police world

Chapter 216 Lu Minghua's True Intentions (Please Subscribe!)

Chapter 216 Lu Minghua's True Intentions (Please Subscribe!)
On the set, E Lao played a gangster boss. After being polished by Fatty Wang, E Lao found that he was getting wider and wider in the actor industry. From the original walk-on to the current character with a few lines, he seemed to have found a new life.

And since the crocodile became an actor, he can be considered an actor if he is an actor. Let's just think so, the friends he made have changed from the original low-level gangster to Zheng Qiang, Chen Jiaju, Chen Jun, Xiaofu, Long Wei, Wang Sanri, Chen Haonan... ..., uh, let's forget about the last one!

Crocodile's daughter Kiki's impression of him has changed a lot. Although Li Jie scraped David's car last time, Kiki didn't say anything, but was very happy that he could do what was right.

In fact, Crocodile didn't do anything in several cases. The only time was when he saw Xiaofu was injured and fell to the ground. Qi is very tolerant of the little mistakes he makes!

Moreover, at the reception held by David's family, Crocodile behaved politely and looked like a successful person. At first, David's parents felt that Crocodile was just pretending, but when Chen Jun Chen, who was specially invited by David's parents, After the superintendent came, he shook hands with the crocodile, and the two became very familiar with each other.

David's parents stepped forward and listened for a while. The conversation between Crocodile and Chen Jun mentioned the names of several people. people, and the content of the conversation ranged from the case of the Seraphim, the shootout in the Central District, the hijacking of the Cointreau Hotel, etc., as well as the robbery case of the Interpol Hong Kong branch last night. Jun also nodded from time to time.

To be honest, it's not that the crocodile is pretending, nor is it how familiar Chen Jun is with him, but compared to the other people at the banquet, Chen Jun doesn't know anyone, and only the crocodile is still relative Familiar with some, and also has the relationship between Zheng Qiang and Xiao Fu.

After the banquet, although the crocodile still said that he was just an ordinary person, they didn't believe it at all. Instead, they all had an expression of "we all understand, you have rules, you can't talk too much", which made the crocodile really stupid pain!
On the way back, Qiqi turned her head frequently, and she was also a little confused about the identity of her father. Could it be that she was pretending before?he really is...

In short, the current life is developing towards a better life.

Crocodile took a puff of his cigar, then took two steps forward, turned his head and squinted, with a hint of viciousness in the corners of his eyes.

"Crack!" Fatty Wang shouted: "Crocodile, you are wrong. The boss you pretend to be is a gentleman on the surface, and you can't show such things as viciousness too clearly."

"Director, what should I do?" Crocodile asked modestly.

"Well, listen clearly, the voice should be low and slow, when you look at people, lower your eyes and raise your eyebrows, and no matter what you say is right or wrong, you can't look back, even if you are angry, your facial expressions should not be too rich, Because you are the boss, you have to be calm and make people feel that everything is under your control." Fatty Wang said.

Damn, there is so much knowledge involved in acting. E Lao immediately learned humbly and carefully thought about what Fatty Wang said just now.

"Okay, let's take our places, we're reshooting the one just now, try to go through it!"


In the conference room of the police force, Lu Minghua, the senior officers of the police force, and the chiefs of the various regions and police stations were all present. They were also watching the news, and the content was the same as that of Wang Bao and Lin Guoyu.

After the news was finished, Lu Minghua asked his secretary to turn off the TV, knocked on the table and said, "I've read all the news just now, so please tell me what you think!"

They are all foxes who have been cultivated for many years. Lu Minghua asked for everyone's opinions, not because he really wanted to brainstorm and spread the word, but to seek accomplices, so everyone sat quietly with their eyes on their noses and their hearts.

But Chen Jun couldn't sit still anymore. The director of the ghost in the West District was transferred to the Political Department. He is now the actual person in charge of the West District Police Station, and his rank is the lowest in this place, so he said: "Director, I If you want to conduct a review with the constitutional committee of the police force, it is because we did not do a good job in the west district, resulting in Superintendent Zhang's death in the west district."

Lu Minghua remained expressionless after listening, and then asked, "Is there any more?"

After Chen Jun finished his review, Raymond couldn't sit still anymore. He whispered: "Director, we have got important clues about the case of murder and corpse dismemberment. When we go back, I will send more police to try to solve the problem." Solve the case in the shortest possible time."

Lu Minghua nodded noncommittally, and when no one spoke, he said: "The work of our police force is not easy. It involves all aspects of Hong Kong's security. Take the robbery case of the Interpol Hong Kong branch last night, who of you can do it?" To the efficient and quick disposal of the Central Police Station?"

"Superintendent Chen has the courage to do things and bear mistakes when he first arrived in the West District. Who among you can do that?"

Chen Jun's heart trembled. He knew it well. He praised Lei Meng because the Central Police Station had really been outstanding during this period of time, and he praised himself not because of how well he did it, but because he was trying to win him over. What exactly did Lu Minghua want? Why?

"I feel that what Deputy Director Fang said is very reasonable. Our police force cannot be a pool of stagnant water. All of them have poor qualifications. We must form a healthy competition mechanism. That's right, so is the police station!" Lu Minghua said loudly.

"Director, you are right. Our personnel department has already come up with a plan to adjust the staffing. Because of work, some people are already in place, and some are not. We will urge them to hand over as soon as possible." Cai Yuanqi said at the right time.

Lu Minghua nodded to express his approval, and then he continued: "We have solved the human problem, now let's talk about the problem of the police station, Director Lin, Deputy Director Fang, and Superintendent Chen, about the merger of the three departments." What do you three think?"

Chen Jun was taken aback for a moment. He finally understood Lu Minghua's intentions. It turned out that he was here, but this kind of matter has been discussed many times by the top police officers. Is it useful for me, a superintendent, to say anything?What do you think?Of course I just sat and watched it!

Raymond agrees, Fang Weilun agrees, Chen Jun agrees too!The three responsible persons of the people all agreed, why do others not agree?

"Okay, since the three of you agree, then after tomorrow's commendation meeting of the police force, a meeting of the three departments will be held, and I will personally host it." Lu Minghua said decisively.

After saying this, Lu Minghua turned his head and said to Cai Yuanqi: "Personnel appointments will be based on what we reported to the Security Bureau for backup."

"Understood!" Cai Yuanqi said.

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(End of this chapter)

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