Chapter 176 Underground Base
According to the information read from Mu Xiang, Luo Xiu and He Xi came to a mechanical door smoothly, and after entering the password, the mechanical door opened.

"Huh? Elevator?"

Looking at the 'elevator' in front of him, Luo Xiu was a little taken aback.

There is nothing inside the mechanical door, only the innermost part, there are two elevators as Luo Xiu knew, and there are two buttons on the elevator...

He Xi shook his head and said, "It's not an elevator, it's a small worm bridge, or a transmission channel."

After looking at it carefully, she said with great interest: "This is a thorough understanding of space teleportation technology..."

Luo Xiu pouted, walked to the 'elevator', and pressed the 'down' button.

The elevator door opened, and Luo Xiu walked in first.

After Hexi watched it for two seconds, he walked into the elevator muttering something.

"How does this thing work?"

Luo Xiu was a little embarrassed, he didn't know how to use...

He Xi pursed her lips, but she didn't speak, and she didn't know... The principle of this thing is somewhat different from the worm bridge technology and space teleportation technology she knows.

I am most afraid of the sudden silence in the air...

Luo Xiu broke the embarrassment with two "haha" and said, "Let's use wormholes..."

Hexi: "..."

The algorithm of the wormhole appeared in Luo Xiu's mind, and then he used the silver blade calculation. After the brain and the silver blade performed calculations at the same time, a tiny wormhole appeared.

"The space is too solid, it's not easy to tear apart..."

Luo Xiu murmured, and then he remembered his divine body.

The divine body transformed by new energy can forcibly tear apart space.

Thinking of this, Luo Xiu acted and walked towards the fist-sized wormhole in the air in front of him.

after a little while……

The space at the wormhole was torn apart by Luo Xiu like a piece of cloth, as tall as a person.

clap clap...

Luo Xiu clapped his hands, looked at the 'normal version' of the wormhole in front of him, and said with satisfaction: "It's almost here..."


He Xi looked at Luo Xiu strangely, and said in amazement: "You...why do you want to tear it?"

"Otherwise?" Kick with your feet?

Luo Xiu looked at her.

He Xi coughed twice, then snapped his fingers.

I saw a wormhole the height of a person appeared in front of her...

"How did you do this?"

Luo Xiu's eyes widened. He had tried it a long time ago. If he wanted to make a normal wormhole according to the conventional method, it would take at least 5 minutes of calculation at the speed of celestial-level calculations.Liangbing tried to open the wormhole before.It took 1 minute to open a very small wormhole, and it was only possible with the simultaneous calculation of Demon One and Demon Wings.

"It would be nice if the wormhole calculation program could be executed with new energy..."

"Uh..." Luo Xiu was stunned, he forgot about this...


After skipping this little episode, Luo Xiu and Hexi checked the underground information, and then used wormhole technology to successfully reach the destination of the trip—the underground No. 1 base of the faction.

Owen, Jessica, and the [-] battle angels were locked in a subspace created here.

Walking out of the wormhole, what Luo Xiu and Hexi saw was a two-meter-wide passage lined with metal lights.

The aisle was very long and slanted downward, Luo Xiu didn't see the end at a glance.

The two walked forward along the aisle, the sound of the collision of Su's silver boots hitting the ground one by one...tap...tap...

The armor on his body and the cloak behind him resounded in this quiet passage.

Luo Xiu and He Xi walked side by side, walking towards the depths, obviously, they are still only on the periphery.

Gradually, the width of the passage changed from two meters to five meters. The surroundings were carved with ancient reliefs and inlaid with white spar, shining light, adding a touch of mystery and beauty to the quiet passage.

"It's strange, I can't detect any information from 20 meters away."

He Xi said slowly, his eyes moved to the white crystals inlaid on both sides of the passage.

Luo Xiu was silent for a while, and said, "Me too."

He can't detect it from 15 meters away...

He Xi smiled lightly and said, "I'm already the God Body of the Five Dynasties, and it's not easy to be affected here."

Luo Xiu's eyes fixed on the white crystals on both sides of the passage.

Good stuff...

What kind of material is the white spar, and what are its characteristics... Luo Xiu doesn't know anything about it, and the silver blade can't analyze anything.

But... this must be a good thing!Luo Xiu was very sure of this.

But he didn't try to pry this white spar, it doesn't suit his identity, besides... Hexi is beside...

The two continued to walk forward, and after walking for about half an hour, they came to the first fork in the road.

"Which way to go?" Hexi asked.

Looking at the two forked roads left and right in front of him, Luo Xiu was silent for a moment, then pointed to the right:

"Let's go left."

"Huh?" He Xi was a little confused, and then she said angrily: "There is someone waiting for us on the right, go to the right!"

After finishing speaking, she walked to the right, and the Suyin King Sword appeared in her hand without a sound.

Luo Xiu followed with a look of embarrassment, he just wanted to go to the left when he saw someone on the right...

Fighting or something...too troublesome...

In the passage on the right, about ten meters away, a corner turns to the right.

He Xi walked ahead with a sword in hand.

Seeing this, Luo Xiu casually took out a Suyin long sword, and after thinking about it, he put away the Suyin long sword and called out the silver wings.

The fingers waved casually, and the silver wings behind Luo Xiu also danced along the trajectory of the fingers.

Hexi in the front glanced back at Luo Xiu who was 'having fun', rolled his eyes, and said angrily, "Do you still want Owen and Jessica to come back?"

"Ahem... definitely..."

Luo Xiu quickly turned serious, and followed Hexi's pace honestly.

The two walked to the corner, and after turning a corner, they were immediately 'pasted'.

Countless black rays of light shot toward Luo Xiu and He Xi's '咻咻咻'.

He Xi waved his left hand, and a transparent barrier appeared in front of him.

The black light hit the barrier, and there was a dull collision sound.

And Luo Xiu also had quick eyesight and quick feet, and ducked behind He Xi to avoid these black lights.

Although these black rays of light can't cause any substantial damage to him, if he is hit, the armor will inevitably be damaged... thus affecting his appearance...

He Xi looked back at the man hiding behind her, the corners of his mouth twitched, and the hand holding the long sword couldn't help but clenched even tighter.

"Ahem." Luo Xiu said with a pale face, "Just leave it to me."

After saying that, he turned his head and looked at the dozen warriors in front of the passage who kept shooting at them. His right hand shook slightly, and the silver wings behind him moved.

The silver wing changed from a complete wing shape to a separate short blade, and shot at the dozen fighters in front at high speed.

Chi!Chi!when!when!Chi!when!when! ...

Except for the three unlucky ghosts whose heads were cut off, the rest of the faction fighters were not injured.

The silver wings collided with the combat uniforms they were wearing, causing sparks and a sound of metal colliding.

"Huh? What kind of clothes are they made of? They are cut so well? This is a Suyin weapon..."

Luo Xiu looked surprised. He had already overestimated the opponent's combat uniform, but it still exceeded his expectations.

There is also a distinction between Suyin weapons, and his silver wings were originally Kaisha's equipment.

The level of the silver wing is higher than most silver weapons, but even so, it didn't break the defense!
He Xi on the side suddenly said: "Antimatter."

"Huh?" Luo Xiu looked at her in surprise, "You mean their clothes are made of antimatter?"

Wouldn't it be so extravagant... all soldiers wear artifacts?
He Xi was not sure: "Not sure, it's just possible, but it cannot be ruled out that it is other special materials."

call out!call out!Whoosh!Whoosh!

Another series of rays struck, and still hit Hexi's barrier, making a muffled sound.

But even so, the firepower still didn't stop, as if it didn't cost money.

He Xi shook his head and looked towards the source of the rays ahead.

There are still nine people holding guns and firing non-stop, with perverted smiles on their faces.

"Hahaha! You mutants are all going to die!"

One of them laughed wildly, and the source gun in his hand continuously converted energy into rays and shot them out.

And a crystal in the source force gun is getting smaller.


He Xi smiled contemptuously, leaned down, and took half a step back with his right foot.

After a second.

He Xi rushed forward fiercely, the long sword in his hand swirled slightly.

Luo Xiu opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but looking at He Xi who looked like a goddess of war, he finally closed his mouth and said nothing.

What he wanted to say took the shield away, what should I do...

Luo Xiu shook his fingers slightly, and the silver wings formed a shield in front of him, blocking the dense rays.

But after only three seconds, no more rays were fired from the Yuanli gun.

Because He Xi rushed in front of nine faction fighters who kept 'chug-chug'.

And under their horrified eyes, several swords "shua shua" split them into the air.

ten meters away...

Looking at He Xi who looked like Mr. Mighty, Luo Xiu clicked his tongue and said: "You are still brave..."

At the same time, he secretly swallowed.

"It's settled, let's go, we're almost there." He Xi said flatly.

After speaking, she walked towards the front of the passage.

The rest of the journey was very smooth, and there was no one who blocked the way again.

Luo Xiu and He Xi came to a closed door.

"This should be the gate of the underground base."

"But the question is how do we get in?" He Xi said looking at the closed door in front of him.

There are no buttons or pull tabs on the gate, and there is no place to enter the code.

"This should be the biometric technology used." Hexi guessed.

Luo Xiu looked at the 'Guang Jie' door, nodded silently, and said, "Be polite, knock on the door."


He Xi nodded, then leaned back and kicked the door fiercely.

boom! ~

Luo Xiu felt as if the whole underground space was shaking. He looked at Hexi with a blank face, you always knock on the door like this?
He really wanted to try to knock on the door, because he detected life activity behind the door, and there must be someone inside.

He Xi shook his head slightly, "No, I have to do it again."

Luo Xiu looked at both sides of the passage. He had some doubts about the solidity of the passage.

A few more feet... won't it collapse?
Just when Hexi was about to act again, a virtual projection appeared above the gate.

It was the projection of a thin man with thick glasses, and he cried and said: "Please don't kick, if you come again, the emergency backup system here will be activated!"

Emergency backup system - in the event of an irresistible blow, it will start the self-destruction process and destroy all the data and achievements in the base.

He Xi pointed to the door and said to him: "Open the door."

The thin man swallowed, and said in a conferring tone, "I'll open the door for you, can you keep your hands off after you come in?"

"Think about it." He Xi said flatly, "You open the door first."

The thin man's projection disappeared, and then the door slowly rose in Luo Xiu's shock.

Inside the gate is a huge laboratory.

There are sophisticated instruments and various equipment everywhere here, as well as several huge computers, and there are several doors as high as a person around them. The door frames are made of the kind of spar on both sides of the outside passage.

"There are quite a lot of people..." Luo Xiu joked.

There are quite a few people in the laboratory, and many of them don't look like researchers at first glance.

Researchers... most likely won't be wearing combat uniforms and holding long guns.

Hexi's white hands were raised slightly, with a flat expression, pointing fingers one by one, as if counting the number.

However, she is really counting people...

Luo Xiu looked at the soldiers scattered around various experimental equipment, ready to fire at any time.

Then he turned his gaze to the person sitting by a laboratory table.

Luo Xiu still remembered him, Gong Wei.

There is a middle-aged man beside Gong Wei, but it is obviously not the Nan Tian he has seen before.

Gong Wei smiled and said, "Why don't we make a deal?"

Luo Xiu looked at him and said with a smile: "What qualifications do you have to make a deal with me? Just three or two big cats and kittens, are you qualified to negotiate terms?"

Hexi yawned, then clapped his palms.

Immediately, 88 clones appeared behind her.

When the fighters of the faction looked confused, 88 Hexi rushed towards them at the same time.

After a while, 88 He Xi clones disappeared, taking away the lives of 88 soldiers at the same time.

Luo Xiu walked towards Gongwei slowly, with a faint smile on his face, and a silver light flashed away in his eyes.

Behind him, Hexi looked at the various experimental equipment in the laboratory with great interest.

"Actually, we can compromise with each other. You don't know where those outsiders are locked up, but I do." Gongwei said slowly.

Luo Xiu pretended to be surprised: "Hey, didn't you say that you didn't imprison me? How come you admit it now?"


Gong Wei was silent for a moment, then looked at Luo Xiu quietly, as if to say: You pretend to be you...

Luo Xiu chuckled twice and said casually: "Which door is my person in? This one? Or that one?"

As he spoke, he pointed to the four small doors in the laboratory.

After a pause, Luo Xiu said again: "I have to say, your research on space is very high, and you can actually connect subspace, subspace and real space together."

Hearing Luo Xiu's words, Gong Wei's pupils shrank.

At this time, Luo Xiu asked again: "How do you deal with the repulsion between spaces?"

Lieutenant Gong opened his mouth, and finally closed it tightly. Conado stood up beside him and said, "Outsiders, we can actually cooperate."

Gongwei looked at the people around him, his eyes were full of sarcasm.

Seeing that Gongwei didn't want to answer his question, Luo Xiu just smiled and didn't care, and said, "You want to pursue infinite life?"

(End of this chapter)

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