bao, why don't you rush?" gone?"

Leopard Qiang glared at Chen Jiaju with the eyes of "you are an idiot", and then said: "Fuck, didn't you see it? There are so many policemen outside, if we rush out, I'm afraid they will be wiped out directly, you Do you want to die?"

Who knew that Chen Jiaju was stunned for a moment, and said in a tone of "I'm super fierce", "It's okay, brother Bao, I'm super good at kung fu, I'm not afraid, it's not like the police haven't killed them before!"

Leopard Qiang: "..."

Are you kidding me?
Even if most of the police use .[-], they can't hold back the fact that there are so many families!If you rush out, you're just wasting a few bullets from the police, how good is your kung fu for hitting the ball?

Wang Hai and Han Chen in the forest had two completely different reactions.

Han Chen already knew that the police would come, so after he finished speaking, he immediately shouted to the men behind him: "The police are here, everyone throw away their guns and lie down on the ground, quick!"

Although Han Chen's subordinates were a little unhappy, because it was really embarrassing to do this, and you have to know that the other party has colleagues watching!
But Han Chen's prestige among them was very high, and no one dared to object to what he said. He could only ask stupidly, "Brother Chen, why don't we do it?"

"Fuck you! Silly Qiang, throw away the gun quickly, stay away from them (Wang Hai), and find someone to take the blame when the police arrive, and we can all survive!" Han Chen patted Silly Qiang's head and said .

Silly Qiang was scolded, so he didn't dare to say anything, so he had to obey obediently, and the others did the same.

Wang Hai is not someone who just sits and waits to die, so Wang Hai scoffed at Han Chen's way of admitting cowardice!
Wang Hai was able to get to where he is today, but he came up step by step. He would kill anyone who dared to stand in his way. His uncle Wang Dongyuan was dead, let alone Tiaozi!
And this is Longgu Beach again, Wang Hai has already arranged a speedboat on the sea, as long as he gets out, he can definitely run away!
Wang Hai feels that someone with money and guns can look like a human being wherever he goes. You must know that even Luo Maosen, who was forced away by him, is like a duck to water in the Golden Triangle!

If he is caught by the police, hehe, Da Fei in the West District is a lesson from the past. Not to mention the collapse of such a powerful force, he himself has been sentenced to 20 years in prison.

After figuring this out, Wang Hai took a box from the man next to him, and after opening it, it was the gun hidden inside!

Seeing Wang Hai making a move, his subordinates, including the driver, also acted one after another, each with a gun!

Five pistols, very concentrated firepower, very close distance, and in the dense woods, just ask if you are afraid!
Fortunately, this scene was discovered by Miao Zhishun, and he immediately shouted: "Hide, hide, hide now, the other party has a gun!"

All the attackers were taken aback, and Zheng Qiang, who was commanding remotely from the outside, immediately ordered: "Listen to Sir Miao, everyone stop and look for bunkers. It is better not to catch people than to allow casualties in the serious case team." !"

This very humane sentence warms the hearts of the serious crime team, and the serious crime team knows that Zheng Qiang's words are from the heart, because Zheng Qiang is now a senior inspector, and he wants to be promoted to chief inspector. Inspectors are definitely not as simple as before, solving a few cases and doing a few meritorious deeds!
Moreover, Zheng sir has made a lot of contributions, so he doesn't care about these at all!
Although Zhu Huabiao, Li Ying, Zhou Xingxing, Cao Liang and others were not afraid of death, and even dared to charge with a .[-], they still had to listen to Zheng sir's words.

Because what Zheng sir dislikes the most is people who don't listen to greetings, so they all returned unwillingly!
As soon as they retreated, people from the serious crime team of the West Kowloon General Administration rushed up in groups behind them, led by Huang Zhicheng.

This time Huang Zhicheng was very excited, with a confident smile on his face, because under his leadership, Wang Hai, Han Chen and others were about to be arrested and brought to justice.

With such credit, Huang Zhicheng felt as if he had already attained the rank of superintendent, surpassing his good friend Lu Qichang!

However, when he saw Zhu Huabiao and others retreating, his face changed suddenly, and he asked in a cold voice, "Senior Inspector Huang Zhicheng of the West Kowloon Crime Squad, which jurisdiction are you from? Why didn't you report to the police in West Kowloon? One sound? Who led the team? Why are you so ignorant of the rules?"

"There is also the drug trafficking case between Wang Hai and Han Chen. The headquarters has clearly handed it over to our West Kowloon General Administration and the Intelligence Section of the headquarters. Why are you messing around? What is going on?"

Huang Zhicheng was like a machine gun, chattering non-stop, and did not give Zhu Huabiao a chance to speak at all. Fortunately, Huang Zhicheng finally finished speaking, and Zhu Huabiao just said: "Huang sir, hello, Zhu Huabiao, inspector of the serious crime team of the General Administration of Central , They are Inspector Li Yingli, Inspector Chen Zhijie and Inspector Chen of our serious crime team..."

Then Zhou Xingxing also puffed up his chest. He felt that as a backup trainee inspector, in this kind of "high-level" dialogue, Zhu Huabiao had to introduce him no matter what!

"The others are also colleagues of our serious crime team!"

Huang Zhicheng, a member of Zheng Qiang's serious crime team of the General Administration of Central China, was terrified, and he didn't say anything about the crime. He directly asked, "Zhu sir, what's going on inside?"

"The opponent's firepower was too strong, so we withdrew!" Zhu Huabiao explained.

When Huang Zhicheng heard this, he sneered in his heart, Zheng Qiang's subordinates were nothing more than that!
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(End of this chapter)

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