police world

Chapter 187: The Bombing of the Galaxy Shopping Center is Solved! (Please subscribe!)

Chapter 187: The Bombing of the Galaxy Shopping Center is Solved! (Please subscribe!)

"Sir Zheng, who is that guy you're talking about?" Xiao Fu asked curiously.

Zheng Qiang glanced at Xiao Fu suspiciously, and found that Xiao Fu's expression didn't seem to be fake, so he had to say: "Okay, okay, as long as you don't kill him."

After speaking, the two walked back.

Then Zheng Qiang began to assign tasks, because the hiding place of the polar bear, Lin Guoxiong and others, happened to be a somewhat old factory building with a three-story building inside, and a signboard of "Kowloon Firecracker Factory" was erected at the door.

The surrounding houses are all the same. Lin Guoxiong and the others are meticulous and Zheng Qiang doesn't know, but he is very courageous. He knows this very well. If he is not courageous, how could he do something that can only be performed in movies? What about?It's a good thing they figured out how to blackmail the shopping mall!

At the moment when Lin Guoxiong really has nowhere to go, he might ignite the remaining explosives without hesitation, and then the whole area will be reduced to ruins.

Zheng Qiang was also useless, so he was very cautious. First, he sent Wei Jinghao, who was like a boy next door, to pretend to be a firecracker buyer, and went in to do some reconnaissance.

After Wei Jinghao came out, he said excitedly: "Sir Zheng, Lin Guoxiong is inside, and his dumb subordinate you mentioned is also there, and there are two other people who are probably their accomplices."

"Okay, just take them all together." Zheng Qiang said.

At this time, Zhu Huabiao hurriedly said: "Sir Zheng, we didn't evacuate the crowd, so we must act quickly."

"You're right." After Zheng Qiang finished speaking, he asked Wei Jinghao again, "Where are they all?"

Wei Jinghao thought for a while and said: "The four of Lin Guoxiong are in the yard. When I entered, they were looking at a map, which seemed to be in Victoria Square."

I wipe!These guys are really unscrupulous!
Zheng Qiang and Zhu Huabiao looked at each other, and they both saw the joy and shock in each other's eyes. You must know that the police station is opposite Victoria Square!

If Victoria Square is bombed again, it will be like hitting the face of the Hong Kong police force in Chiguoguo.

"Sir Zheng, what's going on?" Zhu Huabiao asked, Fan Jiao, Xiao Fu and others were also gearing up.

Zheng Qiang thought about it, and looked at the team around him. The three Jie brothers, plus himself and Zhu Huabiao, couldn't take down a mere polar bear. Speaking of it would make people laugh out loud!
"Rush in directly, and if anyone dares to resist, shoot them, no matter who they are!" Zheng Qiang said: "Jing Hao, give your gun to Xu Zhengyang, and give your burnt one to Xiao Fu, and then the two of you stand at the door Watch it, don't let anyone who has nothing to do with it!"

"This doesn't fit..." Zhu Huabiao pushed him out before Fan Jiao's rules were finished. Of course, he took out the pistol from his waist.

Although Wei Jinghao also wanted to go in and make meritorious service, but Zheng Qiang spoke up, so he could only obey obediently.

Zheng Qiang took out two more .[-]s and handed them to Li Jie. Zhu Huabiao could tell at a glance that this was Zhou Xingxing's gun, because only Zhou Xingxing would be so bored as to put a cartoon pattern on his own gun!
After the four of them were ready, Zheng Qiang kicked the door open, and there was a "bang", and then he felt a little pain in his feet, rub it!

Lin Guoxiong, Dumb and the others were taken aback. After seeing the four men walking in aggressively, Lin Guoxiong signaled his subordinates to get ready, and asked with a frown, "Who are you?"

"Fuck, who is it? I am loyal and trustworthy. Your firecracker factory has been incorporated by me loyally and faithfully. From today on, the four of you are my subordinates." Zheng Qiang said arrogantly.

And he still walked and said, very fast!

"Loyalty?" Lin Guoxiong said suspiciously, and after he realized it, he immediately scolded: "Fuck, loyalty is nothing! When I was messing around, Lian Haolong didn't know where he was. You are so arrogant in my territory, I am afraid you have come to the wrong place!"

"This is East Kowloon. It's not a land of loyalty. I'm in a good mood today, so get out of here! Otherwise, I'll give you a set of firecrackers alone." Lin Guoxiong said with a sneer: "I don't even ask, my polar bear is What kind of people dare to come and include Lao Tzu! What a bunch of idiots, get out!"

"Hmph, Polar Bear, I've heard of you, but your era has long passed. We are loyal and loyal to establish a foothold in East Kowloon, and your name as Polar Bear is as good as it gets, so you can just use it!" Zheng Qiang laughed. Hehe said, but the tone contained a sense of coldness.

Lin Guoxiong's lungs are about to explode, and his loyalty and loyalty are so special that he wants to kill the chicken and treat him like a chicken. He is a polar bear!
Uncle can bear it, aunt can't bear it! ,



Zheng Qiang and Lin Guoxiong yelled the same sentence in a very tacit understanding, and then they were stunned. It turned out that they were all in the rhythm of a sneak attack!

They froze for a moment, but their respective men didn't froze.

The mute took out a self-made soil explosive from his arms and was about to throw it. Li Jie was always watching him, his eyes were quick and his hands were quick, and he hit the wrist of the mute with one shot. His strength was aroused, and he caught the soil explosive with his left hand. Unfortunately, another shot hit his left hand.

Li Jie knows this truth better than anyone else, and what he hates the most is the gangsters who play with explosives, so he is dumb and strong. This time, he doesn't have the prestige of whipping Chen Jiaju like "Abba, Abba" in the police story, his hands are bloody Yes, extremely cruel.

The other two people are not much better, Zhu Huabiao is tall and powerful, Xu Zhengyang is very good at kung fu, so they fell to the ground as soon as they met, and if they want to resist again, they will ask you with the black muzzle of the gun on their foreheads Are you scared?
Lin Guoxiong saw that three of his subordinates were taken away by the opponent in less than a minute, and there was another one who hadn't done anything on the other side. He was extremely terrified. When did loyal people become so good at fighting?And so powerful?
You guys are so powerful, why are you still being suppressed by Feilong, Wang Bao, Big Brother Cheng and others?Cao Nima's co-authors are pretending to be pigs and eating tigers, no, are they pretending to be pigs and eating polar bears?
However, they are all gangsters anyway, Lin Guoxiong thought to himself that he still has some reputation in East Kowloon, loyalty and righteousness should be of use to him, otherwise Li Jie's two shots just now would not have hit Li Qiang's arms, but his head.

So Lin Guoxiong surrendered very alone, yes, he raised his hands and surrendered, and said with a smile: "My brother, your boss Lian Haolong and I once squatted in Stanley Prison together, and we have a good relationship. How about some face?"

"Say it earlier! Isn't this flooding the Dragon King Temple?" Zheng Qiang also laughed when he heard the words. He walked over and patted Lin Guoxiong on the shoulder, then pressed his hand down, and said after holding it: "Brother Xiong, Don't be surprised, my brothers are a bit heavy."

Lin Guoxiong showed such an expression, he turned his head and said with a smile: "Okay, we are all my brothers, today I will be the host, please eat..."

Before he finished speaking, Lin Guoxiong felt that his wrists were a little cold. He looked back and saw that there were cold handcuffs on his wrists. He was startled and said in a bad mood, "Brother, what do you mean?"

"What do you mean? Brother Xiong, you sure don't watch the news? And, hum, polar bear, what a stupid bear!" Zheng Qiang said disdainfully.

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(End of this chapter)

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