Chapter 170

1 minutes later.

Luo Xiu looked at Apt with complicated eyes.

"You know?" Keisha looked at him with interest.


Luo Xiu nodded, this Moore Federation is a bit complicated.

The Academy of Sciences is responsible for researching and specializing in all unknown technologies and things. The Military Department is responsible for cultivating and coordinating military forces such as 'soldiers' and the army. Factions are similar to government agencies and decision-making agencies, and have certain jurisdiction over the Academy of Sciences and the Military Department.

At the same time, each faction is also responsible for exchanges and cooperation with various civilizations outside the world.

In the Moore Federation, the Academy of Sciences is in charge of technology, the military department is in charge of military power, and factions are in charge of resources and certain technologies and military power.

Among the three systems, factions have the greatest power and are also the most complex.

Owen, Jessica and [-] angels were all imprisoned by the first faction.

As for why...

When Owen and Jessica came to this universe with the Angel Legion, they were the first to contact the Moore Federation.By coincidence, they met the first faction, the fifth faction, and the eighth faction in the Moore Federation.

After a series of events, the first faction finally decided to imprison these outsiders for experiments, eager to crack the difficulty of the blood gene in private.

When Jessica and Owen learned that Luo Xiu was coming, in order to save the lives of the low-priced angels under them, they did not resist...

From Owen and Jessica's point of view, the king is coming anyway, so we don't have to make unnecessary sacrifices...

To their surprise, the space cage of the Moore Federation was so strong that it couldn't be broken with the strength of Owen and Jessica...

Knowing the reason of all this, Luo Xiu smiled wryly.

I understand why Owen and Jessica, the two fourth-generation gods, were captured.

This is a big death...

However, no angel died under his command, which made Luo Xiu somewhat satisfied.

The experiment of the Moore Federation was at best to put some blood, and then study the blood cell tissue and genetic tissue from the blood of the angel, which did not cause much harm to the angel itself.

Of course... what's in my heart is not necessarily...

Anyone who is imprisoned and bled for research does not feel good.

Luo Xiu looked at Aput in front of him, and said flatly: "Angel Civilization, Tianyi Royal Court, Luo Xiu."

Since the mastermind of this matter is only a small group of people, he will not implicate the entire Moore Federation.

And Lieyang and the devil will not fight the Moore Federation because of him.

Regardless of whether the individual combat power of the Moorish Federation is strong or not, it is still an advanced civilization.

Hearing Luo Xiu's self-introduction, Liang Bing and Di Hongkun were stunned.

Especially Liang Bing was a little confused, "Didn't we... come to find fault?"

Luo Xiu shook his head and said: "This matter has nothing to do with him, and it has nothing to do with most people in the Moore Federation."

Apte, who was facing them, was a little confused, "Angel civilization?"

What kind of civilization is this?Subhuman civilization?

Looking at Luoxiu, Kaisha, and Liang Bing with wings behind him, Apte couldn't help guessing secretly.

Subhuman civilization, in the marginal universe, all civilizations of human life are called subhumans.

Elf civilization is a kind of subhuman civilization.

Liang Bing glanced at him and said, "I come from the demon civilization, the supreme... the queen of the demon civilization, don't... Liang Bing."

She slipped the tongue several times, but she corrected it honestly after glancing at Kesha aside.

"Lieyang Civilization, Emperor Hongkun of Lieyang." Di Hongkun looked at Aput with a smile.

It would be better to obtain the resources of this universe in a relatively gentle way without war.

Luo Xiu cast a glance at Di Hongkun, hiding a knife in his smile is a perfect metaphor for him.

Apt looked at several people cautiously.

The beautiful woman with a pair of wings on her back, a silver-white armor and a miniskirt is called Liang Bing, the queen of demon civilization...

The white-haired man with six wings and silver armor on his back is named Luo Xiu, who is suspected to be the 'king' of the Tianyi Royal Court in the angelic civilization...

A middle-aged man in antique armor with a sinister smile is called Di Hongkun, the Lieyang King of Lieyang Civilization...

Looking at these people, Apte finally understood that although these people came from another universe, they were not a civilization, but belonged to different civilizations or forces.

He looked at Keisha again, no matter how he looked at it, the woman sitting on the throne looked like the 'boss' of these people.

Sensing Apter's gaze, Keisha turned her head to look at him, and said with a chuckle, "Kisha also comes from Angel Civilization, the king of angels in Merlot Heaven."

Apt took a few deep breaths.

He felt a danger in these people that he had not felt for a long time.

Keisha glanced at him, then ignored him, turned to look at the people beside her, and said, "Did you find anything?"

Luo Xiu looked at Keisha, nodded solemnly.

At the same time, Liang Bing and Di Hongkun also nodded.

They all found anomalies. Although it didn't have much impact on them, it still had some impact on the low-priced existence under their hands.

Keisha looked at the vast universe in front of her and said, "Here...there is no dark plane..."

Liang Bing and Di Hongkun's expressions gradually became serious.

The first time they entered this universe, they discovered that there is no dark plane here, and that's why they are sure that this is not the super god universe.

The dark plane is the source of all dark matter and dark energy.

It can turn the genetic system into a visualized space, which has a very large bonus to the computing system.

"But here... there is dark energy..." Liang Bing said in a deep voice.

There is no dark plane here, but there is dark energy, which is beyond her understanding.

It is well known that dark energy comes from the dark plane.

But there is no dark plane in this universe, but there is dark energy...

Of course, the presence or absence of the dark plane does not have much impact on the angelic civilization.

It is true that the dark plane has a great bonus to the gene system (gene engine), but most of the angel's gene systems are linked to the sky blade system or the treasure house of sacred knowledge.

Others are independently loaded in the combat celestial bodies (large battleships).

It doesn't matter whether there is a dark plane or not, as long as there is dark energy, angels won't have much influence.

In the super god universe, the genetic system can only be fully activated when it is upgraded to the third-generation divine body, and each advanced civilization has already developed the genetic system to a certain extent at the second level.

Therefore, the existence of the dark plane has the greatest impact on the three generations of gods, and it only affects the "wild" three-band gods.

The influence of more than three generations or less is close to nothing.

Whether it is a computing system, a genetic system or a void engine, it must reach the fourth generation of gods to exert its greatest effect.

It can be said that the four generations of gods are the starting point and the end of the super god universe.

Oh... No, now the Five Dynasties Divine Body is the end.

At this time, Keisha chuckled and said, "Dark plane, how do you know there is no dark plane here?"

What the hell are you...

Liang Bing looked at Kaisha with a cold face, it was you who said that there is no dark plane just now!Bitchi!
Luo Xiu said slowly: "What Kesha means is that there is no independent dark plane space here, but there is a dark plane here, which is one with the universe."

Liang Bing froze for a moment, then lowered his head and thought about something.

Di Hongkun frowned and said, "You mean...the dark plane here is different from ours?"

"The dark plane here is integrated with the universe, so can the whole universe be regarded as a dark plane?" Liang Bing guessed.

"Hmm." Kesha nodded and said, "It should be said... that the dark plane of our universe has developed to the point where it becomes an independent space, but this side has not reached that point."

As she said that, she looked at Luo Xiu and said, "Have you noticed that the space here is different?"

Luo Xiu nodded solemnly and said, "The spatial structure here is much more stable."

From the perspective of Owen and Jessica being imprisoned by the space cage, the space here can no longer be described as simple stability.

You know, in the super god universe, except for Luo Xiu's space cage, no one's space cage can imprison a fourth-generation god body.

And Luoxiu's space cage is a space cage formed by a "space" independent of the super god's universe.

"Perhaps it is for this reason that there is no dark plane here." Keisha said slowly.

Apte looked at the conversations of the "big guys" in front of him, and felt like he was listening to heavenly scriptures, and he was in a fog...

Dark Plane...Dark Energy...Space...

What are these things...

Apte looks embarrassed, he is a 'pure' fighter...

That is an illiterate...

He didn't understand the 'technical' jargon.

"Ahem..." Apt was a little embarrassed. He wanted to ask, but he was afraid of exposing himself as illiterate...

The conversation between Luo Xiu, Kaisha, Liang Bing, and Di Hongkun was interrupted by this cough.

It was only then that they remembered... there was another outsider...

Liang Bing looked at Aput and asked, "Can you understand what we are talking about?"

"Ahem..." Apt said with a guilty conscience, "I can understand a little..."

He didn't lie. After all, everyone speaks Pangu language (Shenhe language), can you understand?
But now he is also a little surprised, obviously there are two universes, why do outsiders from the other universe also speak Pangu language?

Hearing Apt's answer, Liang Bing said in disbelief, "Can you really understand?"

As she said that, she continued: "Then tell me, to what extent have you used dark energy here, and how did you break the space here?"

Breaking space and building channels is simply wormhole technology.

She tried it just now, and the micro wormhole can still be opened, but it is extremely difficult and takes a lot of time to calculate.

Luo Xiu and Di Hongkun also looked at Aput at the same time.

They are also curious...

After all, they did not detect the existence of dark energy in Apte...

Could it be that dark energy has been applied to other technologies here?

Unlike their curiosity, Keisha stared at Apte with interest.

She didn't even have to read it, she could tell at a glance that Apt was pretending to understand...

Apte poked his neck and said, "I mean I can understand what you're saying..."


Luo Xiu was stunned for a moment, then came to his senses and looked at him speechlessly.

Liang Bing and Di Hongkun were also taken aback for a moment.

Immediately, I was speechless...

There's nothing wrong with this... After all, I did 'understand'...

Luo Xiu looked at Keisha, wanting to say something.

He is very curious about the 'setting' of this universe.

The energy structure here is different from the super god universe, but it is somewhat the same, which is very strange...

For example, there is also stellar energy and dark energy here, but there is no dark plane.

Time is also the same as the Super God universe, which is always unique, but the space is more stable than the Super God universe, and it is not easy to break.

He even had a whim, maybe he could compress the space here and make some space items for storage...

You know, this is impossible in the super god universe.

The Super God Universe can only store items in the dark plane... and the space cannot be compressed.

Perhaps aware of Luo Xiu's thoughts, Keisha chuckled lightly and said, "Don't be in a hurry, we have plenty of time to explore here."

Luo Xiu nodded.

From time to time, Liang Bing muttered something, excited and down at the same time...

Di Hongkun's eyes flickered from time to time.

This universe is simply a paradise rich in resources.

Of course, this is also for them from another universe.

The super god universe has been explored and studied almost, and the appearance of the marginal universe gave them a new research direction.

Learn from each other, progress is only a matter of time...

At this time, Mo Lei, who had been away for a while, flew in front of everyone with two hale and hearty old men.

Looking at the new arrivals, the first thing Luo Xiu and the others thought of was how these people flew...

It was the same before, Mo Lei and Apt flew directly from the alliance star to the crowd.

Now the same goes for the two old men.

He obviously didn't notice any energy fluctuations, and he didn't have wings that help him fly, but he was able to fly into the universe strangely...

Luo Xiu coughed twice, looked at the people in front of him and said, "Where are my people?"

Mo Lei's face was a little ugly.

Apte's expression on the side also sank.

At this time, one of the old people said with a smile: "I am the leader of the second faction of the Moore Federation, Gongwei, and he is the leader of the first faction——Nantian."

As he spoke, he pointed to the old man with a somewhat indifferent face beside him.

"A civilization that hasn't even broken through the limit of its it worthy of being called an advanced civilization?" Liang Bing curled her lips, full of contempt.

She could tell at a glance that the two people in front of them had only lived for more than 70 years, but their vital signs were already too weak.

This shows that the Moore Federation has not even solved the most basic life expectancy problem. Is this also an advanced civilization?
Keisha glanced at her, and said flatly: "Life is born and died in accordance with the laws of nature."

As she spoke, she looked at the two 'mortals' and said, "You detained my people, can you release them now?"

Keisha's voice was not loud, as if she was asking.

But in the eyes of Mo Lei and Apt, this is more like an ultimatum.

Mo Lei looked at the two faction leaders beside him, and said in a bad tone: "You promised me that you would release them..."

Nan Tian looked at her indifferently, without speaking, but with disappointment in his eyes.

But Gongwei said with a smile: "This... outsider, you can talk about it. Our Moore Federation does not imprison you, but we can help you find it together."

This is obviously a refusal to hand over.

Mo Lei looked at him angrily, the anger in his eyes was self-evident.

Before coming here, it was agreed to negotiate and release people, but now it has changed.

Apte also looked at Gongwei and Nantian coldly, and then he looked at Kaisha, Luoxiu and the others and said, "We are different from them. The military department and the Academy of Sciences have never intervened in personal disputes."

Kesha and Luoxiu looked at him and nodded.

Will it be resolved by force in the end...

Liang Bing sneered twice, "Hehe, what a tough head..."

(End of this chapter)

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