From the super Seminary, science and technology become gods

Chapter 41 Tianyi Star; Life Civilization

Chapter 41 Tianyi Star; Life Civilization
Luo Xiu was still a little dissatisfied looking at the changed Tianyi Star.

"Almost meaningless."

After a busy three months.
Luohe galaxy.

A planet very similar to the sun but much smaller.

It exudes dazzling light like the sun, but its light is silvery white.

Its surging energy can be felt from a long distance.

inside the planet.

The river is clear and quiet, and there are fish swimming freely, giving people a feeling of fascination.

The endless mountains, under the shining light, seem to be covered with a layer of silver coat, which looks extraordinarily beautiful.

And above the sky, a huge mountain floated in mid-air, and countless palaces and bright silver towering buildings could be vaguely seen in it.

This is the planet that Luo Xiu spent nearly six months creating.

Luo Xiu created it with the help of Tiancheng's idea.

The periphery of the planet is surrounded by energy, the inner land is used for the survival of ordinary people, and the city in the sky named by Luo Xiu as the city of the sky serves as his central base.

In one of the most magnificent palaces in the Sky City, Luo Xiu leaned on the throne with one hand on his chin, feeling bored looking at the empty hall below.

This palace was also built by Luo Xiu in imitation of Tiancheng's palace, but it was slightly bigger.

Hmm. It's just to satisfy the little vanity in his heart. After all, he is also a god, and his personality must be high, right?
"Silver blade. How is the factory made?"

[Silver Blade: The Ansu Silver Factory has begun mass production of Ansu Silver Metal. 】

[The machinery factory is also continuously producing blade fighters, and there are now 820 blade fighters. 】

Silver Wing Warrior is the name Luo Xiu gave to the mechanical species made of dark silver.

Blade Warriors are made in the shape of angels.

Powered by stellar energy, the body is male, and the face is a pure silver mask style with three pairs of silver wings.

There are small silver wings behind it, which can be used for flying and fighting, and the silver blade combat system is implanted in the body.

And Luo Xiu is the supreme obedient leader of the Silver Wing Warriors.

"It's not bad to directly pass these coordinates into their system and let them collect them."

Luo Xiu directly sent all the extraordinary substances and rare substance coordinate points detected by Xinhuo to Silver Blade.

After Silver Blade received the command, it directly passed the coordinates into the command system of the Silver Wing Warrior.

Immediately, in the city of the sky, a silver-winged warrior with a mask and silver-covered armor spread his wings and flew into the universe.

After Luo Xiu sensed the action of the Silver Winged Warrior, he didn't care about the follow-up.

Although the Silver Wing Warriors cannot mobilize dark energy, they are hard enough and powerful enough to kill, and they are also implanted with a silver blade battle group, and their close combat capabilities far exceed those of the second-generation Angels.

Even in the face of the three generations of gods, close combat can make it pay the price, and after being destroyed, the stellar energy micro-drive device in the body will perform self-exposure processing, which will cause a lot of damage to the three generations of gods, but it is only possible, not The gods of the third generation were so stupid that the Silver Wing Warriors attacked their own gods unscrupulously.

The only shortcoming of the Silver Wing Warrior is that it cannot use dark energy and can only fight in close quarters.

But the advantage is that it can be mass-produced, and now Luoxiu has no shortage of dark silver.

The factories in Sky City can produce nearly a hundred Silver Winged Warriors and their weapons and equipment every day.

Luo Xiu is also not going to expand. The Silver Wing Warrior is not very useful. It is enough to deal with the second generation, but not the third generation.

The Silver Wing Warrior and the three generations of gods can only achieve a little effect by using a suicide attack, and the effect will not be obvious.

Although An Suyin can easily cut the body of the third generation of gods, but the silver-winged warrior made by An Suyin cannot use dark energy, and it is impossible to get close to the body of the third generation of gods, let alone kill the body of the third generation of gods.

The development of the Silver Wing Warrior was mainly used by Luo Xiu to collect resources, not for war.

What is really used in war is the artificial god-making project that Silver Blade is calculating.

Luo Xiu on the throne yawned and said:

"How is the calculation of the artificial god-making project going?"

[Silver Blade: It is ready to enter the experimental stage. 】

"Then let's put it into the experiment, experiment with a generation of angel genes." Luo Xiu said with a smile.

He decided to use the angel gene. After all, his own gene is an angel gene, and it is an upgraded angel gene, so that it will not cause unnecessary trouble to others.

The genes of Xiongbing Company are backed up in Luoxiu's knowledge base, but they are all other people's genes, and everyone is so familiar, it is not kind to use them directly without permission.

Luo Xiu cheered up, just when he was about to start a new round of research, Xin Huo brought him an exciting news.

[Detected Shenhe body life civilization. 】

Luo Xiu: "!!!"

Regarding the Luohe galaxy, Luo Xiu is satisfied with everything, but the fact that it has no life makes Luo Xiu very distressed.

"It means that all the Luoxiu galaxies have not perished, and there are still living civilizations?" Luoxiu asked hastily.

[Indeed, the Luohe galaxy is very large, and a part of the star field has not been invaded by black holes. 】

At present, Xinhuo has detected most of the Luohe galaxy, and only a small part has not been detected.

"Are there any stars?" Luo Xiu asked the most crucial point.

[According to the energy detection results, there are stars, and there are many of them. 】

Luo Xiu is excited, the number of stars is more, so it proves that life civilization will definitely not be less!
"Great! Give me the coordinates! I'm going to have a look right away! Pass it to me and continue testing. As soon as you detect life and civilization in the Shenhe body, send me the coordinates immediately!"

Luo Xiu was a little impatient.

Now that he is the master of the family, he knows how important the population is, and now he has no one under his command!
Only Fireworks and Silverblade computers and a bunch of robots.

Luo Xiu urgently needs the addition of life civilization to increase the speed of development. With life civilization, he doesn't need to conduct extremely difficult research on life creation.

Gods can be created by directly modifying genes!

After checking the coordinates of the planet sent by the torch, Luo Xiu directly instructed Silver Wing:

"Silver Blade, drive Tianyi Star to the designated coordinates!"

[Instruction is being executed. 】

This is also one of the benefits of Tianyi Star, which is powered by star energy and can move at will.

The wormhole built by Luo Xiu is inside the core of the Sky Winged Star. After being solidified by dark energy, it will move with the movement of the Sky Winged Star.

Following Luo Xiu's order, the entire Sky Winged Star is moving rapidly towards the coordinates of civilization given by Xinhuo.

Naturally, Luo Xiu would not go with Tianyi Star, but went by himself, which was faster.

Letting Tianyi star go there is just to facilitate migration, Luo Xiu will try his best to lure those civilizations to Tianyi star, but the distance is too far to facilitate population migration.
"The artificial god-making project can be put aside for a while, and then the silver blade series warships will be built at full speed." Luo Xiu ordered the silver blade.

[Silver Blade: Start executing the command. 】

The Silver Blade series of warships, this is Luo Xiu's idea when he saw the Heavenly Blade series of warships.

Create the Silver Blade series by imitating the Sky Blade series. Of course, Luo Xiu also has a Sky Wing series battleship, which he has researched through the Sky Blade series. However, building a Sky Wing warship is much more troublesome than the Silver Blade series.

The silver blade series warships have the information of the sky blade series warships there, and it is much easier to build.

As for the information of the Tianren series, where did it come from?Luo Xiu really thought he was in a daze when he looked at the Tianren series warships in Tiancheng?

That's him constantly analyzing and scanning the stolen data with the firewood!
And the current prototypes of the Silver Blade series warships are the results of the original analysis and scanning.

After Silver Blade began to build the Silver Blade series of warships, many large research factories in Sky City began to move, and countless mechanical arms were controlled by Silver Blade and began to move.

After detecting that Sky City was in operation, Luo Xiu left with peace of mind.

Embark on the road to the unknown Shenhe body life civilization.

PS: Ask for favorites, tickets.
(End of this chapter)

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