police world

Chapter 27 Zheng Qiang = Blazing Angel?

Chapter 27 Zheng Qiang = Blazing Angel?
Xiao Fu suddenly said seriously: "If you don't have to go, I don't even want to take you with me."

The crocodile looked Xiaofu up and down and said: "I'm sorry, it's terrible, you are a toad, rushing onto the road, pretending to be a small camouflage tank and crushing Chiguoguo!"

"What did Xiao Fu say to you just now?" Chen Jiaju asked suspiciously.

Zheng Qiang said with a chuckle: "He just said that I am the real Seraph, because only for this reason can I confirm that Crocodile is not a Seraph."

Chen Jiaju nodded seriously when he heard this, "That being said, you really might be Seraph..."


Chen Jiaju slammed on the brakes, and there was a harsh friction sound from the tires against the ground, leaving two deep black marks on the road. This time, Zheng Qiang was prepared to hold the handrail tightly with both hands, and cursed: "What are you doing again?" Crazy?"

However, Chen Jiaju didn't answer, instead he pulled out the pistol from his waist and put it on Zheng Qiang's forehead, as if he was holding a wisdom pearl, "So you are the real Seraphim, Huo Huo, this is [-] million US dollars!"

"It's really unexpected! Ah Qiang, you can hide deep enough. You can be cunning in every possible way, but unfortunately, you still can't escape the eyes of my powerful dragon, Chen Jiaju."

"Let me tell you, how did you happen to see the reward for murder and remember it so clearly that you wouldn't let me report to Chief Inspector Chen if you had any clues, and you didn't even look at the crocodile's hand, so you could conclude that the crocodile You are not a Seraphim, and you specifically begged the director to transfer me from the task force, isn't it because you know how powerful I am, and are you afraid that what I find out will be bad for you?"

Zheng Qiang was stunned, swallowed hard and said: "Chen sir, your brain is really big enough, but aside from your bragging, your reasoning is also very reasonable, I even suspect that I am Blazing Angel."

Chen Jiaju showed an expression that I had known earlier. What Zheng Qiang disliked most was Chen Jiaju's humble appearance. He stretched out his left hand and pulled Chen Jiaju's gun down, and said angrily: "Chen sir, have you played enough yet?" , On the day that old bastard Zhuoben died, I had a full alibi, dozens of pairs of eyes in the police station, isn’t it as powerful as you alone? Why don’t you analyze the case more if you have this skill!”

Chen Jiaju withdrew his gun resentfully when he heard the words, but said with some annoyance: "It would be better if I said that this little Japanese is dead, even if he is not dead, if I bump into him, I will kill him with one shot, Ma Dan Yes, how much damage was caused to our people during the war, rape, rape, looting, burning, killing and looting, the most hateful thing is that after the war, he was regarded as a national hero by the island country, he is a war criminal!"

"Using to steal our money, he turned into a successful businessman and swaggered to Hong Kong Island. Let us protect him. Now he is dead. It can be said that everyone is happy, but we need to find the murderer. Really... ····,damn it!"

"Back then, this old boy had so many people. Everyone was suspected. How can this case be solved? If you ask me, there is no way to solve it at all!"

After Chen Jiaju finished venting his chatter, Zheng Qiang said with a chuckle: "It's not that the case can't be solved, but it's just that it's worthless to help Xiaori Ben find Seraph for the sake of the ghost."

"Then you are still so active, I really thought that your blood boiled with enthusiasm because of the director's words of encouragement, and you were ready to betray your ancestors!" Chen Jiaju curled his lips in disdain.

"But Xiaori Ben's [-] million U.S. dollars must be taken." Zheng Qiang said solemnly: "It's all the hard-earned money of our ancestors."

"How do I get it? Do you want to grab it?" Chen Jiaju said with his eyes wide open.

"Fuck!" Zheng Qiang said a classic Chinese curse, then opened the car door and rushed out.

Chen Jiaju didn't know why, so he took a closer look, and saw five men in black in front of him surrounded a woman, obviously with malicious intentions, "Damn it, there's really a clear robbery!"

Zheng Tong was in a good mood today. After all, he had just passed the internal assessment of Huaxin Bank and became the executive secretary of the vice president, Ms. Chen Meisi. Her husband Wen Jianren was not there, as before, and his face was gloomy all day long. His younger brother Zheng Qiang finally got the hang of it Now, everything is going in the right direction, life is so beautiful.

It just so happened that Zheng Tong came to the Galaxy Center Mall early today to buy clothes. After wandering around for a long time, she didn't find any clothes she liked. Either the color was not good, or the style was too old-fashioned, but the Christmas tree was pretty.

This Christmas tree is about three meters high, and it just stands in the central square of the Galaxy Center Mall. There are many colorful lanterns wrapped around the trunk, like little stars, shining among the emerald green pine leaves. Various decorations.

Snowflakes fell on the trees, like a dream under the illumination of colored lights.

The lace is made of pine leaves with fine snow, and small golden bells, hydrangeas, lanterns, and gift packages of various colors are hung on both sides. There is a breeze blowing indoors, jingling.

So Zheng Tong took out the camera in the bag, found a good posture, and pressed the shutter lightly. Maybe it was the sound of the camera shutter, or maybe it was the flashing light. turned around.

When Zheng Tong saw the man's face, her heart skipped a beat. She had seen this man many times before, but she was familiar with him. He was the boyfriend of her immediate boss, Ms. Chen Meisi, Takahashi Yuji. This, this, this... ··,This is how to do?
Takahashi Yuji was a little confused at first, but when he took a closer look, he found that the woman holding the camera was Chen Meisi's administrative secretary. He had a bad feeling in his heart, who ordered this woman?Chen Meisi?Or Chen Jianqiang, chairman of Huaxin Bank?

Of course, if these two people are fine, Yuji Takahashi can handle it. The most fearful thing is that she is from the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, the Hong Kong Island Political Department, or the mainland. It will be troublesome, and it will affect their organization in the future. layout.

Takahashi Yuji also hated himself very much. He knew that this was Chen Jianqiang's stronghold, so why did he want to play tricks here?

Although the woman in front of her didn't look like a secret agent at all, she didn't know how to take a sneak shot, and she still stood there stupidly after taking the photo, but Takahashi Yuji didn't dare to take it lightly, because often the person who looks the least like a secret agent is also the most Possibly an agent.

"Secretary Zheng, why are you here?" Takahashi Yuji let go of the woman in his arms, and slowly walked towards Zheng Tong, showing a smile that he thought was very charming, "Can you give me the camera in your hand?" Let me see?"

Little did he know that this kind of smile, coupled with Takahashi Yuji's well-dressed appearance, seemed disgusting to Zheng Tong.

 Continue to ask for collection, please recommend!

(End of this chapter)

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