Chapter 37 Yan's entrustment
Luo Xiu didn't know how to comfort Yan who was hit. Kaisha was once regarded by the angels as a supreme existence, even a belief-level existence.
But now that their king has fallen, it can be said that the sky is falling apart, and the blow to them is not only sad
Luo Xiu caressed Yan's shoulder lightly, as if this could resolve enough sadness.
He is not good at comforting people.

Rather than accidentally saying the wrong thing, it would be better to quietly accompany Yan who was hit.

Yan, with a complex and sad face, sat on the ground paralyzed, glanced sideways at the silent Luo Xiu, and then passed out.

Yan was pulled into the dark plane.

She looked around blankly.

"This is."

"Hello, Angel Yan, it's our first time meeting." A voice came from the empty dark plane

Yan was a little puzzled, "You are?"

"I am your sub-biological engine in the dark plane. Your breath is very weak now. Do you need to start a preparatory plan?"


Yan understands, this is Queen Keisha's method, just in case
"Then I will activate in you, it will destroy and redefine your heart, you will no longer be an ordinary angel, I need to ask you three questions."

"Excuse me, why did Holy Kaisa only implant sub-biological engines on you and Zhi Xin?"

"Because Zhixin and I are the queen's guards, and we have to be responsible for the new queen in the future. If we die in battle early, Ani Cid may not be able to grow up to that position." Yan answered eloquently.

"Then the second question: what do you think of this fight with the devil?"

Hearing the second question from the biological engine, Yan clenched his naturally drooping hands slightly, "This is a shame!"

As the queen's sacred wings, even a demon can't deal with it. This will be a shame in her life, and she will always remember this day!
"The third question, Queen Keisha has fallen, are you willing to take on the task and responsibility of reorganizing the Angel Legion..."

"I am willing." Yan said solemnly.

Luo Xiu in the outside world was extremely anxious. At first he thought that Yan just fainted from grief, but Yan's heart had stopped beating for a while.

"Xinhuo, check Yan's status."

[Secondary biological engine detected, a wave of energy is rewriting the target's genes. 】

Luo Xiu was a little surprised, what's going on?Isn't the Angel forbidden to use the Void Engine?Why does Yan have it in his body?Kesha implanted?

Luo Xiu thought a lot at this moment and finally concluded that Kaisha implanted a sub-biological engine in Yan's body, just in case, and there is a high probability that another sacred winged guard also has it.

Luo Xiu has many doubts now, and only Yan can solve these doubts for him.

[It is detected that the target's biological body is dissipating, and the spiritual will is about to leave. 】

Luo Xiu:! !

"What's going on?" Luo Xiu was shocked, the sub-biological engine still has this ability?
At this time, Yan's voice came from Luo Xiu's mind.

"Luoxiu, I'm going back to Tiancheng. After the Queen's fall, I need to be responsible for reorganizing the Angel Legion and carrying the angel's righteous belief. Also, thank you for developing the perfect angel gene. In addition, there is some trouble on the earth, but I have let Zhixin and Leng took a few angels to Earth, and Frazer also asked you to help me see the situation of Ani Cid, and then you can choose to come to Tiancheng or return to Earth."

Yan's voice disappeared, and Yan's body in Luo Xiu's arms also turned into ashes and dissipated.

He smiled wryly, and complained, "You didn't worry too much when you were cooperating. That's right, Keisha will be resurrected sooner or later, but I, a wage earner, will be annoyed."

After complaining, Luo Xiu flew back to the bonfire where he rested last night.

Luo Xiu looked at Tai Sniff who was crying in the distance and waved.

"Respected Lord Angel, thank you for avenging my people." Tai Sniff was extremely excited, and tears flowed from the corners of his eyes.

"Okay, okay, I'll call you Sniff from now on, do you want to follow me?"

Luo Xiu thinks this Sneff is good, he can be trained as his own
"My lord has already avenged my people, so my life belongs to my lord."

"Very good, I appreciate you." Luo Xiu was very satisfied.

"By the way, do you know what kind of person Ani Cid is?" Luo Xiu looked at Sneff.

"A very attractive woman with great abilities." Sniff said without thinking.

If someone asked him, he would directly say: Just a little girl.

But this time the person who asked the question was the one who avenged him, which made him express his true opinion of Ani Cid in his heart.

"No way."

On this day, Luoxiu took Snyf to the Southern Kingdom, a kingdom established by Ani Cid with the angelic concept of justice.

Luoxiu took Sneef to the capital of the Southern Kingdom, Melo City.

Looking at the endless stream of pedestrians in common clothes on the street, Luo Xiu was thoughtful.

Indeed, the Southern Kingdom is being governed in an orderly manner, and it looks like a thriving scene.

"Sneeff, you go to see Ani Cid, in your name, don't let her know of my existence." Luo Xiu said to Sneef who was on the side.

"Good lord."

Snaff responded and walked towards the palace.

Luo Xiu casually found a gazebo and sat down, paying attention to everything in the palace.

"Sara Yang! You take me to see Ani Cid!" Snyf said angrily at the man in front of him.

As soon as Sneff entered the palace, he was surrounded by crowds. As the overlord of the north, he naturally couldn't bear it, let alone this time he came to the southern kingdom in his own capacity.

"Snaef, the north is being attacked by demons, you are not in the north to quell the chaos, I don't know why you are coming to my southern kingdom at this time?" Sara Yang teased.

Snaeff was even more angry when he heard Sara Yang's words, "Do you know how powerful the devil is! The northern continent is almost becoming the backyard of the devil!"

Seeing Desneeff's fury, Sarayang also knew the seriousness of the matter, and immediately said, "Come with me."

Sara Yang ordered the soldiers surrounding Snaff to put down their weapons.

Take Snyf to meet their queen, Ani Cid, ruler of the southern continent of Fraze.

In fact, Snyf also has his own thoughts. He needs to rely on the southern kingdom to regain the north. There are still many people in the northern continent who are not dead, and they are still lingering under the devil's butcher's knife.

Although Sniff agreed to follow Luo Xiu, the current situation in the Northern Continent could not allow him to follow Luo Xiu without any scruples.

Sniff also told Luo Xiu about this before, and Luo Xiu also agreed.

From Luo Xiu's point of view, it's fine if you don't want to leave with me. He understands Snyf. After all, he is the king of the Northern Continent. His people are still suffering from disasters. How could the king Sneff leave with Luo Xiu?
Luo Xiu also gave Snyf a choice.

If Sneeff is willing to leave with him, he will give Sneeff a better future.

If he is not willing, Luo Xiu will not force it.

There are many people worth cultivating, and he will not kill any one.

The ordinary demons in the Northern Continent will be handed over to Ani Cid to solve. This is the test of Angel's test of her ability.

Luo Xiu also knew that Ani Cid was the next king of angels selected by the Skyblade system, and this was a test for Ani Cid.

Luo Xi can't make a move at will.

When Sneff persuaded Anne Cid to send troops to crusade against the demons, it was time for Luo Xiu to leave to find a planet and civilization suitable for him to live and cultivate.

PS: Ask for collection, monthly pass.

(End of this chapter)

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