From the super Seminary, science and technology become gods

Chapter 166 The Location of Jessica and Owen

Chapter 166 The Location of Jessica and Owen

[Reading unknown universe information...]

On the throne, Luo Xiu closed his eyes slightly, waiting for the result.

In fact, there is no need to read it. When he entered this universe, Silver Blade had already given him the basic information.

Silver Knife didn't detect dark energy here...

In other words, this universe... has no dark plane...

And while Silver Blade fed back the information, it roughly calculated the scope of this universe, which is only about one-fifth of the Super God universe.

Of course, this is just some basic information so the Silver Blade can detect it.

Information about the history of this universe and various civilizations is not detected by the silver blade, which is obviously blocked and encrypted.

It was this part of the information that Xinhuo read.

a long time……

A gleam flashed in Luo Xiu's eyes.

[Firefire: The reading of the unknown universe is complete. 】

[Xinhuo: This universe is a derivative universe, located on the edge of the super-god universe, and was born 80 billion years ago...]

[Xinhuo: There is no dark plane in this universe, and the nature of energy is a single nature...]


[Xinhuo: Six first-level civilizations and one second-level civilization have been detected in this universe. 】

First-class civilization?
Luo Xiu was a little surprised, and then he remembered what he had said once.

"This first-level civilization and second-level civilization should be divided according to the civilization level of the big universe..."

Luo Xiu murmured.

In conversion, that is, the first-level civilization is equal to the advanced civilization of the Super God universe, and the second-level civilization is equal to the top civilization of the Super God universe...

At this time, the sound of the fire continued to come.

[Xinhuo: Six first-level civilization information have been detected and have been stored in the knowledge base. 】

After the voice fell, Luo Xiu asked in surprise: "Where is the information about the second-level civilization?"

There are only six more advanced civilization information in his knowledge base, but there is no information about that top civilization.

[Xinhuo: There is little information, no feedback. 】

Luo Xiu understood, and said, "Store it in the knowledge base as well."

After he finished speaking, it didn't take long for him to feel that there was more information in his knowledge base.

Luo Xiu checked the information of various civilizations in the knowledge base, and a light flashed in his eyes from time to time.

At the beginning, Xinhuo had read the information of Void in Chaoshen Universe, but because it was read across space, the information read was not much and not comprehensive.

And this time Luo Xiu read the information of the marginal universe in the marginal universe, and Xinhuo did not encounter any obstacles.

Except for the top civilization, basically the universe has been read inside and out.

Including another advanced civilization that is not even known to the civilization of this marginal universe, it was read out by the fire.

On the other side, the holy sky blade.

Kaisha is also reading the information of this universe.

However, Kesha did not use the Fire System, and she also did not use the Sky Blade System.

In the palace, Hexi and Yan below kept staring at Kaisha.

On the other hand, Kesha, she is sitting on the throne, with symbols constantly flowing in her eyes.

Those are the information codes of this universe... they are constantly being absorbed by Kesha...

a long time.

Keisha closed her eyes slightly, and when she opened them again, the symbols in her eyes were gone.

"did not expect……"

Keisha's expression was a little strange, and she murmured, "I actually finished reading it..."

"What?" Yan looked at Kesha differently.

Keisha shook her head and said, "I didn't expect that I could read this universe completely."

As she said that, she added: "I already know about the information of this universe."

Yan asked suspiciously, "So fast?"

Hexi's eyes brightened, and she had a faint guess about Kaisha...

He Xi said: "You didn't use the Skyblade system just now, did you?"

Hearing Hexi's words, Kaisha and Yan looked at her at the same time.

Keisha asked in surprise, "How do you know?"

Hearing Kesha's words, Yan looked at Kesha in shock.

He Xi smiled and said, "I helped you complete the Skyblade system. Of course I know whether it is used or not."

As she spoke, she said sternly, "If I'm not mistaken, your conscious thinking should have changed and become an existence similar to the Sky Blade system, right?"

Keisha nodded, "Well, when my divine body was destroyed, my conscious thinking spread all over the universe. At that time, I felt that some changes happened to me, but I didn't know it very well."

He Xi shook his head and said, "I really envy you..."

Kesha smiled and said: "Why do you envy me? Envy me for breaking the limit of brain development?"

Yan who was on the side listened to the conversation between the two, and at the same time he was a little dazed, but his heart was filled with turmoil.

Although she doesn't quite understand some words, she still understands 'brain domain development breaks the limit'.

When the development level of the brain reaches [-]%, the conscious thinking will change. Kaisha once reached this level, and she is the only person in the known universe who has reached this level.

But now she has broken this limit!More than [-]%!
"I have some changes now."

Kesha said softly, then she looked at He Xi and said, "You should know that I reached my limit a long time ago. After I fell last time, I felt that this limit was broken."

He Xi nodded and guessed: "Now you probably don't need to rely on the supercomputing system to help you calculate."

Keisha nodded and admitted: "Yes, my conscious thinking is the computing system."

He Xi's eyes flickered undetectably when he heard Kesha's words.

Just as she had guessed... She had discovered a clue as early as when Keisha was resurrected...

At this time, Keisha waved her hand lightly and said, "Okay, let's not talk about this, let's talk about the business."

Kaisha's face became serious, and she said seriously: "I read some information that the Pangu civilization does still exist. They came to this universe [-] million years ago, and named this universe the marginal universe."

He Xi nodded, "I had this suspicion as early as when I saw the ancient tiger bridge."

Yan on the side asked: "Then they have developed for so long, don't they..."

The Pangu civilization was already a top civilization [-] million years ago, and it has been developed here for another [-] million years. Then hasn't their civilization developed to a point where they are prohibitive?
Keisha shook her head and said, "I haven't read much information about the Pangu civilization, only a small part, and I don't know anything else."

As she spoke, she continued, "However, I have read a lot of information about the other advanced civilizations. Well...they are some very interesting civilizations, and I like one of them very much."

Having said that, Kesha's eyes lit up with a smile.

"Oh?" Hexi looked at Kaisha in surprise, "Could it be that they are angels like us?"

Yan also looked at Kesha.

It might be a good thing if we can see angels here too.

Keisha shook her head slightly, and said, "No, but they are Kamigawa beings just like us."

As she spoke, she added: "I have read a total of five advanced civilizations, four of which are Shenhe civilizations."

He Xi said, "What about the other one?"

"The other one is the animal body." Kaisha said.

Yan grinned, "Animal-body civilization? It's interesting that animal-body civilization can develop into a higher civilization..."

In the super god universe, although there are animal body civilizations, the highest are only aerospace-level civilizations, such as the gluttonous civilization and the giant wolf civilization.

More civilizations have not even reached the space-level civilization, no... It should be said that most of the beast civilizations belong to the barbaric era.

Keisha smiled and said, "Well, this animal body civilization is quite interesting."

He Xi shook his head and said, "Leave that aside, how does the civilization here exist?"

Keisha thought for a while and said, "There is no definition of 'God' here, but those existences whose strength is far beyond ordinary people are defined as warriors."

He Xi was stunned for a moment, and asked strangely, "Is this the definition of Pan Gu civilization?"

Yan also felt a little strange, "Soldier? Like a super soldier?"

Kesha shook her head and said: "The definition here is a bit complicated, and each civilization is different."




Holy Tianyi, in the palace of the king.

Luo Xiu looked at Oss below and said, "I found the location of Owen and Jessica."

Hearing Luo Xiu's words, Aussie's expressionless face was filled with joy.

"King, let's go find them quickly. With their return, our strength will also increase." Oss said.

Owen and Jessica brought over 2 battle angels.

Luo Xiu said with an ugly face: "Their situation is a bit complicated now."

He did find Owen and Jessica's location.

Xinhuo found them when reading this universe.

But the situation between them and the more than 2 battle angels is not very good.

Os's heart was shocked, "Did something happen to Owen and Jessica?"

Luo Xiu said with a gloomy face: "Owen and Jessica did not have any accidents, but our royal court's battle angel did."

As he said that, he said indifferently: "Some of our people have been imprisoned!"

Hearing Luo Xiu's words, Oss was furious, "King! Where are they now!?"

At this time, Kaisha's voice sounded: "I have roughly read some information about this universe, and I will pass on some information to you, and we will choose a civilization to visit."

The voice fell.

A virtual panel appeared in the palace of the king, with information of five different civilizations on it.

Looking at the image, Luo Xiu's gloomy expression melted away.

Kesha read less information than he did.

He read six advanced civilizations, while Keisha only read five.

On the virtual panel, the information of the five advanced civilizations can be seen at a glance.

[Elf Kingdom·Elf Civilization: Located in the Green Forest Starfield·Green Forest Star.The elf queen in the civilization belongs to the fourth-order elves (roughly equivalent to the fourth-generation gods). 】

[Moore Federation Human Civilization: Located in the Star Field Alliance Star.The highest extraordinary level in the civilization - four generations of warriors (roughly equivalent to four generations of gods). 】

[Hongmeng Empire Human Civilization: Located in the Hongmeng Starfield Human Ancestor Star.The highest extraordinary level in the civilization - four generations of warriors (roughly equivalent to four generations of gods).

[Alliance of Beasts Beast Body Civilization: Located in the Mangu Starfield Barbarian Star.The beast king in the civilization belongs to the fourth-level beast body (roughly equivalent to the fourth-generation god body). 】

[Alien Alliance·Human Civilization: Located in the Alien Star Territory·Chaos Star.The highest extraordinary level in civilization - the fourth generation warrior (roughly equivalent to the fourth generation divine body). 】

Luo Xiu looked at the information of these civilizations, and then he stared at the information of one of the civilizations and sneered.

Oss followed his line of sight and found that what Luoxiu was looking at seemed to belong to human civilization - the Moore Federation.

At the same time, Devil's Wings, Yunxiao Tianting, and Mangdang Mountain also received such a message.

Luo Xiu's figure moved, and then his figure disappeared into the palace.

The holy sky blade, in the central palace.

Luo Xiu stared at Di Hongkun, Liang Bing, and Ge Xiaolun beside him for a moment.

At this time, Kaisha on the throne said: "You have read the information of the five civilizations, and tell me what you think."

Hexi on the left side of the main hall nodded to Luo Xiu, and then said to several people: "The strength of these civilizations is at the same level as ours. Since we have come here, we must go and experience it."

Yan also said: "Some of these civilizations may not be very friendly. We'd better act together. After all, for this side, we are all outsiders, and for some civilizations, we are even invaders."

Hearing Hexi Heyan's words, Di Hongkun, Liang Bing, and Ge Xiaolun fell silent.

Luo Xiu glanced at them, then looked at Keisha and said, "I want to go to the Moore Federation."

"Oh?" Keisha looked at Luo Xiu in surprise, "You want to go to the Moore Federation?"

He Xi and Yan also looked at Luo Xiu.

They knew that the bigger reason for Luo Xiu was to find someone. Could it be that Owen and Jessica are in the Moore Federation?
Luo Xiu nodded, "Owen and Jessica are in the Moore Federation."

After the words fell, Di Hongkun and Ge Xiaolun looked at him in surprise.

Di Hongkun was surprised and said, "Someone from your Tianyi Royal Court has already come here?"

Luo Xiu directly admitted: "Owen and Jessica came here to find me before, and my main purpose this time is also to find them."

Liang Bing asked puzzled, "Are they in the Moore Federation?"

Luo Xiu nodded.

Ge Xiaolun thought for a while and said, "I agree to go to the Moore Federation."

At this time, Liang Bing also said casually: "Then let's go to the Moore Federation, anyway, it's the same wherever you go..."

Di Hongkun looked at Luo Xiu and said, "Remember, you owe me a favor."

After speaking, Di Hongkun's figure disappeared immediately, apparently agreeing to go to the Moore Federation.

After Liang Bing and Ge Xiaolun left.

Keisha said with some regret: "Actually, I want to visit the elf civilization..."

She likes that civilization very much.

Advocating freedom while loving peace, and adhering to justice and kindness... It suits her appetite...

Hexi and Yan also have some regrets. They also have some yearning for elven civilization.

Looking at the three of them, Luo Xiu was silent for a moment, and then said in a serious tone: "The Moore Federation has imprisoned some angels in our royal court and used them for experiments."

The voice fell.

There was a sudden silence in the palace, and a suffocating aura emerged.

This was Kesha's pressure. Obviously, Kesha was angry.

Keisha's face was very flat, and it was a little abnormal.

"Go to the Moore Federation."

Kesha said lightly, then she looked at Luo Xiu and said, "You go back too, get ready, we're going now."

Luo Xiu nodded and left the Holy Sky Blade.

Looking at Hexi and Yan, Kaisha said flatly: "You say, why do they study angels?"

He Xi said flatly: "It's nothing more than to deal with us, or crack our genes to strengthen them."

Yan's face darkened, "Queen, we should teach them some lessons!"

Kesha closed her eyes slightly and said calmly: "Angel genes... are not easy to get..."

(End of this chapter)

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