police world

Chapter 211 The Difficult Murder Case (Please Subscribe!)

Chapter 211 The Difficult Murder Case (Please Subscribe!)
Zheng Qiang handed over the follow-up work to Yang Zhilong and Zhu Huabiao. He took a taxi to Fang Jiexia's home. After ringing the doorbell several times, Fang Jiexia in pajamas opened the door for him.

The slender white legs, the smooth neck, and the white patch on the chest made Zheng Qiang's heart feel hot, and Fang Jiexia also took the initiative to give him a hug. Smelling the fragrance on her body, Xiao Qiangqiang immediately raised his head up!
Just as Zheng Qiang was about to make a move, Fang Jiexia let go of him, and said in an apologetic tone: "Ah Qiang, you should go home first. Mei Si is inside!"

What? You say what?Zheng Qiang felt as if a basin of cold water had been poured on his head, rubbing it, isn't this fucking playing with me?
Fang Jiexia lightly pecked him on the face, and then said: "Hurry up and go back, it's already past two o'clock in the morning, and you have to go to work tomorrow! I wish you a sweet dream."

Zheng Qiang looked back three times at every step, reluctantly left, this f*cking joy was nothing but joy.

Zheng Qiang didn't go home at all, and went to the West District Hospital again. After seeing his sleeping brother-in-law, he returned to his exclusive room and cheered himself up!

The next day, Zheng Qiang greeted his sister and brother-in-law and went to work at the police station.

After arriving at the police station, Lei Meng called Zheng Qiang into the office directly. Not surprisingly, Lei Meng praised Zheng Qiang and others severely.

Lei Meng received a call from Zheng Qiang at [-] o'clock in the morning this morning. After listening to Zheng Qiang's narration, he was ecstatic and said three "good" words in a row.

Raymond could imagine what the media and newspapers would write about tomorrow, and it was estimated that calls from the director and others would be indispensable.

Therefore, Lei Meng came to the police station excitedly before six o'clock this morning. The calls were one after another, all of which were sour congratulations. Although Lei Meng didn't do anything, under Zheng Qiang's instruction Well, Zhu Huabiao's report was very detailed, especially focusing on the roles of Fang Xing and Lei Meng.

After Lei Meng watched it this morning, he was overjoyed and felt a little ashamed. If he did his part, it would be a big fool to let it out!
At quarter past eight, Lu Minghua's call came. First, there was hearty laughter, and then he said: "Interpol has shamed the international community this time, but our Hong Kong police force's case handling efficiency and quick response mechanism are not as good as it is." It will be an eye-opener for all the military and police representatives from various countries who came to participate in the Interpol seminar, and I am also wondering if we should also hold a seminar and exchange meeting, and you can communicate with Deputy Director Fang to see if this plan is feasible?"

Lei Meng nodded again and again, he understood that the director wanted political achievements, but Lu Minghua didn't say anything more about it, and continued: "The letter of thanks from the Interpol headquarters was sent to the police department by fax early in the morning. I'll have someone turn it around for you, Xiao Lin, this time, you really have a good face, I guess no one will object to your appointment as the director of the three districts."

There was an unexpected surprise. After hanging up the phone, Raymond was very excited. Then the secretary brought in the newspaper. Raymond saw that the robbery of the Interpol Hong Kong branch last night was on the front page. Of course, he praised the Hong Kong police. For things, the words of praise are desperate to write.

Zheng Qiang walked out of Lei Meng's office with a yawn after they had finished chatting with Lei Meng. However, his dream of catching up on sleep was shattered, because he was caught by the excited Chen Jiaju just as he came out, and said, "Ah Qiang, I heard that you guys solved another big case last night? Congratulations, congratulations!"

Zheng Qiang didn't care, and said very pretendingly: "Jia Kui! Don't I solve big cases every day? What's there to congratulate, but you, who have been promoted to senior inspector, how come your ability has declined? A simple The case of homicide and dismemberment has not been solved for 24 hours, and if it is said, it is simply a person who lost our Central Police Station."

"My brother-in-law is in the hospital, and you, Chen Jiakui, are dying. I am the only one left among the three heroes who shocked Hong Kong back then. Alas! Life is as lonely as snow, and the heroes of the world are no match for them!"

Chen Jiaju couldn't understand Zheng Qiang showing off his bag, and laughed and scolded: "Ah Qiang, what are you pretending, when I solved the case back then, you were still wearing crotch pants..."

Hearing this, Zheng Qiang glared at Chen Jiaju, and said, "You're a bit of a braggart!"

"Uh... you're still wearing a military uniform, you're such a jerk! Besides, this case of murder and mutilation is very unusual. So far, not only have we not found out the identity of the victim, but we also don't know where the crime scene was. The main reason is that after her body was dismembered, she was washed with boiling water for a long time, which made the body a little swollen, so it is very difficult to solve the case." Chen Jiaju said with a frown.

"That's not what you frankly said in the news media!" Zheng Qiang said, coughed and said: "Our police have already grasped important clues, and have also locked down the identity of the criminal suspect in a short time..."

"Fuck, that's how I wrote the manuscript when it was given to me, what can I do?" Chen Jiaju said frowningly: "The case of murder and dismemberment caused a great sensation in Hong Kong, causing everyone to feel insecure, and those who Unscrupulous media are scrambling to report, such as Thirteen Heroes Seeking Revenge, Ren · Pork Char Siew Bun, Don’t Walk at Night, etc. Lace and weird news will come out immediately. If I don’t say that, the wind direction will immediately bombard our police, I What the hell can I do?"

There are no witnesses, no crime scene, no clue about the identity of the deceased, only black bags of minced meat, DNA and other big data are not widely available now, so how to find out?
Chen Jiaju has never encountered such a difficult case. He has some headaches. In comparison, he is more willing to handle Zheng Qiang's type of case. It's very simple. As long as you are not afraid of death, you can do your best, and if you don't, go undercover It's okay, this is more exciting!

"Successfully find a way, fail to find an excuse, and incompetent to find a reason, Jia Kui, believe it or not, if I handle this case, the murderer will be brought to justice within three hours, and the cause and effect of the case will be clarified!" After Chen Jiaju's narration, Zheng Qiang's heart skipped a beat. After planting the leeks for so long, it's finally time to harvest them.

"You fucking think I don't want to give it to you! But Uncle Biao said that I'm a senior inspector now, and I can't always think about rushing into the battle. I have to be good at using my brain. Let me practice my hands with this case." Chen Jiaju said distressedly.

Uncle Biao is about to leave, why do you still think so highly of your godson?

Zheng Qiang looked at Chen Jiaju suspiciously, and then asked in a low voice: "Jiaju, tell the truth, did Uncle Biao live next door to your house when you were young?"

Chen Jiaju is a pure child, not as frivolous as Zheng Qiang. He said: "It's nothing, what are you talking about!"

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(End of this chapter)

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