From the super Seminary, science and technology become gods

Chapter 39 Silver Blade Celestial Computer

Chapter 39 Silver Blade Celestial Computer
Luo Xiu decided to name this unknown galaxy the Luohe Galaxy.

The Milky Way Galaxy, the Shenhe Galaxy, the Styx Galaxy, these galaxies all have the word river, so Luo Xiu named this unknown galaxy the Luohe Galaxy!
The character Luo represents Luo Xiu, which means that this galaxy will be his from now on!
"Xinhuo, have you found any other extraordinary substances?"

Luo Xiu asked a little excitedly.

He doesn't think too much of supernatural substances, the more the better!
The information that Hexi had passed to him earlier played a big role at this time.

The biggest effect is that he knows what these extraordinary substances represent and what are their uses!
Dark Iron can create him a god-killing silver wing, and as long as the remaining materials are sufficient, it can also create a batch of armor with strong defense power and a batch of god-killing weapons with strong attack power!

Not one piece!It's a batch!Quantity cannot be estimated.

The Silver Wing does not need to be held by Luo Xiu, it can be controlled by energy and fire, so don't care too much about the erosion of the dark iron, you can incorporate a little more dark iron element.

The rest of the armor and weapons only need to incorporate a small amount of dark iron elements.

[No other extraordinary substances have been detected yet. 】

"How is the reading and retrieval progress of the Luohe Galaxy?" Luo Xiu asked.

[The Luohe galaxy has detected 5.00%. 】

Luo Xiu was very satisfied with this speed, and was even a little surprised. This galaxy is so huge that it cannot be estimated.

The calculation ability of Xinhuo once again exceeded Luo Xiu's expectations.

Thinking of this, Luo Xiu felt that it was necessary to separate a fuel subsystem and install it on the material celestial body, so that it would be more useful.

The fire does not have to be limited to calculation, calculation, and analysis, it can also play a certain role in creation.

Now if you want to use the fire to create something, you still need Luo Xiu to take the time to do it, but after adding the material celestial body, you don't need Luo Xiu to do it yourself.

Luo Xiu couldn't help thinking.

"Maybe here we can use the fuel to separate the sub-system to add material celestial bodies, use the No. [-] system to conduct genetic research, and create a batch of artificial gods through the human body structure in the knowledge base?"

Thinking of this, Luo Xiu was taken aback by his own thoughts.

Create genes, imitate human body structure and create humans or angels, fuse super genes, and create gods!

Artificial God!Or make gods out of thin air!Just thinking about it makes my scalp tingle!

However, Luo Xiu felt more and more that this idea was feasible, but he still lacked some materials.

Such as the structural cells of the human body, and the genetic code.
At this time, Luo Xiu was suddenly inexplicably excited.

"By the way! I'm not a human being. I took samples from myself and used the super genetic code mentioned by Hexi to solve the genes. I still have the genes of the Xiongbinglian in my knowledge base, and I also have the perfect angel genes! "

Now everything is ready, just install the No. [-] system on the material celestial body, let it improve its calculations, and then perform replication and fusion!

Maybe he can really create a group of gods!
Keisha can wholesale second-generation angels?Why can't Luo Xiu do it.

"Fire, is there any material celestial body suitable for installing the system within the range that has been detected?"

In fact, Luo Xiu does not need to be suitable. As long as it is a celestial body, Luo Xiu can use his ability to refine it, and then add a material celestial body. It would be better if there is a suitable Luo Xiu to improve it.

[Searching. 】

[A material celestial body suitable for installing the system has been found. 】

"Call out the coordinate position."

[The coordinates have been passed to the host knowledge base. 】

Luo Xiu flew over at full speed according to the location coordinates that appeared in his mind.

He can't wait to start experimenting with his new ideas now.

Looking at this incredibly huge planet in front of me, it may be as large as nearly a thousand Earths, a little bigger than Saturn.

However, the surface is still pitted, and the surface of the planet is directly exposed to the universe. It is impossible for such a planet to have life, unless there is a god living in seclusion on it?
Obviously, this is a 'dead' planet.

"Xinhuo, conduct energy channeling on this planet."

[Energy channeling in progress. 】

An invisible energy burst out from Luo Xiu's body and poured into such a huge planet in front of him.

Luo Xiu is also constantly absorbing dark energy, and then cooperates with importing it into this planet.

[Energy channeling completed. 】

At this time, the planet larger than Saturn has changed from an irregular spherical shape to a diamond-shaped object that is small enough to drop black unknown material metal into the earth.

After hearing Xinhuo's prompt, Luo Xiu hurriedly flew to a meteorite nearby and melted the meteorite into meteorite. He repeated this step many times.
Finally, Luo Xiu used energy to refine a pile of approximately hundreds of cubic meters of meteorite iron, changing its material structure.

Until they turned into a diamond-shaped object about one meter in length and width and full of holes, it was a shrunken version of the current planet in appearance.

"Fire, separate the subsystems, import the material body, and then put the system into the material celestial body."

[The copying subsystem is connecting with the subsystem. 】

[Docking completed. 】

[Material structure is being imported. 】

[The import is complete. 】

【Loading material celestial bodies. 】

[Reprinted successfully. 】

[The sub-system astronomical computing group is being launched. 】

[Start successfully. 】

With the sound of the firewood falling.

The huge 'planet' before Luo Xiu's eyes gradually glowed with light, blue and silver arcs intertwined on this diamond-shaped celestial body.

Now this planet can no longer be called a planet, it should be called a celestial supercomputer!

Casting a huge planet into an energy conductor with energy, this is hardware, and has the adaptability of energy, so that it will not collapse completely when encountering energy.

I have to say that Luo Xiu thought very well.

Luo Xiu looked at it excitedly, this is the first "object" he created!
After Luo Xiu docked with it, he could clearly perceive it.

"What name should I choose? Let's call it Silver Blade."

Luo Xiu chose a name randomly.

Immediately, Luo Xiu used the silver blade to calculate the possibility of artificial god creation, while Xinhuo continued to analyze and detect the Luohe Galaxy, hoping to discover new extraordinary substances.

Luo Xiu really intends to use this place as his base camp. With the existence of the torch and the silver blade, he has an existence that will not lack material.

There are so many meteorites in the Luohe galaxy, as long as they are smelted into meteorites, and energy is added to change their atomic structure, what substances will not exist?

When Silver Blade calculated the possibility of artificial gods, Luo Xiu also asked him to calculate the material structure.

As long as it is a substance that can be calculated and calculated, then Luo Xiu will never lack it in the future.

Well. Except for black hole matter.

Hmm. Void Matter is also excluded.
Both substances are rather special.

What Luo Xiu needs to solve now is the energy problem, and energy is not endless to him.

Luo Xiu thought about whether he could use the fire to create a black technology that absorbs energy. From then on, the silver blade is self-sufficient and no longer needs to worry about energy issues.

Besides, if you want to artificially create gods, energy is also an indispensable part of it.

Without enough energy, it is impossible to support Luo Xiu's god-making project.

Hmm. Forged God Project.

"Is the god-making project feasible?"

[Silver Blade: The God-Creating Project is feasible, but it requires multiple experiments. The main link is whether life can be successfully created, which requires specific experiments. The calculation requires too much time, and there are too many possibilities. 】

"That's it." Luo Xiu leaned on his chin.

Before, he also felt that the most difficult thing in artificial gods is to create life, no. It should be the creation of consciousness, and the most difficult thing is to make the created people belong to real talents.

[Fire: Detect extraordinary substances. 】

[Nature: Void nature. 】

PS: Ask for favorites, tickets.
 Began to become an infrastructure madman...

(End of this chapter)

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