police world

Chapter 274 I Am the Leader of the Academy You Said

Chapter 274 I Am the Leader of the Academy You Said

Chapter 276 I am what you call the leader of the academy!
Li Hui yelled inwardly that he was not good. Just now, such a good opportunity to show his loyalty was snatched by a uniformed policeman. Are the military uniformed policemen so powerful now?How will he mess around in the future?This is simply stealing his job!

Uncle can bear it, auntie can't bear it!

"I fuck..."

Li Hui was about to start cursing, after all, he couldn't drink the first soup, so a second sip was fine!
Unfortunately, when Li Hui saw Lei Meng coming out of the office, he couldn't swear the rest of the words.

Raymond looked at the noisy office area like a vegetable market and suddenly frowned and said, "What's going on?"

At any rate, it was the director general, who calmed down the scene with just one word, and everyone dared not move, except You Zaiping, who was moaning and whimpering in pain, so painful that he couldn't help it!

At this time, Liu Jiehui seemed to have realized it, stared at Xie Weile and said, "How did you do this?"

Xie Weile was speechless. You just stood here without saying a word. Don't you know why it happened like this?He didn't expect that Liu Jiehui was also a master at blaming others.

Immediately after Zheng Qiang narrated the situation, Lei Meng frowned and asked: "Liu sir, your supervisory office has great power, but why didn't you notify me of such a big matter? Do you take it seriously? Or do you suspect that I have a problem too?"

"And even if Zheng Qiang suffered serious head injuries, it was a sacrifice for the safety of the citizens. Whether he can continue to serve in the police force is not something that your supervisory office should worry about, right?"

These words are already very serious, and it can be regarded as Lei Meng standing up and endorsing Zheng Qiang.

Zheng Qiang thought in his heart, he has lived for many years, ah, no, he has been working for him for half a year, and Lei Meng still has some responsibilities at critical moments.

Xie Weile wanted to interrupt, but Lei Meng yelled: "I don't care whose Shang Fang sword you are holding, get out now! Since you don't take me Lei Meng seriously, I don't need to cooperate with your work !"

Lei Meng was not Zheng Qiang, and even Zheng Qiang and the others couldn't fix it.

Xie Weile looked at Liu Jiehui, Liu Jiehui sighed secretly, Lei Meng acted like he was doing business, and Zheng Qiang acted like he was not cooperating, so he had no choice but to say: "Director Lin, I don't want to either."

Lei Meng understood that what Liu Jiehui said was "I" instead of "we", his expression softened a lot, and he continued: "In that case, then you all go back, you don't need to worry about Zheng Qiang's affairs !"

The people in the supervisory office all showed embarrassment. It was really hard for them to go back in such a despondent way!
"I will call the director myself to report!" Raymond's words became the last straw that broke the camel's back.

Liu Jiehui sighed. Just when he was about to lead the team away, Zheng Qiang suddenly stood up and said: "Director, I feel that there is no need to trouble the director for such a trivial matter. Since they are here, let them check it out." Let some people with ulterior motives see what is going on with my Zheng Qiang's illness!"

Fuck, you cooperated so early, how can there be so many things!

But this is what Zheng Qiang did on purpose, young people must be arrogant, otherwise they will be treated unfairly every time and don't say anything, they will tease you again next time!

People like to bully honest people and fools, but they are afraid of villains!
Lei Meng saw Zheng Qiang being carried into the ambulance with his own eyes, and the problems in his head could be big or small, so he was a little worried, but seeing Zheng Qiang's full confidence, he remembered that Zheng Qiang never spoke out loud, so he weighed heavily. nodded.

This time, You Zaiping did not lie there and pretended to be dead. He came over immediately, and Xie Weile also had an expression on his face that said Zheng Qiang, you are dead.


Two 10 minutes later, West Hospital.

Liu Wen looked at the policemen in front of him in confusion, and said in surprise: "Sir Zheng suffered severe brain injuries and is mentally ill? How come I, the attending doctor, don't know this?"

"Call the leader of your hospital, I want to talk to him!" You Zaiping was furious, Zheng Qiang can't afford to offend him, even a small doctor dares to give him a sloppy eye, he really doesn't know what to do!

"Sorry, I am Liu Wen. The assistant to the dean is also the director of the security department and the director of the department." Liu Wen said slowly: "Maybe I am the leader of the hospital you are talking about!"

You Zaiping: "..."

Liu Wen's words made everyone lose their temper, except Zheng Qiang with a smile on his lips.

Such a young assistant to the president, and so many titles, the hospital is run by your family!

At this time Lei Meng stood up and said: "This doctor, I am Zheng Qiang's boss. I want to ask if there is any problem with his brain? Because it is very important for Zheng Qiang to continue to serve in the police force in the future. of."

"There is a problem, of course there is a problem!" Liu Wen said without thinking: "Whoever gets hit by a grenade will have no problem with his head!"

The people in the supervisory office were immediately overjoyed. If Lei Meng hadn't been there, they would have celebrated with each other. However, Liu Jiehui felt that things might not be that simple.

Li Hui felt that it was time for him to appear on the stage. He moved his head and said, "Doctor, you can eat indiscriminately, but you can't talk nonsense. You are responsible!"

"What, what are you doing, you want to threaten someone!" Xie Weile said, staring at Li Hui.

"No, why are you all so excited! It's just a slight concussion!" Liu Wen said softly.

"No, what did you say? Say it again!" You Zaiping grabbed Liu Wen's collar and asked fiercely.

Li Hui immediately slapped You Zaiping's hand off dissatisfied, then glared at him and said, "What are you doing, what are you doing, you want to threaten someone!"

I will return the original words, and the present report will come soon.

Seeing that they didn't believe it, Liu Wen slapped the inspection report on the table and said, "The report is here, you can read it for yourselves!"

Six heads gathered together, clearly seeing a slight concussion!
You Zaiping thought suspiciously, this is not the same as what was said in the anonymous report letter!Obviously mentally ill!

With a thought in his heart, You Zaiping snatched all the reports on Liu Wen's desk. They were making a surprise inspection. He felt that even if Liu Wen was bribed by Zheng Qiang, there must be no time to destroy the materials!
Report after report was turned over. You Zaiping suddenly took a report and sneered at Liu Wen and Zheng Qiang: "What is this? Don't tell me, you don't know? The patient's name is Zheng Qiang, and he has a medical condition. Taal Syndrome, doctor, tell me, if this isn’t mental illness, what is it?”

Liu Wen frowned and said, "Cotard's syndrome is a mental illness, that's true, but..."

"The evidence is solid, what's the but?" Xie Weile said with a chuckle, this time it was finally time for them to stand up.

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(End of this chapter)

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