police world

Chapter 293 This Fuck Is An Unsolvable Question!

Chapter 293 This Fucking Question Is Unsolvable!
After all, Liu Jianming is not a fool. If he was a fool, he would not be able to get to the level he is today in the police force.

Besides, Han Chen returned home in a very happy mood, because the old man Ni Kun regarded him very highly and recommended someone to him.

This person is the big drug lord who runs across Asia, er..., his number one general, Leo Qiang!

It is precisely because of Baoqiang's deterrence that Wang Hai, who monopolizes the entire Hong Kong market share, has to make a concession after killing the Thais-to cooperate with Ni Kun.

Guessing face, not to mention the whole of Hong Kong, even in the whole of Asia is very easy to use.

If there is a leak in Guaiba's hand, it will be enough for them to eat and drink for more than three years.

And besides Ni Kun, besides Han Chen, there were no figures of Guohua, Gandhi, Wen Zheng, and Hei Gui.

For such an important meeting, he only brought himself. Han Chen understood that it was because Uncle Ni was very satisfied with him and wanted to cultivate him, so could he be unhappy?
Although Han Chen felt that the men next to Bao Qiang were, yes, the guy with the rheumatism ointment on his face, very similar to the previous Weilong spying on Chen Jiaju, but then he thought about it carefully, if it was really Chen Jiaju, Uncle Ni would not know ?
And Han Chen thought about it again, in Hong Kong, and of course other countries, there are many people who are not related by blood but have similar looks!
To this end, the Hong Kong Royal College of Medicine specially organized more than 30 world-renowned scholars and experts. After more than 20 days of research together, they came to the conclusion that Hong Kong citizens collectively swear at their mothers because of people basking in the sun. Exposure to too much sun and ultraviolet rays entering the body caused mutations in genes in the body!

This reason is so powerful!

In response to this kind of nonsense, someone sprayed it, you might as well say that someone shot at the sky, and then the semen... scattered in the air, huh, you know the rest!

It was also sprayed, ultraviolet rays entered the body, the next step should be purple air coming from the east, absorbing the essence of heaven and earth, and then condensing golden elixir, nascent soul...

Of course, there are also more professional people who explained, that is, Vice President Feng and Vice President Liu Wen of the West District Hospital. Yes, Liu Wen has now been promoted to Vice President.

The two believe that humans evolved from ape-like primates. There is nothing wrong with this, and many scientists think so.

So there are so many similar-looking people in the world, which is an atavistic change of human beings. Perhaps after many years, they will gradually become the same person.

Because you can't tell the difference between this monkey and that monkey's appearance, you can only tell it from its tall, short, fat and thin.

Since it is an atavistic phenomenon, it will of course become a person in the end. This involves Darwin's theory of evolution, natural selection, survival of the fittest, and there is no problem.

Therefore, this kind of view is still very popular in the society. Vice President Feng and Vice President Liu have now become very popular figures in the medical field, no, biologists.

This is a bit far-fetched, let's get down to business!
What Han Chen didn't know was that, of course, when he looked at Chen Jiaju a few times, Chen Jiaju's mind was beating. If this f*cking thing was recognized, even if he had ten lives, he wouldn't be enough to be killed.

Fortunately, Han Chen also remained silent in the end.

Besides, after Han Chen returned home, he saw Mary sitting there with an ugly face, and couldn't help asking: "Honey, what's wrong with you? You look so ugly?"

If Liu Jianming was there, he would definitely say that he was messed with for less than 3 minutes, and he was not up or down. Of course, his face was ugly, but it is a pity that he is not here.

Poor Han Chen already has a piece of Hulun Buir Prairie on his head.

Mary looked at Han Chen and said, "Liu Jianming wants to get off the boat!"

These words surprised Han Chen, Liu Jianming, a bastard, this is the rhythm of wanting to fly solo!No, if he is still in the society, flying solo is no problem, everyone can get together and get together, but what the hell is he is now a senior inspector of the intelligence department, if he is out of his control, can Han Chen sleep peacefully? ?

Han Chen frowned and sat down, then asked, "Honey, what do you think should I do? Do you want me to go find Uncle Ni?"

"You are crazy, how can you tell others about the undercover agent in the police force?" Mary said dissatisfied.

Han Chen just wanted to say, Uncle Ni is not someone else, so what can't you tell him!
Just listen to Mary continue to say quietly: "You told Uncle Ni, will Uncle Ni suspect that he also has your undercover agent next to him?"

Han Chen fell silent for a moment, this is really possible!
If you say no, will Uncle Ni believe it?You dare to place an undercover agent in the police force, let alone by Uncle Ni's side?
It's hard to tell innocence under the plums in the melon field!
It will be troublesome when the time comes.

Seeing that Han Chen had figured it out, Mary said softly, "It's better to settle Liu Jianming's matter as soon as possible. He knows many things about us. Once he betrays the water, the consequences will be disastrous. If it really doesn't work, we can only..."

Han Chen understood what Mary meant, but Liu Jianming was cultivated by him, and it took him a lot of thought, so Han Chen was unwilling to kill Liu Jianming until the last moment.

Therefore, Han Chen decided to meet Liu Jianming and give Liu Jianming one last chance.It is also to give myself a reason to kill Liu Jianming!

After Han Chen called, Liu Jianming agreed after thinking for a while, and it happened that he also wanted to meet Han Chen to reveal the matter about Mary.

The place where the two made an appointment to meet was Room 404, which had a special room number, although they didn't know it.

When he heard this, Zheng Qiang had already reacted. He pondered for a while, then raised his head and said, "You must have told Han Chen that Mary has a lover, right?"

"Yes!" Liu Jianming said, "I just wanted to remind him, but I didn't expect..."

"I didn't expect Han Chen to see a corner of Mary's underwear outside your trouser pocket. Han Chen thought you were that concubine, right?" Zheng Qiang's eyes glowed with wisdom, as if possessed by Di Renjie, Bao Qingtian, and Conan, Uh...forget about the last one!Japanese children should not be possessed.

"Yes!" Liu Jianming smiled bitterly: "I really just want to remind him, and I was wronged. I admit that I do have a crush on Mary, but I haven't even touched her hand. Zheng sir, you say I Injustice or not?"

"Han Chen is very shrewd, otherwise he wouldn't be able to be where he is today. Thinking of all these things, Han Chen thinks this is a game set up by you and Mary to kill him. The two of you are so close together, So Han Chen wants to leave, of course you don't want to, once Han Chen walks out from here, you must be the one who dies, because no man can bear this breath, let alone a big boss like Han Chen!"

"You will definitely stop Han Chen, but as long as you stop Han Chen, it will be over. Han Chen will think that his analysis is correct, and it is also a life-or-death situation."

"It's not wrong if you stop it, and it's not wrong if you don't stop it. This is an unsolvable problem!" Zheng Qiang shook his head and said, "So, during the dispute, you accidentally killed Han Chen by mistake."

"Sir Zheng, you are wise! I, Liu Jianming, admire you so much." Liu Jianming said in admiration.

"However, why do you feel that I will help you?" Zheng Qiang asked again in doubt.

Liu Jianming sighed and said, "Actually, I don't know why. Anyway, I will die sooner or later. Why don't I take a gamble, if Mr. Zheng is willing to help me, wouldn't I earn money?"

Speaking of this, Zheng Qiang glanced at Liu Jianming. He recalled the plots of the three Infernal Affairs. An undercover agent of the Hong Kong Police Force.

In the final shootout, neither of the two chose to hit the fatal part of the person, such as a headshot, but shot at a body part that would not be fatal.

Chen Yongren shot and wounded Shen Cheng's right leg, and Shen Cheng shot and wounded Chen Yongren's left hand.

Shen Cheng also asked Chen Yongren why he didn't hit the head when he shot.

It is precisely because of this that when Yang Jinrong (Infernal Affairs 3, played by Liming) came to the scene, Shen Cheng proved that Chen Yongren was not a member of the gang boss Han Chen, and Yang Jinrong also understood that the two people in front of him were undercover agents of the police.

But Liu Jianming is different. He is a gangster, and he is egoist. Anyone who threatens him, or who he thinks can threaten him, will die!

Although Liu Jianming has always wanted to be a good person, he must pay the price for his past behavior.

Skynet is restored, careless but not leaking!
In the police station, Liu Jianming also had a shootout with Yang Jinrong and Shen Cheng, but Liu Jianming, as a gang insider, chose to hit a vital part of the body and ended Yang Jinrong's life with a headshot, but neither Yang Jinrong nor Shen Cheng shot Liu Jianming. lethal.

Seeing Zheng Qiang's hesitation, Liu Jianming asked worriedly: "Sir Zheng, will you not help me?"

Zheng Qiang smiled and said, "Before that, I want to ask you a question."

"You ask?" Liu Jianming said.

"What is your identity?" Zheng Qiang stared at him and said every word, giving Liu Jianming a strong sense of oppression.

But Liu Jianming still said without hesitation: "Police!"

"Okay, it's good to know that you are a policeman." Zheng Qiang smiled slightly, and then continued: "You have been trained by the police academy and have been honed in various positions in the police force. It can be said that your resume is richer than mine. Then you should Knowing that when a police officer subdues a criminal, he usually wounds the lesser part of the criminal, he chooses to spare the criminal's life."

"The gangsters and the young and Dangerous will not. They mainly focus on saving their lives. Whether they shoot or swing knives, they aim at the deadly parts of each other."

"The difference in thinking mode has created two extremes of people. The real police will value every life and respect life, while the gangsters will only attack with the intention of eradicating the grass and roots to prevent future troubles."

Seeing Zheng Qiang talking about these theories with a smile, Liu Jianming felt a little toothache, because everyone in the police force is qualified to talk about this, but you, Sir Zheng, are the least qualified. Who doesn't know that your subordinates, Sir Zheng, never keep alive!

 I can't write three thousand words anymore, I will continue tomorrow, continue to ask for a subscription, ask for a monthly pass! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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