police world

Chapter 1 Wen Jianren's Brother-in-law

Chapter 1 Wen Jianren's Brother-in-law

Zheng Qiang opened the curtains to let the sunlight shine into the room. Then he stood in front of the mirror, opened his eyes gently, and looked at the familiar yet unfamiliar person inside. He knew that he could not go back.

He is now a police officer, a senior police officer of the Central Police Station on Hong Kong Island.

Zheng Qiang’s boss is Inspector Wen Jianren. Inspector Wen takes great care of him, not because of Zheng Qiang’s original ability, but because Inspector Wen’s wife is Zheng Qiang’s sister. How does he treat his brother-in-law? Dare?Aren't you afraid of a fire in the backyard?

At the beginning, Zheng Qiang was very familiar with the name Wen Jianren when he heard the name Wen Jianren. After he saw Brother Long in the office of the Central Police Station, no, it was Chen Jiaju's typical big nose, he immediately understood this Wen Jianren. Jen is who.

He was the unlucky policeman killed by Zhu Tao in "Police Story 1". His death was just blamed on Chen Jiaju to make the plot more ups and downs.

However, when he really came here, under the careful care of Wen Jianren and his wife, Zheng Qiang discovered that although Wen Jianren is not a good policeman, he is a good husband and brother-in-law, not to mention that he lives in the home of his sister and brother-in-law , so... Brother Long can only see how you choose.

When Zheng Qiang was thinking, suddenly the pager rang, and he opened it, "Zhu has been acquitted and returned to the team immediately."

Zheng Qiang picked up the pistol and sighed softly in his heart that the story had begun. He walked out of the room slowly, and then glanced at the happy photos of his sister and brother-in-law on the wall. He knew that he was going to save Inspector Wen's brother-in-law.

Central Police Station Office.

Zheng Qiang sat down and drew circles on the white paper with a pen boredly, while the uncle Biao above him was giving a speech.

Although Zhu Tao was released in court due to insufficient evidence, all his assets were frozen, and the Central Police Station also cracked the drug trafficking case, so the results are still there, but not satisfactory.

Otherwise, Chen Jiaju would not have been on the police call, and he was also featured on the cover of many newspapers, and he was very popular all of a sudden.

It can be said that even though he is sitting far away, Zheng Qiang can also feel Long Ge's aura, which is as hot as the Tathagata Buddha!
After a while, Uncle Biao finally finished speaking, he asked Chen Jiaju to go to his office alone, and everyone else dismissed, Zheng Qiang couldn't help curling his lips when he saw this, thinking that Chen Jiaju was indeed Uncle Biao's "godson"!

Zheng Qiang returned to his desk and began to deal with the work at hand.

Of course, Wen Jianren also knew the strength of his brother-in-law, so he didn't assign him any tasks, it was nothing more than writing a summary, making a report or something.

After all, Zheng Qiang has dark eyes, gentle, and very thin body. He looks like a clerical job, so Wen Jianren almost never let him go out to work. When we were in the group, Wen Jianren either took him with him, or asked him to seal off the scene like a policeman in uniform, because it was the least dangerous.

It turns out that Zheng Qiangren was very shy and very kind to others. Everyone in the police station liked him as his little brother, so no one said anything about Wen Jianren's behavior.

Suddenly Wen Jianren held a stack of documents and said, "Ah Qiang, send these documents to the director."

"Yes, sir!" Zheng Qiang said solemnly.

Seeing Zheng Qiang walking away with the documents, Wen Jianren showed a slight smile on his face, but the trace of worry in his eyes could not be erased. After all, sometimes once the shoes get wet, you need to dry them. Time.

Zheng Qiang saw that the director's secretary's seat was vacant, so he knocked on the door of director Lei Meng directly, and then saluted and said: "Director, these are some documents that O has recorded in the past three days."

Lei Meng lowered his head and wrote something on the table, without raising his head, he said, "Put it there!"

Zheng Qiang hurriedly stepped forward and put the documents on the table. After a while, Lei Meng felt that the shadow above his head was always there. He looked up and found that Zheng Qiang was still standing there and did not go out. He couldn't help frowning and said: " What else do you need?"

"Director, I have a slightly different view on Zhu Tao's case." Zheng Qiang said neither humble nor overbearing.

Zhu Tao's drug trafficking was huge and far-reaching, which shocked Hong Kong Island. Otherwise, as the director, he would not follow up personally, so when he heard this, Lei Meng frowned and said: "Tell me what you think. "

"Director, if we want to bring Zhu Tao to justice, we must obtain solid evidence of his drug trafficking, otherwise that eloquent lawyer Zhang will definitely mess things up and make us fall short."

"The director's move of using Selina as a tainted witness was very clever, but what I didn't expect was that she suddenly turned against the water. This caught us off guard, so we can have some hopes for tainted witnesses, but we can't count on them. What's more What's more, after this incident, Zhu Tao must have been very frightened, like a frightened bird, Sha Lianna may not be easy to find, and may be dead."

When Lei Meng heard this, he immediately became interested. He waved his hand to signal Zheng Qiang to continue, thinking that this kid still has some clues.

Encouraged by seeing this, Zheng Qiang continued, "So we need to take the initiative."

"Oh? How to take the initiative to attack? At this time, Zhu Tao has been restricted from leaving the country and his assets have been frozen. What else should we do?" Lei Meng said with his eyes lit up.

"Undercover." Zheng Qiang said these two words suddenly.

Lei Meng got up suddenly, and then began to pace the office with his hands behind his back. After a while he hesitated and said: "But Chen Jiaju's temper is really not suitable for being an undercover agent, and he and Zhu Tao..."

I bought a watch last year!This is Zheng Qiang's psychological portrayal at this time. I have been talking for a long time, who the hell told you about Chen Jiaju?No wonder Brother Long pointed a gun at his head, this IQ is really worrying!

Zheng Qiang said hastily: "Director, the task force of the special operations team is heavy and there is a shortage of personnel, so this task, Chief Wen, is willing to complete it."

"Wen Jianren." Lei Meng stroked his chin and thought, "He's not warm, he's quite feminine, but he's a good candidate."

"Since it was you who proposed it, I will hand it over to you. What are you going to do?"

"Director, this is what happened..."

After hearing Zheng Qiang's plan, Lei Meng nodded involuntarily and said, "Ah Qiang, I never thought that you, who usually look shy and honest, have such a brain now, it's incredible."

"Do it according to your method! Don't worry, I will be responsible for this matter myself."

Seeing Zheng Qiang's hesitation to speak, Lei Meng couldn't help smiling.

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(End of this chapter)

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