Chapter 185


Yan said differently: "Queen, why did the elf civilization test us? They also used war..."

Kaisha chuckled and said, "If our strength is not strong, then our Heavenly Court of Melo, together with the Heavenly Winged Court, Demons, and Lieyang, will be swallowed up by several major civilizations headed by the elf civilization."

Hearing Kesha's words, Yan was stunned: "Elf civilization has such great ambitions!? Aren't they peace-loving?"

Keisha shrugged, "Who knows? But this is just my guess."

A peace-loving civilization will use violent means to test?



On the other side, Luo Xiuxiu said to Owen in the Heavenly Wing Royal Court that just finished the battle, "Send the Silver Winged Warriors out to inspect the surrounding star fields to see if there are any forces secretly spying on us."

"Yes, Wang." Owen nodded, and then said, "If there is, should we take measures?"

"No, just a little deterrence is enough. Our main thing now is to go to the Mangu Starfield first, so we don't need to make extra troubles." Luo Xiu said.

Who knows how many civilizations there are under the Alliance of Beasts?

Some may have been ordered by the Alliance of Beasts to harass them, but some came to investigate because they were worried about the safety of their own civilization, and some civilizations did not have too much malice.

Jessica said, "King, I think we should take a tougher approach."

Hearing Jessica's words, Luo Xiu asked curiously, "How tough?"

Jessica turned cold, and said, "Push all the way, whoever blocks it, destroys it!"

Without waiting for Luo Xiu to speak, Oss agreed, "Yes, Wang, I think so too, otherwise I'm afraid our journey will not be safe."

Owen also thought about it: "We can't use space teleportation here, we can only use short-distance space jumps to get on the road, I'm afraid we will be disturbed a lot..."

Because there are no accurate coordinates of the Ancient Star Territory where the Alliance of Beasts is located, space teleportation cannot be used, only space jumps can be made. Otherwise, the fleet of the Tianyi Royal Court will soon reach the Ancient Star Territory.

Luo Xiu shook his head and said: "This is not acceptable, it will leave a bad impression on the civilization here, and it will have a great impact on our later strategic deployment."

If it is really crushed all the way, I am afraid that the Tianyi Royal Court will give a very bad impression to the civilization under the Alliance of Beasts, which may cause them to unite to resist the Tianyi Royal Court.

It may not even be necessary to unite to conquer Luoxiu.

Luo Xiu said flatly: "We are outsiders to this universe. Passive counterattack and active attack are two concepts. Passive counterattack means that someone else strikes first, and we have no choice but to annihilate the opponent. But if we take the initiative to attack, we are not sure. Some people will speculate that we are here specifically to invade."

If the civilization of this universe thinks that Luo Xiu and the others are here to carry out aggressive wars, many subsequent plans will not work.

Jessica said helplessly: "However, the Ten Thousand Beasts Alliance has already attacked us first. If we don't fight back, they will think we are afraid of them."

Owen also said: "My lord, what Jessica said is right. If we show weakness, it will only increase the arrogance of the Ten Thousand Beasts Alliance."

Oss on the side said awkwardly: "King, are we going to show weakness all the time?"

Hearing what they said, Luo Xiu said helplessly: "I don't want to either, but now we have no other choice. If we push it aside, what awaits us next is a full-scale war, and it is a full-scale war between the two universes."

Owen said with some doubts: "My lord, will the Alliance of Beasts have such great energy?"

Luo Xiu shook his head and said: "It's not the Alliance of Beasts, but all the advanced civilizations here are united. It may not be possible for a single civilization, but they are united together, coupled with our tyrannical behavior, then it is very possible."

Jessica was shocked and said, "Wang, you mean, this surprise attack is a joint plan of several higher civilizations?"

Owen also looked at Luo Xiu in shock.

Luo Xiu nodded and said: "Yes, if I guessed correctly, this sudden attack was conspired by several high-level civilizations in the universe here, not just us, Melo Heaven, Demons, and Lieyang should also be affected. attacked."

After speaking, he paused, and said again: "And I think... this is not just a simple test."

Owen asked suspiciously, "Wang, are you saying that they have other plans for this attack?"

Jessica thought about it: "If this is the case, then the Alliance of Beasts... No, it should be the four major civilizations, and I'm afraid the conspiracy is not small."

Luo Xiu nodded, and said seriously: "I guess, this sudden attack is a temptation, not a temptation."

Oss asked in surprise, "King, what does this mean?"

Jessica and Owen looked at Luoxiu thoughtfully.

Luo Xiu smiled lightly and said, "This sudden attack is not just a test by the Alliance of Beasts. Even if we are an advanced civilization, if it is just a test, they will not send millions of spaceships."

Jessica continued: "King, what do you mean, the Ten Thousand Beasts Alliance plans to annihilate us in one fell swoop?"

Luo Xiu nodded and said with a smile: "I'm afraid that's what they're thinking about, but the Beast Alliance didn't expect that a million spaceships pose no threat to us."

Owen was surprised: "These high civilizations are so ambitious? They actually want to eat several of our high civilizations at the same time."

Luo Xiu thought: "I guess it's just our situation is different."

Owen asked suspiciously: "Wang, you mean we have been attacked the most?"

Luo Xiu nodded and said, "Even if it's not the biggest, I'm afraid the plans of the Ten Thousand Beasts Alliance are different from those of several other high civilizations."

As he said that, he continued: "If you want to destroy a higher civilization, it's impossible to fight just this kind of war. Even if you start a full-scale war, it will take a long time. The other three higher civilizations should not think things are so simple. "

Jessica said: "So, only the Ten Thousand Beasts Alliance has the idea of ​​annihilating us in one fell swoop?"

Owen also said: "Only the Alliance of Beasts wants to solve us in advance?"

Luo Xiu nodded and said, "It should be like this."

After finishing speaking, Luo Xiu said again: "After this trial, I am afraid that several higher civilizations will unite."

"These four civilizations want an alliance?" Jessica couldn't believe it.

Among the five advanced civilizations here, among the three human civilizations, the three civilizations of the Hongmeng Empire, the Alien Alliance, and the Moore Federation look down on each other.

The kingdom of elves and the alliance of beasts are hostile to each other on the surface.

For these advanced civilizations that are more or less hostile to each other, Jessica does not believe that they will form an alliance.

Luo Xiu shrugged, "Who knows? Maybe they formed an alliance when we first arrived in this universe? No one can say for sure."

Owen thought about it: "It's not impossible. If they annex us, the development on their side will be immeasurable."

Jessica shook her head and said: "I don't think it will be so easy to form an alliance. It is possible for the four advanced civilizations to form an alliance in pairs. I don't think it is realistic to form an alliance together."

Four advanced civilizations, three different races, is it really so easy to form an alliance?
Luo Xiu waved his hand casually, and said, "It's the same for us whether they are in an alliance or not, because sooner or later they will be in an alliance."

Tianyi Royal Court, Merlot Heavenly Court, Lieyang Civilization, Demons, and Earth are the five-party alliance. If the universe here is not doing well and realizes that it is a five-party alliance, it will definitely form an alliance.

Regardless of war or not, an alliance will be reached just to fight for the right to speak. This is a matter of time.

Jessica nodded, "That's true."

Owen also nodded thoughtfully.

Oss on the side curled his lips and did not speak.

Luo Xiu looked at the three of them, then smiled lightly and said, "Okay, let's move on."

"Yes, King."

Jessica, Owen, and Oss responded together.

Luo Xiu said again: "Pay attention to vigilance, we will enter the Mangu Starfield in a short time, and we will be more blocked there."

Owen said respectfully: "Don't worry, Wang, we will be ready."

Hearing Owen's words, Luoxiu nodded, looked at Oss and said, "Oss, you should always pay attention to the feedback from the Silver Wing Warriors. The Silver Wings will lead the way as the vanguard."

Oss nodded and said, "Yes, Wang, I will pay attention."

Luo Xiu nodded, then looked at Jessica and said, "Jessica, you are the same as Owen, you two just need to cooperate with each other."

Jessica said respectfully: "Yes, King, I will do it well."

"Well, let's go back to our respective places." Luo Xiu waved his hand.

"Yes, King."

Jessica, Owen, and Oss responded together.

Immediately, the three left the palace, leaving Luo Xiu alone.

After a while, Luo Xiu said to Xinhuo in his mind: "Xinhuo, analyze the barriers at the edge of the universe."

【Xin Huo: Analyzing...】

After the sound of Xin Huo fell, Luo Xiu started to contact He Xi again.

"Silver Blade, contact Hexi."

[Silver Blade: A communication channel with Hexi is being established. 】

The public communication channel proposed by Luo Xiu at the beginning was not built in the end.

Because everyone forgot...and if they really wanted to get in touch, it would not be difficult for Luo Xiu, Kaisha, Di Hongkun, Liang Bing, Hexi, and Yan to establish a communication channel with each other.

After a while, Silver Blade's voice sounded.

[Silver Blade: The communication channel with Hexi has been successfully established... It has been invaded by unknown energy... Kaisha has entered the channel. 】

Hearing the voice of the silver blade, Luo Xiu's face ached.

What the hell is Keisha already on the channel?

At this time, Kaisha's voice sounded: "Yo? Luo Xiu, what's the situation with you establishing communication with Hexi alone? Is there something you want to hide from me?"

Hearing Keisha's voice, Luo Xiu's face became darker and darker.

Nima, do you want to mix in the relationship between me and Hexi?
Luo Xiu said speechlessly: "What are you doing forcibly entering the communication channel between me and Hexi? Do you still have some privacy..."

Kaisha: "Why? Don't want to? Hexi is my Tianji King, can I care about her?"

Hearing Kesha's words, Luoxiu was speechless. You care about her, it's fine, but does it have anything to do with you forcing yourself into the communication between me and her...

At this time, the voice of Silver Blade came again.

[Silver Blade: Yan has entered the communication channel. 】

Luo Xiu was startled.

what the hell!

Yan also came in! ?

Yan: "Hello, Luo Xiu, do you have anything to tell us?"

Luo Xiu said with some headache: "No..."

[Silver Blade: Liang Bing has entered the communication channel. 】

Luo Xiu: "..." I will uninstall you sooner or later...

Liang Bing: "Luo Xiu, I heard that you have important information?"

Luo Xiu was speechless: "Do you want to bring Di Hongkun in?"

Kesha: "Well, you have a good idea."

Just as Kesha's voice fell, Silver Blade's voice sounded again.

[Silver Blade: Di Hongkun has entered the communication channel. 】

Hearing this voice, Luo Xiu didn't want to say anything anymore.

Di Hongkun: "Luo Xiu, what's the matter?"

Luo Xiu said in pain, "No..."

The public communication channel that was decided to be established at the beginning was successfully established when Luo Xiu wanted to have a private chat with Hexi alone...

Keisha: "Talk about the business, are you under attack?"

Di Hongkun: "How do you know?"

Liang Bing: "Are you still watching me!?"

Hearing Kesha's words, Luo Xiu was stunned. It seems that his guess was correct. This sudden attack was jointly planned by the four major civilizations, and he was not the only one who suffered the attack.

Kaisha: "It seems that several advanced civilizations in the universe here have also begun to take action."

Di Hongkun: "Just now, our Lieyang Fleet was attacked by the Hongmeng Empire and damaged several attack ships."

Liang Bing: "I was also attacked by a very large life civilization just now."

Luo Xiu asked suspiciously: "Di Hongkun, you were directly attacked by the Hongmeng Empire?"

Di Hongkun: "Yes, the other party claims to be the Hongmeng Empire's military."

Liang Bing: "Then you are more miserable."

Kaisha: "My Melo Heaven was also directly attacked by the elven civilization."

Liang Bing: "Then did you fight?"

Liang Bing is more curious, whether the good old Keisha will lay hands on a race that also likes peace.

He Xi: "It's already gone, I suggested it."

After Hexi's voice sounded, Luo Xiu almost cried.

I finally heard Hexi's voice... This was originally a private chat channel!

Liang Bing: "You have a temper, give me a thumbs up."

Luo Xiu sighed and said, "What should you do next? I'm afraid our itinerary will be hindered a lot."

He has given up on the treatment of the private chat channel becoming a public channel.

Di Hongkun: "I have asked Pan Zhen to prepare for war. The Hongmeng Empire will take action first. I, Lieyang, do not cause trouble, but I am not afraid of it either."

Hexi: "I'm going to educate this elven civilization and teach them what nuclear peace is."

Liang Bing: "I'm going to that giant civilization, and give them some devil virus to try."

Kaisha: "Hexi's opinion does not represent me..."

Hexi: "Man, I'm very angry now, guess why I'm angry?"

Keisha: "It was an accident."

Yan: "I prove that the queen really didn't join the communication channel on purpose, she just joined by accident and pulled me in."

Luo Xiu listened to the words of a few people with a blank face, shouldn't he act rationally?

Why is everything so violent?
Is the method of cooperating with Tianyi Royal Court the most gentle?
And... Keisha did it on purpose?
Di Hongkun: "What intentional, accidental?"

Liang Bing: "It's a good show, should I bring Qiangwei and A Tuo in too? Di Hongkun, you can also bring Pan Zhen in."

Di Hongkun: "Yes, it will be convenient for everyone to contact each other."

Hearing what they said, Luo Xiu was stunned.

So, the private chat has become a group chat, right?
(End of this chapter)

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