Chapter 44
With the landing of Silver Blade No. 8, Luo Xiu brought the [-] people who became more and more admirable and respectful to the battleship, and personally arranged a protective shield to cover the entire Silver Blade No. [-], so as to prevent these people who had not been transformed wind blows away
Following Luo Xiu's order, the Silver Blade began to return.

Return to Skywing.

As for the ancient sub-civilization, Luoxiu has already built a church here, presided over by some people who were not selected by Xin Huo because of their age, and left behind eight Silver Winged Warriors.

It is up to them to spread the faith in the Ancient Asia Empire, and spread the order of his royal court in Luoxiu.

Guardianship, loyalty, honor, justice.

This is the order of Luo Xiu, the order of the royal court, internal but not external
Protect what you love, protect the order of the royal court; be absolutely loyal to the royal court, loyal to Tianyi King Luoxiu; willing to fight for your own honor, the honor of the royal court, and the honor of the king; absolutely guard and stick to the concept of justice.

On the Silver Blade, Luo Xiu told the people who were kneeling on the ground consciously, and told about the order of the royal court that he had decided.

For a civilization, ideas are indispensable, and order is also indispensable. One less link is a thousand miles away.

So he directly copied the justice and order of the angel civilization, but mixed in some private goods, awe and respect for life.

The rest are nothing more than ideas that are beneficial to Luo Xiu's rule.

In fact, for these people, redundant narration is unnecessary, because when they accept genetic inheritance, they will be implanted with the seeds of strictly observing the order of the royal court, that is, malicious implantation.

However, the next generation of angels, Luo Xiu, is not willing to continue to be born in this way.

Just like the female angels of angelic civilization, Keisha did not implant too many ideas in them, and they still uphold justice and order.

This is the charm of Keisha's order of justice.

After a while, the Silver Blade No. [-] has parked at the berth of the Silver Wing series on the edge of the sky city of Tianyi Star.

8 people, all with dazed and bewildered expressions on their faces, their strong belief in God made them believe in Luo Xiu unconditionally, forgetting their fear of the 'unknown'.
Luo Xiu arranged them in the genetic laboratory of Sky City.

The genetic laboratory in Sky City is huge enough, even if 8 people enter it at the same time, it still looks very empty.

In the laboratory, transparent test tubes made of unknown substances are placed on the laboratory table, filled with strange white liquids.

This is a 'liquid' made by Luo Xiu to transform these people into angel genes, consisting of energy source liquid and genetic code.

It's not actually a liquid, it just looks like a liquid.

Drink it down and it will destroy and alter your genes.
It sounds very simple, but in fact the process is very complicated. The violent energy will first destroy the original gene chain, and the angel's genetic code will keep filling and repairing behind the energy until the gene is completely transformed into an angel gene.

"Okay, drink it and you will become warriors of the royal court, angel warriors who protect the order of the royal court."

Luo Xiu said to everyone.

What Luo Xiu never expected was that almost all of the 8 people picked up the test tube and drank it after Luo Xiu's words fell through!

The difference was only a few seconds at most, and no one hesitated, which Luo Xiu never expected.

But Luo Xiu didn't care. The moment these 8 people drank the liquid, their fate had already changed.

Luo Xiu said to Owen who was quietly waiting by the side:
"Owen, look at them. After they have transformed, they will be brought to the ground for basic training. First, become proficient in the body and abilities of angels."

"Yes, king." Owen replied respectfully.

Luo Xiu turned around and left. Next, the Silver Blade system will be finished. For the memory implantation of 8 people, and the creation of armor equipment, all these need Silver Blade to do, and Luo Xiu is too lazy to deal with them one by one.

After these 8 people transform into angels, Luo Xiu will make arrangements for them.

For example, there is only one of the four archangels, Gua Owen, and three archangels need to be selected.

There are more detailed arrangements that need to be made.

Arriving in the palace of Sky City, Luo Xiu sat on the throne, thinking about how to go next.

It is only the first step to create a powerful team that completely obeys their own orders.

Next, Luo Xiu will take the initiative to step into the vortex of the earth.

Since he chose the earth, the relationship with the Styx galaxy is bound to become hostile.

On the angel side, Luo Xiu has good relations with the justice and order of the female angelic civilization, but Hua Ye, who survived the era of the demon civilization Morgana and the angelic civilization Tiangong, has become hostile.

The attitude of Lieyang Civilization is temporarily unclear.

"I don't know how the earth is doing now"

Almost a year has passed since Luo Xiu left Earth for the Angel Nebula.

In Frazer, Luo Xiu was quite worried when Yan said that the Juxia had fallen, but Yan said that he had sent angels to Earth, so Luo Xiu let go of the idea of ​​rushing to Earth immediately.

Now he can't go back to Earth, at least not yet, before his Tianyi Royal Court has developed, Luo Xiu can't stop anything even if he goes back.

Just as Luo Xiu was thinking, Owen's respectful voice came.

"My lord, eighty thousand angels have been born and brought them all to land."

With a wave of Luo Xiu's hand, the influence on the ground appeared in the palace. Looking at the large number of angels, Luo Xiu's heart was filled with anticipation.

"Go and watch them, first let them sit quietly, digest the knowledge in their brains, and then practice energy control." Luo Xiu instructed Owen who was beside him.

"Yes, Wang." Owen responded and retreated silently.

And Luo Xiu looked at the restless newborn angels in the video, and said to the silver blade, "Stop the project of the silver-winged warriors first, and try our best to produce dark silver armor and long swords, and find a way to add some dark iron elements to them .”

[Start executing the command. 】

Luo Xiu is going to make more dark silver armor and long swords, anyway, he has no shortage of dark silver now, so make more to be prepared.

The Silver Blade is also following Luo Xiu's instructions, and the Silver Wing Warrior Factory has completely stopped production.

The dark silver manufacturing factory is speeding up production.

The Silver Winged Warriors produced during Luo Xiu's one-month journey to the ancient sub-civilization began to collect meteorites.

A complete production line emerged.

One set after another of dark silver armor was made.

And the newborn angels on the ground also gradually digested the extra knowledge in their brains.

This gave them a deeper understanding of the universe and civilization.

He also respected Luo Xiu and Tianyi Royal Court.

Luo Xiu, who had ordered everything, began to check the genetic status of these newborns.

Luo Xiu endowed them with ordinary angel genes, and did not directly endow them with perfect angel genes.

The same is true for Kesha. After Luo Xiu gave Kesha the upgrade code for the perfect angel gene, she did not immediately upgrade it, let alone upgrade her angel guards.

The same is true for Luo Xiu, he is only going to upgrade the perfect angel genes for the four archangels.

As for the rest of the angels, Luo Xiu has no plans to upgrade them to the perfect angel gene.

After the 8 people brought from the ancient sub-civilization transformed into angels.

Luo Xiu's Tianyi Royal Court finally has a living person!
There is also the first batch of backbones of Tianyi Royal Court!
These [-] angels will be the vanguard of Tianyi Royal Court to conquer the universe in the future, and this is also the most important part of Luo Xiu's plan!
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(End of this chapter)

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