187 harassment
On the other side, in the Tianji beside the sacred blade.

He Xi murmured: "It's time for Liang Bing to clean up..."

At this time, Di Hongkun coughed softly on the communication channel: "Luo Xiu, you can really think about it."

"Thinking about what?" Several black lines gushed out from Luo Xiu's forehead.

Consider letting Black Wind create dreams?

"We can watch each other. I looked at the star map, and the Hongmeng Empire and the Beast Alliance are next to each other..." Di Hongkun said.

In the Holy Sky Wings, after hearing Di Hongkun's words, Luo Xiu said thoughtfully, "Maybe it's possible..."

He also has a certain understanding of the surrounding star fields of the Ten Thousand Beasts Alliance.

One side is the Hongmeng Empire, and the other side is the Chaos Starfield.

It is not an exaggeration to say that they are close together.

Thinking of this, Luo Xiu pondered: "It is possible, but the distance is too far..."

After the words fell, Di Hongkun replied: "This is not a problem. After we arrive at the destination, we can get in touch and jointly locate the space coordinates to build the Big Insect Bridge. This will be convenient."

Hearing Di Hongkun's proposal, Luo Xiu was stunned, "Can the Big Insect Bridge be built like this?"

Why doesn't he know?
Can the Big Worm Bridge be built remotely?
At this time, Hexi's voice sounded, and she explained: "There are many ways to build the Big Insect Bridge. If you have a way to share the space coordinates, you can build it. You just need to integrate it into the space node position after it is established."

As she spoke, she added: "This method is really good, we can communicate with each other."

After He Xi's voice fell, several people had different reactions.

Kaisha's eyes lit up in the holy sky blade, and she immediately said: "Well, this is a good way. In this way, it will be convenient to support if something happens."

Di Hongkun also said: "Well, I originally thought so, but I'm not sure if the other party will give us time to build the Big Worm Bridge."

If we start fighting when we meet, how can we have time to build the Big Worm Bridge...

In Devil No. [-], Liang Bing's face darkened, and his lips almost trembled... so angry...

She finally got rid of Kesha, the bitch's clutches, and now she wants to build a bridge of worms with each other. Doesn't that mean that she will return to the rule of Kesha, the bitch?
At this time, Luo Xiu thought about it: "If the opponent doesn't start the war first, we can take it easy and build the Big Worm Bridge first."

Keisha: "I agree."

Hexi: "I agree too."

Yan: "I feel good too."

Di Hongkun: "I think so too."

Liang Bing: "Can I object?"

Kesha: "No."

Hexi: "No."

Yan: "No."

Di Hongkun: "No."

Listening to the conversation between several people, Luo Xiu asked curiously: "Liang Bing, why do you disapprove? The Insect Bridge has been built, and it will be of great help to you demon. If there is any accident on your side, we can also support you at any time. you."

In Devil One, Liang Bing had a bitter expression when he heard Luo Xiu's words.

At this time, Keisha said in the communication channel: "Okay, that's the decision. After arriving at the destination, we will build the Big Worm Bridge first, and then we will connect the space coordinates with each other."

After finishing speaking, Keisha said again: "This communication channel is our public communication channel, so it is convenient to contact at any time."

The voice fell, and the communication channel fell silent.

At this moment, Kaisha looked at Yan, who was on the side of the sacred blade, and said, "Let Hexi come over."

"Yes, Queen."

Yan responded and left the palace.

After a while, He Xi, dressed in military uniform, walked into the hall, and said flatly, "What can you do with me?"

Kesha chuckled and said, "It's nothing, I just want you to move around."

As she spoke, she suggested, "How about you lead the legion later?"

Hearing what Kesha said, Hexi looked at her in surprise, "I'll bring someone? What about you?"

"Of course I'm sitting on the sacred blade."

Hearing this, He Xi pouted, "I really know how to send people..."

But she didn't refuse.

At this time, Kaisha's expression became serious, "Hexi, you need to pay more attention to this elf civilization."

Hearing this, He Xi asked in confusion: "Man, what did you find?"

"No." Keisha shook her head, "Intuition, I always feel that this elf civilization is not simple."

He Xi said thoughtfully: "Maybe..."

As he said that, He Xi looked at the guardian angel at the side, and ordered: "Let Yan gather the angels, we are going to enter the core of the Greenery Starfield."

"Yes, Commander."




Devil No. [-], in the black-toned hall, Liang Bing looked at the several 'people' in front of her expressionlessly.

Atuo, Qiangwei, Thornton, and Hei Feng who just learned that they were almost loaned out.

"Do you have any suggestions..." Liang Bing said flatly.

Atuo stood up and said, "Queen, we should continue to the giant civilization."

"I think we should go directly to the Alien Alliance." Qiangwei said indifferently.

Hearing what the two said, Liang Bing did not express his opinion immediately, but looked at Thornton who was playing with his tail and Heifeng who was dazed, "What about you? Do you have any ideas?"

"Ah? What! Dinner is ready!?" Thornton yelled, looking at Liang Bing expectantly.

Lian Bing: "..."

"Heifeng, what about you? Do you have any ideas?" Liang Bing then looked at Heifeng and said.

Heifeng hesitated for a moment, and said: "Queen...you know me...I have never had any ideas..."

At this time, Atuo said: "Queen, we can go to the giant civilization first, start with the giant civilization, and give the Alien Alliance a blow."

Qiangwei cast a glance at him, but didn't speak.

Liang Bing nodded, waved his hand and said, "Okay, let's go to the giant civilization."

As she spoke, she asked, "Is the devil virus ready?"

Atuo nodded, "Ready, Queen."

Hearing this, Qiangwei frowned.

Her impression of the devil virus is not very good.




Holy Tianyi, in the palace, Luo Xiu was thinking about how to deal with the Alliance of Beasts.

Judging from the sudden attack before, the Ten Thousand Beasts Alliance and him will definitely have a conflict in the future.

Luo Xiu was thinking, when suddenly the sound of firewood came.

[Xinhuo: The barriers at the edge of the universe have been analyzed. Do you want to call up relevant information? 】

"Store in the knowledge base."

[Payfire: It has been stored in the knowledge base. 】

After the sound of the torch fell, Luo Xiu asked Owen and Jessica to come to the palace and said, "Have we planned our route yet?"

Owen, who had just arrived at the palace, respectfully said: "My lord, it has been planned. We will pass through three civilizations, two of which are human civilizations and one is animal civilization, and then we will arrive at the barbarian star."

Jessica also said: "If these three civilizations are divided according to our civilization levels, two of them are human civilizations, one is an aerospace-grade civilization, the other is a pre-nuclear civilization, and the other animal body civilization is also an aerospace-grade civilization."

Then, Jessica analyzed again: "That pre-nuclear civilization can't pose a threat to us. As for the other two space-level civilizations... I'm afraid they will block our progress."

Hearing Jessica's words, Luo Xiu was a little surprised.

Could it be that the Ten Thousand Beasts Alliance has already revealed their intention to be hostile to them?
Sensing Luo Xiu's surprised expression, Jessica explained: "My lord, just in front of our fleet group, there are those two spaceships of an astronautic civilization, and on our route, the other party has laid some hidden spaceships." trap."

As she said that, Jessica sneered and said, "But those weapon traps don't pose a threat to us."

Hearing Jessica's words, Luo Xiu nodded, and then said: "There is no need to change the route, go directly to the wild star."

He said, "The sooner the better."

Jessica and Owen looked at each other, and they responded together: "Yes, king."

Then the two left the palace.

The fleet of the Tianyi Royal Court began to sail towards the barbarian star. Where the battleship passed, there was a ripple in the space...

At the same time, the other parties are also moving towards their respective destinations.

Under the leadership of Hexi, the fleet group of Merlot Heavenly Court kept advancing towards Green Forest Star.It is worth mentioning that there are many wrecks of ship-shaped spaceships on the route traveled by the Melo Heavenly Court fleet...


Two warships, Devil One and Devil Wings, brought many attack ships and moved quickly towards the location of the giant civilization under the Alien Alliance...


Under the leadership of Di Hongkun, the attack ships of Yunxiao Tianting and Lieyang headed towards the ancestor star, the main star of the Hongmeng Empire.

At this moment, the fringe universe suddenly boiled.

For the five foreign forces, the four higher civilizations except the Moore Federation are constantly monitoring them.

The movement of the four forces of Tianyi Royal Court, Merlot Heavenly Court, Demon, and Lieyang Civilization, as well as several advanced civilizations in the marginal universe, are very clear, and it is very clear that the other party has come straight to them.

For a time, the civilizations under the jurisdiction of several major civilizations in the marginal universe moved.

Numerous spaceships carried troops to the depths of the universe, materials were constantly being mobilized, and various weapons that had never been used before were also used...


A month later.

Fleet group of Sky Wing Royal Court.

The holy Tianyi was marching forward protected by the flagships of Owen and Jessica, followed by the battleships of the Tianyi series and the Silverwing series, mighty and mighty.

Outside the fleet, angels wearing armor and holding long swords patrol the universe from time to time to prevent emergencies.

At the forefront of the fleet group, there are a huge number of silver-winged fighters. The silver-winged fighters whose whole body is made of dark silver are opening the way in front of the fleet group, chopping thorns and thorns.

Inside the fleet group, it was not as quiet as imagined. The reports of countless battle angels and the test results of the battleship system were repeated continuously, making it extremely noisy.

"Report! An unknown fleet group was discovered in the star field ahead!!!"

"Report! There are fluctuations in the left front space!!!"

"Blade Warrior damaged ten people! Need to repair!!!"

[Detected energy fluctuations...]

"Report! Fleet group of unknown civilization discovered!"

[An unknown intrusion has been detected in the battleship system, and the threat has been removed...]

"The fifth patrol team discovered the fleet of an unknown civilization!!!"

"The first inspection team is under an unknown attack! Request permission to counterattack!!!"


Similar voices and announcements sounded continuously from various warships.

The fleet is not safe on the way, and "unknown" comes to harass it from time to time, so as to hinder the progress of the fleet.

The Battle Angel squad in charge of patrolling was attacked by a long-range missile...

The battleship's control system has been compromised...

Fleet groups of unknown civilizations set up weapon traps on the way...

And so on a series of questions kept appearing.

The Holy Sky Wing, unlike other warships that are noisy and busy, the Holy Sky Wing kingship is unusually quiet, without the slightest disturbance.

There are battle angels standing guard on each sentry tower, and there are also angel guards patrolling in the air and on the ground to prevent the holy Tianyi from mixing with unknown personnel.

In the palace of the holy Tianyi, the two sides of the hall are different from the past. Now, there are about ten angel guards standing on both sides of the hall, holding long swords.

Luo Xiu sat sideways on the throne, propped his head with one hand, and looked at the projection in the center of the hall boredly.

"Tsk tsk, it's really annoying..." Luo Xiu pouted.

On the screen, there are spaceships flying around with a 'swish' non-stop, flying around the fleet group of the Sky Wing Royal Court like a fly.

One ship was killed, another one came, and the endless stream... And yet only four or five ships appeared every time, and the angels had no way to destroy each other at once...

Looking at such a scene, Luo Xiu once again sighed with emotion, and then stopped caring about the spaceships flying around in an attempt to stop the fleet from advancing.Anyway, the other party can't stop the fleet from advancing, at most they can only be disgusting and bad habits... harmless...

Stretching, Luo Xiu looked at the angel guards on both sides of the hall with a helpless expression.

This was arranged by Jessica. Not long ago, after the fleet entered this star field, Jessica dispatched nearly [-] battle angels. There were [-] in the main hall, and the rest were distributed in various places in the holy sky. .

It can be said that there are now more Battle Angels on the Holy Sky Wing than any other warship...

Looking at the angels guarding both sides of the hall, Luo Xiu murmured, "Should we get some spears..."

The only standard weapon of the Tianyi Royal Court is the long sword... These angels are guarding on both sides with long swords in their hands, and they have a murderous aura no matter how they look at it...

Luo Xiu shook his head and smiled.

Suddenly, an angel walked in from outside the hall, and said respectfully, "My lord, we have entered the Celestial Civilization."

Luo Xiu nodded, waved his hand and said, "I see."

After the angel left, Luo Xiu murmured: "Sky Star Civilization... so fast? Doesn't it mean that you can reach the Barbarian Star after passing through another civilization?"

The Celestial Civilization, an aerospace-grade civilization, is the Zehu Civilization after the Celestial Civilization.

The Zehu civilization is an animal body civilization, and it is also the civilization closest to the Man star in the Man ancient star field.

At this time, Hexi's voice sounded in the public communication channel: "My Melo Heavenly Court has arrived at Lusen Star, the main star of the elven civilization."

Hearing He Xi's words, Luo Xiu almost bit his tongue.

"What!? So fast?"

Luo Xiu was startled, how long has it been?Less than a month!
According to the current speed, it will take at least one and a half months for the fleet of the Tianyi Royal Court to reach the barbarian star, and it is still according to the fastest plan.

At this time, Liang Bing's voice also sounded: "My demon has also arrived at the main star of the giant civilization."

"Huh? You didn't go to the Alien Alliance?" Luo Xiu was surprised.

After a while, Liangbing replied in the communication channel: "I decided to take revenge first."

Luo Xiu: "..."

"My Lieyang has also arrived at the main star of the Hongmeng Empire, the ancestor star."

Luo Xiu: "..."

How did you do it?Why are they all so fast?I'm the slowest co-author?
(End of this chapter)

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