Meiman: Infinite Psychic

Chapter 53 The Way of Time Traveling Is Wrong

Chapter 53 The Way of Time Traveling Is Wrong

Logan followed Hank to the castle transformed into a school, and saw Charles who was dismissing the students.

Now Charles is in his 30s, has flowing hair, looks in good spirits, and is not in a wheelchair. He is very different from the "intelligent" Professor X in Logan's impression. If it is not for the similar appearance, Logan They all thought they were taking pictures of the wrong person.

Logan wondered: "You are Professor X, can you walk?!"

"It's obvious, what can I do for you?" Charles looked at Logan with a smile, counting, this was the second time they met.

Before World War I, Charles and his good friend Eric had found Logan, hoping that the other party could help them deal with Shaw, but Logan did not agree. I wonder why the other party is here now?
In fact, Charles can read Logan's thoughts directly, but Charles has not done so. If it is not necessary, he will not read other people's thoughts at will, which is a kind of respect for other people's privacy.

"I... this... you may not believe it, but I was sent back by you 50 years later."

Logan had a lot to say, but at this moment, he didn't know where to start, and then pointed to his head: "If your ability is still there, you will know what I said is true, we have been together for many years friend.

You once told me that when you were 9 years old, you started to wake up. At that time, there were all kinds of voices in your head. You thought you were crazy. It wasn't until you were 12 years old that you realized that those thoughts were in other people's heads... "

Listening to Logan's words, Charles felt that Logan was talking nonsense at first, but what Logan said later was a secret that only he knew.

Looking at Logan's serious expression, Charles felt that the matter was not simple, so he couldn't help but use the ability of [telepathy] to read Logan's memory.

"This is……"

From Logan's memory, Charles saw the dark, chaotic, tragic, and hopeless "future".

In that tragic future world, humans and mutants are almost extinct!
"How did it change like this?!"

After seeing Logan's memory, Charles felt a chill in his heart, and his face turned pale.

He has always been committed to maintaining the peace between mutants and humans. He never thought that humans would completely wipe out mutants in the end, even at the cost of destroying the world. Could it be that he was really wrong?

"Wait, Mystique Riven is the key to all this?"

Suddenly, Charles saw his old self from Logan's memory, telling about Raven's past.

Rui Wen, Charles also knew, had been to the academy with Su Moqing several times, because they are both mutants, they have a pretty good relationship.

The difference is that, according to the "future self", he adopted Ruiwen when he was a child, and until the first battle, Ruiwen ran away with Eric!
Then when Ruiwen assassinated Bolivar, she was caught by Tresk, and through Ruiwen's genes, she developed a sentinel robot that can transform at will!

But he never adopted Rui Wen?

Today's Ruiwen has been following Su Moqing.

What's more, with Su Moqing's strength and influence, not to mention people like Bolivar and Cusk, even if the president of the United States uses the power of the country, he may not be able to capture Ruiwen from Su Moqing.

In addition, in Logan's memory, Charles never saw Su Moqing's existence!

There are many contradictions and irrationality in this, but Logan's memory can't lie, what went wrong? !
After thinking for a long time, Charles picked up the phone and dialed Su Moqing's number.

"Hey, Su, can you come to the academy? I have something important to ask you. If it's convenient, bring Ruiwen with me!"

Just as Charles finished speaking, there was a "swish", a red smoke flashed, and Su Moqing and Ruiwen suddenly appeared, appearing in front of Charles, Hank, and Logan.

Su Moqing smiled and said, "Charles, what do you want from me?"

Mystique!Who is this man?It looks like their relationship is very close, what the hell, let's kill Mystique first!

Looking at Su Moqing and Rui Wen who suddenly appeared, Logan changed his mind. In order to change the future, he decided to directly kill the source of the disaster.

From Logan's point of view, as long as Mystique is dead and Trask is not allowed to get Mystique's genes, the sentinel robot without the ability to transform is nothing to be afraid of!
Sacrificing one Mystique and bringing happiness to thousands of families is totally worth it.

Logan was a man of action, and felt that the method was feasible, so he immediately started, stretching out three bone claws between the finger bones of both hands, swooping directly at Ruiwen's heart.

"Want to fight?"

Seeing Logan flying towards him, Ruiwen didn't panic at all, and raised her hand to emit a fiery laser beam.


A trace of horror flashed in Logan's eyes, and then he felt a sharp pain in his shoulder. With a scream, his body flew upside down, hit the wall, and lay on the ground spinning.


What the hell, how could Mystique be so powerful?
Could it be that the way I travel is wrong?
Logan looked confused, feeling that there seemed to be a big difference between this world and the world he knew.

Professor X with hair who can run and jump, Hank who has not turned into a blue-haired beast, and Mystique who can emit laser beams simply broke his cognition!

Ruiwen didn't know what Logan was thinking. The laser beam she emitted just now was her ability to imitate Alex.

Under Su Moqing's training, Ruiwen's strength has long been different from what it used to be. In addition to her much stronger physique, she possesses the [teleportation] ability of the Red Devil, and her own transformation ability has also greatly increased.

Not only can it change its shape, but it can even copy other people's genes by touching the other person's skin, so as to obtain the other person's abilities.

It’s just that the current strength is not too high. For example, Ruiwen can copy Charles’ X gene to obtain the ability of [telepathy], but Ruiwen’s own mental power is not high, and she can only spy on thoughts within a range of [-] meters. .

But that's perverted enough!

As long as Ruiwen is given time to grow, Ruiwen will definitely become an omniscient super mutant.

Logan's injury was not in the eye. He quickly recovered with his self-healing ability, got up from the ground, looked at Rui Wen in horror, and dared not say: "You are really Mystique? This is impossible, I never knew Mystique has this ability!"

"Do I know you? Why do you want to kill me?"

Ruiwen looked at Logan with an unfriendly expression, and if the other party didn't have a reasonable explanation, she didn't mind loosening the bones for the other party.

Logan and Mystique naturally knew each other. At the beginning, he had beaten Mystique more than once, but the Mystique in front of him was not at the same level as the Mystique in Logan's memory.

What should I do if I can't beat it?Wait online!

Looking at Logan's state and the current time period, Su Moqing guessed that the plot of "Reversal of the Future" should have started, but he was also a little puzzled.

Logically speaking, he has changed a lot of plots. It shouldn't be possible for the events of "Reversal of the Future" to happen, right?

(End of this chapter)

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