police world

Chapter 12

Chapter 12
"Our police charge forward and risk our lives, but just because of a litigator like you, you can make the rich and powerful acquitted, and make those criminals rampant. You say I What do you want?"

"The social atmosphere and the dignity of the law have been corrupted by people like you."

As Zheng Qiang said, he patted his face with his hands, "The chubby face still feels good to the touch, but I don't know how much of this fat flesh is built on the blood and tears of the wronged."

"Let me tell you one last thing. Another famous saying of Galen is: Justice relies on either law or force, but in the final analysis it still relies on force. The last sentence was added by me, and I feel it is very appropriate."

At this moment, Chen Jiaju and Salina came out of the elevator, Wen Jianren saw this and asked, "How is it? Have you got the evidence?"

"Brother-in-law, do you still need to ask? Look at Chief Chen's happy face, don't you understand how proud he is?" Zheng Qiang joked.

"Mr. Wen, these are all the evidences of Zhu Tao's crimes." Salina pointed to the briefcase in her hand and said.

"Okay, okay, okay." Wen Jianren said three good words in a row, obviously excited.

Hearing these words, Zhu Tao, Lawyer Zhang and the others were downcast, and Chen Jiaju looked very relieved.

"Boss Zhu, Lawyer Zhang, please! You are about to usher in the peak moment of your life." Zheng Qiang laughed.


Central Police Station, inside the commissioner's office.

As soon as Director Lei Meng and Uncle Biao came back from the meeting, Zheng Qiang, Wen Jianren and Chen Jiaju rushed in to report.

Listening to Wen Jianren's story and looking at the evidence recorded by Chen Jiaju, Lei Meng couldn't help being overjoyed. Thinking of the scene where Brother Yi got angry this morning, Lei Meng picked up the phone on the table and dialed in front of everyone, " Secretary Chen, hello, I am Lin Leimeng from the Central Police Station..."

"Yes, yes, that's Xiao Lin who used to help the director drive. Yes, I have an urgent matter with the director. I'm sorry to trouble you, Secretary Chen."

Zheng Qiang listened to Lei Meng's words, and suddenly realized that there was a lot of information, and Lei Meng's leg was quite thick!No wonder he took the position of director at a young age.

"Hello, Xiao Lin? What's the matter?" A slightly tired old voice came from the microphone.

"Director, I have something to report to you. Our police station cracked a huge drug trafficking case, seized ** kilograms of drugs, and more than a dozen guns..."

"The evidence is conclusive. There are all personal and material evidence, and there is even a video of the drug lord grabbing a gun and attacking the police while resisting arrest."

"Okay! Xiaolin, you are good. I did not misunderstand the person. In this way, you can quickly form a briefing report on this case, and then report it to the publicity department to heat up public opinion, and let the public know that our police are not fools. .”

"And ask the TV station to interview the outstanding performers this time, by the way, who are they?"

Upon hearing these words on the phone, Wen Jianren, Chen Jiaju, and Zheng Qiang straightened up in an instant. Even the 50-plus Uncle Biao, who had been hunched over, stood upright.

Zheng Qiang couldn't help but slandered a little, this old guy really knows how to see through stitches!

Lei Meng glanced at everyone in front of him proudly, and then said slowly: "The director's operation this time was uniformly arranged by the police station, but the most outstanding performance in the specific operation is Wen Jianren and Zheng Qiang from O's Note." And Chen Jiaju from the Crime Squad."

"Xiao Lin, you must commend these three people well. The image of our police force is not very good now, but fortunately we have you."

Because the islanders were killed, the police were very passive. It was rumored that when the chief of security went to the meeting again, the Governor of Hong Kong briefly talked about this matter and conveyed some instructions from the mainland, so the police are now facing enormous pressure.

At this time, the Central Police Station has cracked this huge drug trafficking case, and it is very feasible to temporarily divert the attention of the media and the public.

That's why the director praised him vigorously and gave instructions directly. This was also the main reason why Lei Meng called.

Raymond chatted with the director for a while, and then put down the phone. He slowly stood up straight and smiled like a spring breeze. "You all heard what brother [-] just said."

The three of Zheng Qiang nodded vigorously like chickens pecking at rice.

"In that case, I won't repeat it again. Now let me arrange the work. Uncle Biao, could you please use your connections to collect information on the murder case of the island countryman." Raymond said.

"It's not too late, Director, I'll do it now." Uncle Biao nodded.

"Inspector Wen, you and Jia Kui are responsible for interrogating Zhu Tao and other criminal suspects. You must quickly knock their mouths open, and at the same time prepare materials to sue them in court."

"Yes, sir!" Wen Jianren and Chen Jiaju stood at attention and saluted at the same time, and then they turned and left.

"As for you, Ah Qiang, hurry up and form a briefing on this case. It should be brief, but some places should be specific. You should understand what I mean!" Lei Meng said with a smile as he looked at his confidant Ai Jiang who was lifted up with one hand .

"Understood." Zheng Qiang replied loudly.

"Okay, let's go!"

Zheng Qiang returned to his office, turned on the computer, and then began to write the briefing slowly. As a future person, how could typing be slow?After all, the unicorn arm has been tempered and tempered, and its hand speed is quite fast.

In addition, the before and after of the case were all contained in his mind, so it took nearly two hours for Zheng Qiang to write the report, and then he took it to Lei Meng.

Lei Meng put on his glasses, and slowly read the briefing written by Zheng Qiang. The more he looked at him, the smile on the corner of his mouth became stronger. As expected, he was someone he valued, and he understood his meaning so well.

The more Lei Meng looked at this briefing, the more delighted he was. There were no fancy rhetoric on it, and they were all simple and common words, but how could it be so enjoyable to read?

In particular, he wrote that Lei Meng sat firmly in the tent of the Chinese army, planned carefully, commanded precisely, and took the opportunity to anticipate the enemy. First, he sent people to break into the Zhu Tao drug cartel, and then rescued Chen Jiaju. The arrest of Zhu Tao finally solved this huge drug trafficking case.

Such a wise man, full of resourcefulness, is really... really a bit ashamed!
Thinking of this, Lei Meng looked up at Zheng Qiang and said, "Did you get injured when you were arrested?"

Zheng Qiang was taken aback, not understanding what this meant, and said decisively: "Director, my skills are very good, how could those people hurt me?"

Raymond glared at him and said, "You still say you're not injured? Your head is so confused, the concussion is quite serious."

After speaking, Lei Meng picked up the pen and began to write. A few minutes later, he handed the briefing to Zheng Qiang and said, "Add what I wrote, and the rest will remain the same. Please tidy it up and report it immediately."

(End of this chapter)

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