Meiman: Infinite Psychic

Chapter 13 The world is so big, I want to see it【For collection】

Chapter 13 The world is so big, I want to see it【For collection】

over the South Pacific.

Pilot Mark Hanke was driving a P47 Thunderbolt fighter jet, chasing a Japanese Zero fighter plane, but in the battle, his fighter plane was hit, and he had no choice but to parachute and landed on an unknown desert island.

Looking up, the Japanese fighter plane hit by him also began to fall, but the driver of the opponent also parachuted and fell.

Mark untied the parachute immediately, and then ran over, only to see an imperialist Japanese pilot just climbed out from under the parachute, and immediately took out his pistol to shoot.

"Bang bang bang..."

Mark fired six shots in a row, but maybe because of nervousness, or maybe because his marksmanship was too stinky, he didn't even hit the opponent with a single shot.

The Japanese pilot Junhei Ikko had already closed his eyes and waited to die, but who knew that the opponent missed him at a distance of 50 meters, and immediately showed a smile of the rest of his life after the catastrophe.

"You are dead!"

Junping Yiguang undid the safety buckle of the parachute, coquettishly pulled out a pistol, pointed at the Yankee in front and pulled the trigger.


Uh, also missed.

Mark came back to his senses, turned around and ran, Jun Ping Yiguang recklessly caught up with him, and fired while running, but the magazine was empty and failed to hit Mark!
Both of their pistols were out of bullets, but Junhei Yiguang still had a samurai sword and short knife at his waist, so he had the upper hand.

Mark was empty-handed, and he didn't want to play empty-handed, so he was chased and fled.

The two chased and gradually approached the jungle on the edge of the beach.


Suddenly, a resounding hawk chirped, and then a huge shadow flashed past, bringing with it a gust of wind.

"God, what the hell?"

"How could there be such a huge eagle in this world?"

Mark and Junping Yiguang were horrified when they saw a handsome giant eagle with a wingspan of about seven meters flying over their heads.

"Go down."

Su Moqing stood on Hai Dongqing's back, looked at the two people below, and ordered Hai Dongqing.

Hai Dongqing whirled in the air, then swooped down.

"God, there is someone on the back of this giant eagle!"

Mark watched the giant eagle fly back, and there was an oriental man in a strange costume (with his mask off) standing on his back, and he couldn't believe his eyes.

Junhei Ikko was also very nervous, holding the samurai sword firmly.

Hai Dongqing was close to the ground, flapping its two-meter-long eagle wings, flying sand and rocks, and the sand on the beach was blown up, making Mark and Junping Yiguang cover their mouths, noses and eyes with their hands.

After Hai Dongqing landed, Su Moqing, who was wearing the Predator armor, jumped off the eagle's back and landed in front of the two of them.


Su Moqing looked at Junping Yiguang. He spoke Huaxia, but it was automatically translated into English and Japanese in the ears of Mark and Junping Yiguang.

Junping Yiguang thought he had found the organization, and nodded happily.

The next moment, an energy cannon bombarded his body, opening a blood hole the size of a sea bowl in his heart.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for killing Junping Yiguang, rewarding 3 psychic points. 】

After solving this little devil, Su Moqing looked at Mark: "Don't be nervous, I'm from Huaxia."

Mark looked at the tragic death of Jun Ping, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly, and thought, "It's no wonder you're not nervous."

However, he is still a pilot who has undergone rigorous training, and his psychological quality is still relatively strong. After calming down, Mark asked cautiously: "Who are you, and where is this place?"

Su Moqing smiled and said: "This is Skull Island, it's too late to explain, get in the car quickly, no, it's Eagle Claw."

While Su Moqing was speaking, she already felt a slight vibration on the ground, and the frequency of the vibration became more and more frequent. It was obvious that a huge monster was approaching.

Mark was obviously wary of Su Moqing in his heart, and he didn't believe Su Moqing immediately, but at this moment he seemed to have no other choice, so he had to grit his teeth and follow.

Su Moqing asked Mark to hug Haidongqing's eagle claws, and then jumped onto Haidongqing's back, allowing Haidongqing to take off.


Hai Dongqing kicked his feet, flapped his huge wings, and flew up with the two of them.

Although Mark was a pilot, it was the first time that he took off in such a situation. He hugged Costin's eagle tightly for fear of falling.

When Costin rose to a height of 300 meters, Su Moqing looked down and saw King Kong, which had grown to a height of 20 meters, more than 30 miles away.

King Kong is a cosmic monster, it is currently in its infancy, and it is growing very rapidly.

Su Moqing remembers that Godzilla and Ghidorah also appeared in the easter eggs of "King Kong Skull Island". The United States even formulated a special "Emperor Plan" for this purpose.

But these are many years later!
At this time, Su Moqing drove Haidongqing, led Mark to bypass King Kong, and headed towards a high mountain, ready to ask about the situation outside.

the other side.

As the guardian of Skull Island, King Kong's personality is not bad, at least for ordinary herbivores, King Kong generally will not take the initiative to attack.

King Kong is an omnivorous animal, and he does not taboo meat or vegetables. However, King Kong generally does not attack docile animals. Even if he eats meat, he eats ferocious carnivores, or some dead animals, and sometimes goes to the little ones (Tu tribe on Skull Island) ) Where to eat some offerings.

It's a protection fee!

King Kong was inspecting its territory today, but when he heard a sound in the distance accompanied by thick smoke, he immediately decided to take a look.

King Kong's wisdom is equivalent to that of a five or six-year-old human child. He has his own cognition and hates flames very much, because every accidental forest fire will burn many things, including the food it likes to eat, and make him hungry!
Therefore, King Kong with "experience", once he finds out where the forest is burning, he will go to put out the fire as soon as possible.

When King Kong walked to the beach, the plane of Mark and Junping Yiguang was almost burnt to iron. King Kong picked up a lot of sand with his big hands and buried it. Seeing that the fire was completely extinguished, he left contentedly.

Putting out a fire today to prevent forest fires from happening, King Kong feels great!
And on a high mountain.

Su Moqing asked Mark about the outside world.

I learned from Mark that it is the beginning of 1944, World War II is in full swing, and many countries have participated in this tragic war.

After getting the information she wanted, Su Moqing explained the situation of Skull Island to Mark, then gave him some food, and left alone on Costin!

He and Mark are not related, so there is no need to pay more attention. Whether he can survive on Skull Island depends on Mark's own good fortune.

According to Marvel's plot, in 1944, World War II was drawing to a close.

"Counting it all together, Captain America was born around this time period, maybe it can be."

In [Psychic Space], Su Moqing was thinking about the plot of Marvel, and felt that the world was so big that he should go out and have a look.

Right here, Su Moqing sensed Iron Blood Johnson's call, and immediately left [psychic space] with a thought.

When Su Moqing reappeared, he had already crossed the universe and appeared in a spaceship full of sci-fi atmosphere.

And in front of him was none other than the psychic beast, Jagged Johnson!

Next to it was a cool black battle armor tailored for Su Moqing.

(End of this chapter)

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