police world

Chapter 239 I am Feng Yuxiu and refuse to accept it!

Chapter 239 I am Feng Yuxiu and refuse to accept it!

Zheng Qiang and others nodded to express their understanding.

Chen Jianqiang only had one daughter, and anyone who dared to touch his daughter would be courting death.

Moreover, in all fairness, if someone dares to hurt Zheng Qiang's daughter in the future, Zheng Qiang can beat the shit out of the opponent, and then beat the shit back.

Then, after several people talked for a while, Zheng Qiang analyzed the situation for Chen Jianqiang, then got up and left.

Zheng Qiang's identity is there, he can do many things in private, but he can't express his opinion.

Chen Jianqiang knew this, so he didn't keep him.

He just asked Secretary Liang to see him off. While walking on the road, Secretary Liang smiled and said, "Sir Zheng, if one day your bank card fails to deposit money, you can just come to me at that time."

Zheng Qiang was stunned for a moment, then nodded, but what he thought in his mind was, if you can't save money, is your fucking brain rusted?
Zheng Qiang took out his mobile phone and wanted to call Fang Jiexia, but what he didn't expect was that the battery of the mobile phone was dead. Perhaps it was because of this that Chen Jianqiang made the call to Fang Jiexia's mobile phone.

However, Zheng Qiang didn't wait long, Fang Jiexia hurried out, and as soon as an apologetic expression appeared on her face, Zheng Qiang said helplessly: "Needless to say, you can stay here! If something happens, please notify me as soon as possible. I."

"I knew you were the best." Fang Jiexia said cheerfully.

"Don't, don't, don't send me a good person card." Zheng Qiang said hastily.


Zheng Qiang went back to his exclusive suite at the West District Hospital again. Anyway, it’s boring to go home. Living in the West District Hospital, he can not only take care of his sister and brother-in-law, but also the beautiful little nurse. Addiction is fine too, why not do it?

As soon as Zheng Qiang arrived in the room, Vice President Feng came in cheerfully. As soon as he entered the door, he smiled and said: "Sir Zheng, thank you. As soon as my daughter came home today, she cried and said that she was lovelorn. "

Zheng Qiang said suspiciously: "Your daughter is broken in love, and you are so happy to be a father. Is it your own?"

The smile on Vice President Feng's face stagnated. If you keep talking like this, you will easily be beaten to death, you know?

If it was an online game, the symbol "-10000" should float out of Vice President Feng's forehead.

"I'm just kidding!" Zheng Qiang said with a dry laugh.

When Vice President Feng heard this, he hurriedly said: "Sir Zheng, watch TV, watch TV, there is news about you!"

After Vice President Feng turned on the TV, it was indeed the news that Zheng Qiang had won the Medal of Excellence.

There was also a host who sang together with a superintendent of the Police Propaganda Department to explain in detail the meaning of the Excellence Medal and the hidden meaning behind Zheng Qiang's winning the Excellence Medal.

The host can talk, Zheng Qiang knows, but the superintendent is also very good at talking, from astronomy and geography to medical divination and astrology, from the Gulf War to the Asia-Pacific economic crisis...

Sometimes the host was speechless, and Zheng Qiang watched with joy. When it was about to end, Zheng Qiang looked at the name of the superintendent, the Publicity Section of the Police Department—Superintendent Chen Xiangchen!

Then we introduced the press conference of the Central General Administration. What was particularly mentioned was that the General Administration solved the case of murder and dismemberment as soon as it was established and achieved great success.

Such a brilliant scene, Raymond would not give it to anyone. Raymond on the news was constantly introducing the experience of the General Administration. Anyway, Zheng Qiang listened for a long time, and all the words were like snake oil, without any substance. of.

But enough to fool the layman.

When Vice President Feng left, Zheng Qiang thought for a while. He couldn't tell him about the terrorists, but Lao Feng was a pretty good person, so he found an excuse and said, "Old Feng, you'd better let your daughter stay here." Staying at home for a few days will help her recover."

Vice President Feng expressed his understanding.

Zheng Qiang changed a cell phone battery, and as soon as it was turned on, Lin Guiren's call came.

"Sir Zheng, how is Miss Chen Meisi?"

"This is Hong Kong, what can you say?" Zheng Qiang said.

"That's good, that's good." Lin Guiren said calmly.

"That's it, it's nothing, I'll hang up, and I have to get up early tomorrow!" Zheng Qiang said.

"Don't, don't, don't, Sir Zheng, I will find out the time and place of Wang Hai's transaction right away. Don't forget to promise me when the time comes." Lin Guiren said.

"Don't worry, I won't forget, can't you trust my character?" Zheng Qiang said displeased.

Lin Guiren had no choice but to apologize. After Zheng Qiang hung up the phone in satisfaction, he thought about it, did I promise him anything?It seems not!


The next day, Zheng Qiang came to the General Administration early, not for any other reason, but because today was the day of an interview with Le Huizhen.

In the office, Zheng Qiang asked Wei Jinghao to flatten the police suit with an iron, and asked Chen Zhijie to tidy his hair for him. The broken hair stood up, looking very energetic.

Le Huizhen and the photographer have arrived, but Zheng Qiang hasn't finished yet, and is slower than a girl going out.

Fifteen minutes later, Zheng Qiang was wearing a neat police uniform with an outstanding medal on his chest. When he saw Le Huizhen, he immediately said with a smile on his face: "I'm really sorry, there was a case that was delayed for a while. You have been waiting for a long time."

Le Huizhen was very disdainful when she heard the words, and thought, please wait until the hairspray on your hair dries before you say such things, okay?
However, don't tell me if you see through!

"Sir Zheng, shall we start then?" Le Huizhen and the photographer walked into Zheng Qiang's office and said after fiddling with the machine.

"Okay, no problem." Zheng Qiang said very straightforwardly.

Le Huizhen picked up the microphone, pointed at the camera, showed a bright smile, and said, "Friends from the audience, hello everyone, I am reporter Xiaozhen."

"Recently, everyone knows that a policeman has appeared in Hong Kong. He has successively solved many cases such as the Zhu Tao drug trafficking case and the Seraphim case. He is called the nemesis of crime. In fact, being awarded the Medal of Excellence, which can only be awarded to senior constitutional committee members, breaks with the 70-year-old tradition of the police force."

"Today we are honored to invite Zheng Qiang, the chief of the serious crimes team of the General Administration of Central China and Senior Inspector Zheng Qiang. Let us listen to his legendary story together."

"Sir Zheng, I would like to ask, what do you think of the outside media's statement that 'Zheng Qiang has broken the 70-year tradition of the police force'?" Le Huizhen asked.

Zheng Qiang coughed lightly and said seriously. "I think that this award is well-deserved and well-received for me. If it is not given to me, then the senior police force will be blind."

The words Zheng Qiang said startled Le Huizhen and the photographer. Le Huizhen stammered and said, "Sir Zheng, are you... sure you say that, is it okay?"

Zheng Qiang smiled and said, "What's the problem?"

"No, if it is broadcast..."

"If it can't be broadcast, your camera is not turned on!"

Le Huizhen and the photographer are full of black lines.

A few minutes later, the interview resumed.

"Well, how should I put it?" Zheng Qiang pondered for a while and said, "We can't be afraid of changes in the sky, our ancestors can't follow the law, and people's words can't be sympathetic. What's more, the great Mr. Lu Xun also said that traditions are meant to be broken. This is history. The inevitability of development is the embodiment of social progress. If we persist in clinging to tradition, human beings may still be living in the age of ruthlessness..."

Seeing that Zheng Qiang was chattering and eloquent, Le Huizhen hurriedly interrupted him and said, "Just now Sir Zheng answered his opinion, so the next thing I want to ask is, which case are you more satisfied with? ?”

"I'm not satisfied with any of them!" Zheng Qiang said with a smack of his mouth.

Le Huizhen was taken aback for a moment, and then asked in puzzlement, "Why?"

"Because there is a case means death, death means pain, pain means pain, cough... so what, so if it is possible, I hope that all crimes will be attributed to me! "Zheng Qiang said with compassion, Baoxiang said solemnly.

Le Huizhen wanted to continue asking, but when she saw Zheng Qiang's pause gesture, she thought there was something important, so she couldn't help asking: "Sir Zheng, what's wrong?"

"Then what, I didn't play very well just now, can you record it again." Zheng Qiang smiled shyly.

Le Huizhen: "..."


Finally came the last question. Le Huizhen has never felt so tired. The main reason is that Zheng Qiang is too difficult to serve. At first, she had a good impression of the policeman who saved her, but after this interview, she found that he He's just a chatterbox, and he loves to express himself.

Le Huizhen put aside distracting thoughts and continued to ask: "Sir Zheng, what are your hobbies?"

"Actually, low-level police officers like us are on call 24 hours a day. Once there is a mission, even if they are in the toilet, they must immediately cut off the shit and run out. Uh, sorry, I may be a little rude."

"But this is a fact, so I have very little spare time. If I want to talk about my hobbies, it is boxing."

"By the way, I forgot to introduce myself. I am the contemporary head of Zheng Jiaquan. I dare not say that my boxing skills are unparalleled in the world, but I can still do it."

Isn't that fucking a word?Le Huizhen thought puzzledly.

After the interview, Zheng Qiang asked cheerfully: "Reporter Le, what I said just now is not a little bit less!"

"A lot, and you've performed pretty well. There are very few people as photogenic as you." Le Huizhen said with a smile, and cursed in her heart, you said more than I said, and they were all long-winded , is this less?

"Then when will this program air?" Zheng Qiang asked again.

"Uh, after a while, when I get back to the station, it will be broadcast immediately after the review is passed." Le Huizhen said.

Zheng Qiang was stunned and said, "Don't you mean prime time?"

"Sir Zheng, I'm really sorry. It was supposed to be during prime time, but suddenly it was changed to Liu Tianwang's concert. Please understand." Le Huizhen said embarrassingly.

understand?Understand a hammer?Is Liu Tianwang as handsome as me?Does singing sound better than me?

Of course, Zheng Qiang was thinking about these words in his heart.


Westside Hospital.

A short man with long legs and short legs, with messy hair, was pushing a wheelchair and walking forward slowly. At this time, Zheng Qiang's exclusive interview was broadcast on the TV next to him.

It just happened that Zheng Qiang said confidently: "I am the contemporary head of Zheng Jiaquan. I dare not say that boxing is unparalleled in the world, but Wushuang Wupair can still do it."

The man raised his head instantly, his eyes were scarlet, and he showed a cruel smile. Then he snorted and said in a low voice, "Zheng Jiaquan? Wushuangwudui? I, Feng Yuxiu (one-man martial arts) refuse to accept it!"

 Thanks to the book friend 20181003173835844 and the gangster for the reward of 100 starting coins each, thank you, thank you!Continue to ask for a subscription, ask for a monthly ticket!
(End of this chapter)

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