Chapter 189 Dimensional Hole
"Silver Blade, use the existing information to analyze the life of the triangle."

【Silver Blade: Executing...】

Although the triangular civilization has not emerged yet, since it exists, it must be a hidden danger.

Now that Triangular Civilization has not come out, it does not mean that it will not happen in the future.

Next, civilizations such as the super god universe will fight with several advanced civilizations in the marginal universe. After the universe is in chaos, the triangular civilization may not come out to pick up leaks...


Luo Xiu's whim did not have any impact on the fleet of the Tianyi Royal Court.

Dozens of huge and magnificent battleships are still carrying tens of thousands of battle angels and continue to move towards the barbarian star where the core of the alliance of beasts is located.

In all directions of the fleet group, many spaceships of unknown origin are hidden in the distant star field, peeping at the fleet of the Tianyi Royal Court.

At this time, there was a star field in the distance in front of the Tianyi Royal Court fleet, and the empty space seemed to be boiling like boiling water.

Ripples appeared in the space, like water waves, radiating the surrounding star fields. In a short time, wormholes the size of sesame seeds and mung beans appeared one after another, and they were gradually expanding. Finally, the black holes formed wormholes with a size of four to five meters. Hole.

As if to fit Luo Xiu's idea, a triangular life form flew out of the wormhole.The body is tall and flat, with wings on both sides, the dorsal fin is taller than the head, and the thorns are thick and smooth.The rump tail is long, the tail handle is short, and the tail is deeply forked.The whole body is black-gray, the back of the body and the back of the head are silver-gray, with some black spots, the sides of the body are silver-gray, the ventral surface is silver-white, the fins are gray or off-white, and the edges are gray-black.

If Luo Xiu was here, he would find that these triangles are different from the triangles of the Super God universe. They are larger than the triangles of the Super God universe, and their edges and corners are more obvious, like sharp blades.

After these triangular life forms appeared, they gathered together, and there were strange ripples flowing between them, as if to communicate with each other.

Afterwards, as if these triangles had reached a consensus, they formed a circle and slowly flapped their sides, bursting out an invisible energy fluctuation.

In the very center of the triangles, an invisible space ripple appeared, slowly flowing and spreading out, and then a black hole appeared in the center, with a weak devouring power, and the cosmic matter around it was being sucked in little by little.

At the moment when the black hole appeared, the triangles stopped their energy output, and after a brief exchange, they reached a consensus and flew into the wormhole they came out of, and disappeared, as if they had never appeared before.

In this star field, only this black hole created by the triangular life can prove that the triangular life has come.

The black hole is constantly absorbing surrounding cosmic matter, small meteorites, and various cosmic garbage. At the same time, its size is also changing, becoming larger at a speed visible to the naked eye, and its phagocytosis is also increasing little by little.

As if... is evolving towards a black hole...

This black hole is created by the triangular life, and it is called a dimensional hole by the triangular civilization. It can be said to be a super-type wormhole, or a weakened version of a black hole.

Dimensional holes have the ability to travel through wormholes, but also have the ability to devour black holes and weaken the ability to decompose and corrode.

Once the dimensional hole appears, it will grow on its own, and it will dissipate by itself until it is [-] meters in size. When it dissipates, it will also disappear with all the matter in the star field it formed. It is extremely overbearing, and it is not much worse than a black hole.

If it is close to the formed dimensional hole, it can be regarded as a mandatory dimensional universe random teleportation array. Of course, the dimensional hole is only responsible for sucking in and teleporting, and there is no guarantee that the creatures sucked in by it will remain intact during the teleportation process It is not impossible for the hands, feet, and head to be teleported separately, or, if it is too late to teleport, it is not necessarily decomposed directly by the dimensional hole...

Dimensional holes are researched by the triangular civilization in the subspace.A dimensional hole researched through the wormhole of the secondary space and the black hole of the main space.

Dimensional holes, with the ability to teleport through wormholes, can fold several layers of space teleportation completely depends on the size of the dimensional hole, the larger the dimensional hole, the farther the range of the teleportation, and the black hole nature of the dimensional hole is even more unsolvable, it can corrode the space Barriers, so as to achieve the effect of shuttling through space barriers.

The formed dimensional hole can be regarded as a random teleportation array between dimensional universes.

But it is a pity that the triangular civilization has no way to guarantee the safety of its transmission process. This is the only shortcoming of the dimensional hole, and it is this shortcoming that makes the dimensional hole a weapon. If not, Only relying on the dimensional holes, the triangular civilization can walk freely among the various dimensional universes.

The creation of a dimensional wormhole on the way from the Tianyi Royal Court to the main star of the Ten Thousand Beasts Alliance was a joint decision of the triangular civilization, and it was a decision not long ago.

The triangular civilization is hidden in the subspace in order to find a ray of life. The contradiction between the bodies makes the triangular civilization doomed to be unable to coexist with the major civilizations in the marginal universe.

Prior to this, the five major advanced civilizations did not pose a threat to the triangular civilization hidden in the subspace, and the real threat to the triangular civilization was the also hidden Pangu civilization.

The Pangu civilization was like a mountain pressing down on the triangular civilization, forcing them to shrink back and hide.

But now, the arrival of the major civilizations of the Super God universe has given the triangular civilization a sense of crisis, especially after the major civilizations of the Super God universe obtained the space technology of the Moore Federation, the sense of crisis is even greater.

The triangle civilization can't help guessing: Will the major civilizations of the super god universe who have won space technology, after solving the five major civilizations of the marginal universe, focus on the secondary space?

They can't afford to gamble, once the triangular body civilization is exposed, what awaits them is a huge physical war, and now they don't have the confidence to face the Pangu civilization head-on.

Therefore, the triangular civilization decided to act first and use the dimensional hole to send away the major civilizations of the super god universe!

It's a pity that the actions of Merlot Heavenly Court, Lieyang Civilization, and Demons are too fast. When Triangle Civilization is about to create a dimensional hole, the three parties have already arrived at their destination. Therefore, Triangle Civilization can only be sent away first and is still on the way Tianyi Royal Court.

The original plan of the triangular civilization was to send away several major civilizations in the alien universe together, so that the other party would not be able to respond, but now there is no other way, they must stop the alien universe civilization.

Do everything possible to delay the invasion of alien civilizations without exposing yourself!

Of course, Luo Xiu didn't know all of this, and neither did the major civilizations from the Super God universe.

Keisha and the others don't know that their arrival has brought a great sense of crisis to the triangular civilization here...

Sacred Tianyi, in the palace, Luo Xiuxiu was looking at the information about the life of the triangle calculated by Silver Blade.

Under the leadership of Owen, the fleet of Tianyi Royal Court also quickly moved towards the direction of the barbarian star.

Suddenly, the sound of firewood interrupted Luo Xiu's thoughts.

[Xin Huo: Warning!Unknown spatial fluctuations detected! ! ! 】

[Xin Huo: Warning!Unknown spatial fluctuations detected! ! ! 】

[Xin Huo: Warning!Unknown spatial fluctuations detected! ! ! 】

Three warnings in a row!
"Owen, Jessica, Oss, stop the fleet immediately!"

Luo Xiu's expression became solemn in an instant, and he immediately summoned Owen, Jessica, and Oss.

The number of warnings from Xin Huo is not many, but every time there is a very big threat, the warning will be issued.

"Wang, what's the matter?" Owen's doubtful voice came.

Jessie also sent a message in doubt: "Wang, did you find anything?"

Luo Xiu didn't pay attention to the two of them, but let the silver blade run at high speed, and continued to calculate towards the star field in front.

Clearly, unknown dangers lie ahead.

Because after the fleet stopped, the warning sound of the firewood disappeared.

Luo Xiu took a deep breath, stood up and walked out of the palace, followed closely by dozens of angel guards.

Walking out of the palace, Luo Xiu looked at the star field in the distance.

All I saw was darkness and nothingness.

No meteorites!No cosmic junk!
Nothing at all!

Looking at such a scene, Luo Xiu had an ominous premonition in his heart.

He always felt a little familiar with this breath, as if he had encountered it somewhere before.

After a while of trance, Luo Xiu sent a message to the three of Owen: "The fleet stops advancing, you three come to the Holy Sky Wing."

Not long afterward, Owen, Jessica, and Oss brought a group of battle angels to the Holy Sky Wing.

As soon as he landed, Owen asked in confusion: "King, why should we stop? We're going to Zehu civilization soon."

Jessica also said, "Wang, did you detect any danger?"

Oss on the side didn't say anything, but the puzzlement in his eyes was also very obvious. Obviously, he didn't know why he stopped at this time.

Luo Xiu looked at the star field ahead, feeling more and more familiar in his heart, then turned his head and said to several people: "Look ahead, do you have a familiar feeling?"


Owen, Jessica, and Oss looked at the direction Luo Xiu was pointing at the same time, their eyes full of surprise.

Wang, what's wrong?
Owen frowned and said, "Wang, I don't feel anything familiar."

Oss also scratched his head and said, "King, did you find something?"

Looking at the 'clean' star field in front of her, Jessica took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "Black hole!"

Hearing Jessica's words, Luoxiu felt a 'thump' in his heart.

He finally knew why it felt familiar!

Black hole!

The place where the black hole passes is exactly the same as the star field in front!There is dead silence everywhere!
Looking at the star field ahead, Luo Xiu said in a deep voice, "There is something in front, but it doesn't have to be a black hole."

If it's a black hole, both Firewood and Silver Blade should detect it, and he can detect it himself.

But now, Luo Xiu didn't notice the black hole's breath, and Xin Huo and Silver Blade also didn't detect the black hole.

Jessica nodded slightly. She was just guessing. She also didn't detect a black hole, but the scene in front of her was too similar to that after the black hole invaded, so she subconsciously thought of a black hole.

The expressions of Owen and Oss on the side also became dignified.

Luo Xiu looked at the three of them and said, "You guys are on guard here, I'll go over and have a look."

As soon as he finished speaking, the three loudly stopped him.

"Absolutely not!"



Owen, Jessica, and Oss looked at each other and said at the same time: "King, this is too dangerous, you can't go, let's go!"

Luo Xiu waved his hand, looked at the star field ahead, and said, "I can solve the black hole, but you can't."

This is also the reason why he had to go by himself. If it was really a black hole, then he still had a way to solve it, but the three of Owen had no choice but to be swallowed by the black hole.

Hearing Luo Xiu's words, Owen, Jessica, and Oss all choked.

Indeed, they couldn't solve the black hole.

"'s really too dangerous, and you are our king, what should we do if something happens to you?" Owen wondered.

Jessica also nodded and looked at Luo Xiu.

Luo Xiu smiled and said, "Don't worry, it's just a black hole, and it's not like it hasn't been solved before."

In the Super God universe, Hua Ye created the black hole that he solved.

At this moment, Oss on the side hesitated and said, "My lord... can't we take a detour?"


Luo Xiu was stunned, he forgot about this...

Owen and Jessica's eyes lit up.

"That's right, Wang, we can bypass here! It's just an extra half a month's journey." Owen suggested.

Jessica also agreed, "My lord, I also think we can take a detour."

After a moment of silence, Luo Xiu said, "I still want to go and have a look."

If it was really a black hole, then he would have to find a way to bring the black hole to the Ten Thousand Beasts Alliance, and make the Ten Thousand Beasts Alliance cast a trap.

This was also his first thought after thinking of the black hole, so he didn't think of taking a detour.

The angels in the royal court are not immortal, Luo Xiu wanted to reduce the frontal war as much as possible.

And with the deterrence of the black hole, presumably the Ten Thousand Beasts Alliance would not dare to start a war.

Owen frowned and said, "Wang, do you have to go?"

Luo Xiu nodded, and told the three of them what he thought.

Owen, Jessica, and Oss were all silent.

In order to reduce Angel's casualties...

Since the establishment of Tianyi Royal Court, not many angels have fallen, especially after the secondary biological engine.

Since the establishment of Tianyi Royal Court, the number of dead angels has never exceeded three digits, but the number of enemies killed has already passed hundreds of thousands. Of course, this includes the previous battle with those spaceships.

It can be said that Tianyi Royal Court is the one with the least casualties of all civilizations in the Super God universe!
"Don't worry, I'll be fine." Luo Xiu smiled and said, "I don't have a guard? Take them with you too. As for the three of you, you will be watching from the fleet in case someone sneaks up on you."

As he spoke, Luo Xiu waved his hand, and then hundreds of angels walked out of the battle angels present.

All three generations of angels.

They are Luoxiu's guards. Jessica established them at the beginning, but they rarely fulfill their duties as guards. They all fight in the legion
Seeing this, Owen, Jessica, and Oss also nodded helplessly.

"Well then, Wang, you must be more careful." Owen said worriedly.

Jessica also said: "King, you must pay attention, this may be a trap of some civilizations..."

"If that's the case, then there's nothing to worry about." Oss pouted.

trap?What kind of trap can pose a threat to the four generations of gods?

Luo Xiu smiled and said nothing. After waving casually at the three of them, he left the Holy Sky Wing with a hundred armored angel guards.

Hundreds of three-generation angel guards guard the huge cross throne.

And Luo Xiu, who was sitting on the cross throne, flew forward with a touch of calmness.

(End of this chapter)

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