From the super Seminary, science and technology become gods

Chapter 84 Going back in time, looking at the past

Chapter 84 Going back in time and looking at the past
Onboard the Galaxy Tiangong.

Numerous male angels in dark armor.

They assembled into an army formation, a phalanx.

On the ground and in the air, there are no less than a million giants everywhere.

Hua Ye walked among these angelic army formations, and Ruoning at the side also walked along, and said flatly:

"Liang Bing dares to launch Qiangwei, which means that Qiangwei is indeed capable, but our goal is not Qiangwei."

"rest assured."

Hua Ye patted her arm and said confidently, "We will win this battle."

At this time, the two had reached a raised platform in the center of the square.

Hua Ye looked at the countless angel legions all around, and burst out laughing.

And Luo Xiu, who was in the Angel Nebula, was shocked at the moment.

How did Qiangwei become a warrior under Morgana!

Hexi looked sideways at Luo Xiu. She knew that Luo Xiu was once a member of the Heroes' Company, and that Qiangwei was also a member of the Heroes' Company, and that the two were once comrades-in-arms.
But when she got the information of the Xiongbing Company, she already knew that the relationship between Qiangwei and Morgana, who possessed the time-space gene, would not be normal.

To some extent, the time-space gene was created by Morgana, but after one thing happened, the time-space gene flowed into the Super Seminary and was finally obtained by the Deno civilization.

With Morgana's method of demagoguery, the rose
"It's impossible for Qiangwei to join Morgana's command. Her father is Chief Du."

Luo Xiu had a look of disbelief.

Seeing Luo Xiu's appearance, He Xi hesitated, and finally said softly: "A lot of things happened after the fall of Queen Keisha."

"What do you want to say?" Luo Xiu looked at Hexi.

He Xi said with a little apology: "After the fall of Queen Kaisha, the Great Gorge fell."

"Then what?" Luo Xiu said flatly.

The Great Gorge has fallen.
"Dukao died on the Great Gorge, gluttonous and demons invaded massively, the Battle of the Great Gorge, the earth... was defeated."

He Xi said in a rather serious tone.

These are all the news she got after Kaisha's death, and Yan also got it, but she told Yan not to tell Luo Xiu.
Luo Xiu was silent, and said to Xinhuo in his mind.

"Did the entire Super God universe be read when the system was upgraded?"

【Yes. 】

"Can you read what happened on Earth during the period when Keisha fell?"

[Yes, but reading events across distant spaces and timelines requires a huge amount of energy. 】

"How much."

【Reading all of them will use up all your energy and will cause you to enter a period of weakness. 】


Luo Xiu ordered firmly.

"Are you okay?" He Xi looked worried at the silent Luo Xiu.

"Huh? I'm fine"

Luo Xiu looked at Hexi, and said immediately: "Go and deal with Tiancheng's matter first, we can go to watch the duel after we've dealt with it."

"Tiancheng has already dealt with it."

The implication of He Xi's words is that I can accompany you and leave at any time.
"Oh wait for me, I need to deal with something."

Luo Xiu said softly.


Immediately Hexi asked the guardian angel to go to Tiancheng to prepare.

Luo Xiu closed his eyes, and his consciousness entered the dark plane.

"Read the information of the earth during the time when Keisha fell."

【OK. 】

[Construct a space bridge. Construct an energy channel to target the earth. 】

A virtual image of the earth appeared in front of Luo Xiu.

[Start reading information. 】

【Retrospective timeline information is being read.】

Immediately, the virtual image began to change, just like a movie.

Countless demons gather at the edge of China, and Morgana's Demon One battleship arrives.
When the war broke out, a crocodile killed several angels, and then Liu Chuang appeared to drive it back
The demons attacked aggressively, suppressed by firepower, and a girl wearing dark alloy armor was hit. The girl Luo Xiu still had a little impression that she joined the Xiongbing Company after the Battle of Tianhe, and her name seemed to be He Weilan.
Ducao was killed by a sniper, Lianfeng was seriously injured on the Juxia, and a girl was taken away. Xin Zhao wanted to stop him but was tricked by the wormhole.
Lena was captured by the demons, the soldiers were attacked one after another, and Monkey King of Huaguo Mountain was besieged by the demons
In the sky above the Great Strait, Reina was controlled, and then a powerful wave of stellar energy erupted from her body and destroyed the Great Strait, and then Reina's figure disappeared
With the assistance of the seriously injured Lianfeng, Qiangwei used wormhole technology to save many people, and then left.
The Xiongbing Company was completely disbanded
In a cave somewhere in China, Liu Chuang refused the solicitation of the devil, and shouted the oath of "Great Wall No. [-]": never betray the country, never betray comrades-in-arms
The Huaxia Army reorganized and started a rescue operation. With the help of her teammates, Qilin rescued Liu Chuang's team
After being sent back to Earth to recover her energy, Lena met Ge Xiaolun who was besieged and rescued Xiaolun.
"I'm sorry, Xiao Lun, I can't go back."

The two separated, Ge Xiaolun woke up in the army, and went to the capital Beizhixing together.
devastated along the way
At the same time, the members of the Xiongbing company scattered in various places spontaneously organized the front North Star
Huaguo Mountain, Su Xiaoli and his troops reconcile with Monkey King
On the other side, Xin Zhao fell into an isolated island. A female angel appeared and signed a declaration of protection with her. Afterwards, the two returned to the battlefield, joined the main force and headed to the North Star.
On Qiangwei's side, they met Morgana on the way to the North Star and became companions. They met Angel, Pan Zhen, Leina, and Hua Ye successively, and then went to Devil One with Morgana.
The four angels fight alone in the northern sky, fighting with the gluttonous fleet
Ruoning appeared with several male angels and killed one of them on the spot. A fight ensued, and Xiao Lun arrived in time to save the remaining angel.
Another angel was rescued by Liu Chuang
Not long after, all the members of the Xiongbing Company gathered at the North Star.
Reina came to the North Star to meet with the Xiongbing Company, as a god, and then returned to the Xiongbing Company.
Lianfeng joined the Xiongbing Company and brought good news that the Mangdang Mountain was completed and ready to use
At this time, Taotie inexplicably retreated, and a Skyblade warship appeared above the earth.
Not long after, the small gluttonous fleet attacked again and used hot weapons capable of destroying the planet. Morgana successfully blocked it.
Then Xiao Lun and several female angels jointly defeated a male angel. On the deck of the gluttonous fleet, Hua Ye finally appeared and took the male angel away.
After this small gluttonous fleet was defeated, the earth ushered in a brief period of peace.
Afterwards, the Xiongbing Company took control of the Skyblade battleship, and another gluttonous fleet attacked, guarding outside the earth.
The demons on the earth are raging in areas other than China, and countless people have fallen into demons
In the video, the events experienced on the earth during the time when Kaisha fell, are played scene by scene
During that time, apart from the war, the only thing that happened was that countless flowers of life withered away.
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(End of this chapter)

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