Chapter 147 The situation is critical

Luo Xiu felt that the atoms inside his divine body were being destroyed by unknown energy, but after the destruction by unknown energy, they were being recast.

"This energy is overbearing."

He Xi caressed his chin thoughtfully.

Luo Xiu opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

Is now the time to care about this?His divine body is being rewritten by unknown energy! ! !
He Xi looked at Luo Xiu, a silver light flashed in his eyes.

The space-based system is activated.

Hexi wanted to read the whole process of this unknown energy entering the divine body comprehensively.

Luo Xiu was a little helpless.

Now he has no ability to resist.

The unknown energy has been destroying after entering Luo Xiu's divine body. Although there is a tendency to reorganize and regenerate atoms and rewrite the structure of the divine body, generally speaking, the speed of destruction is greater than the speed of reorganization and rewriting.

Now he can't mobilize energy, no matter what kind of energy
"You can try to gather some more energy into the divine body..."

He Xi suggested: "Maybe that will speed up the whole process."

"Trust you once..."

Luo Xiu gritted his teeth and gathered the unknown energy in the outer area of ​​the manor.

Although he can't use energy now, he can still gather and absorb it.

In the outer area of ​​the manor, the blue unknown energy that filled the air all flowed towards Luo Xiu's direction.

The blue threads gathered together, and as more and more unknown energies continued to concentrate, a blue light ball gradually formed in front of Luo Xiu.

The blue light ball exudes a dazzling blue light, and also exudes a frightening aura of violent energy.

"It's really spectacular..."

Hexi looked at the blue light ball and murmured.

The small blue energy light ball less than one meter in size exudes the energy breath of a small star.

If this blue ball of light explodes, it will blow up Frazefei in minutes, and maybe this galaxy will be affected to a certain extent.

Thinking of this, He Xi couldn't help sighing: "What a powerful energy..."

Looking at Hexi who was extremely emotional, Luo Xiu gritted his teeth.

Is now the time to be emotional?

If one is bad, the blue energy ball explodes, and everyone has to go offline!
Luo Xiu didn't expect that the energy gathering would turn into such a scene.

Originally, he wanted to directly absorb energy into his body, but he didn't expect these unknown energies to be fused outside!

Luo Xiu didn't even expect that the unknown energy after fusion was so powerful that it was a small star!

"What should we do now!?"

Luo Xiu said in a panic: "If one is not good, the energy ball explodes, and we are all finished!"

Now it’s not good for him to absorb this energy, just leave it like this... If he absorbs it into his body, he still doesn’t know what will happen to this energy, and he can’t leave it like this, if it fuses, everyone will be over ...

"Don't worry, you just need to absorb it."

As he said that, He Xi suggested again: "You can also try to spread the energy and spread it to each atom."

Hearing He Xi's words, a light flashed in Luo Xiu's eyes.

good idea!
"Let me try."

After speaking, Luo Xiu immediately started to act, absorbing the blue energy ball little by little.

Following Luo Xiu's actions, the blue light ball exuding violent energy in front of their eyes became smaller and smaller.

The blue light ball is being absorbed by Luo Xiu bit by bit, getting smaller and smaller.

In the rest of the outer area of ​​the manor, unknown energies continued to flow in the direction of Luo Xiu.

It lasted for about an hour, and the entire outer area of ​​the manor no longer had that unknown energy.

All of them were gathered into the divine body by Luo Xiu.

"I feel like my divine body will explode at any moment..."

Luo Xiu's face was very pale.

If you observe carefully, you can still see a trace of pain in Luo Xiu's eyes.

He Xi looked at Luo Xiu in surprise and said, "Why hasn't it changed?"

After Luo Xiu absorbed so much unknown energy, his body didn't change in the slightest.

Apart from a little bit of blue starlight all over his body, there is no other abnormality.

Not even a little energy fluctuation can be detected.

Regarding this situation, Hexi felt very puzzled.

Could it be that they cancel each other out?Energy dissipated?But there are traces of that unknown energy around him...

Looking at Hexi with a puzzled expression, Luo Xiu endured the discomfort in his body and said, "Hurry up and think of a way! I'm feeling very uncomfortable now!"

Right now, he felt an indescribable pain all over his body, as if his body had been torn open and then mended with needles and threads.

After those unknown energies entered his divine body, they began to intensify and destroy the atoms of the divine body.

The one without reassembly!
After destroying and destroying the atom, continue to guard, and wait for the atom to reorganize, and then continue to destroy and destroy!

Repeatedly, endlessly!


Severe pain invaded Luo Xiu's whole body.

Seeing Luo Xiu who twitched from time to time, He Xi also became a little flustered.

"Wait, let me see if I can stop the destruction of the unknown energy inside your divine body..."

He Xi mobilized his energy, trying to invade Luo Xiu's divine body.


The sound of electric current sounded, and white smoke appeared around Luo Xiu.

"No, my energy cannot enter your divine body at all."

He Xi looked at Luo Xiu anxiously.

Her energy was destroyed the moment she touched Luo Xiu's divine body.

It's not blocking, it's destroying!

Forcibly annihilated by the unknown energy in Luo Xiushen's body!

He Xi doesn't know what to do now, she has never seen this kind of unknown energy, and she doesn't know how to deal with such a situation.

"Let me see if I can stop it..."

Luo Xiu endured the pain all over his body and activated the silver blade system.

[Silver Blade: Detecting the divine body...]

[Silver Blade: The divine body is being rewritten by unknown energy...began to execute the interception program...]

When the silver blade notification sounded, a smile appeared on Luo Xiu's face.

"It seems to be able to stop it."


He Xi said hesitantly.

The intensity of this unknown energy is a bit too fierce...Can it really be stopped?
If you can't stop...

Then I can only pay him later...

Four generations of gods...very expensive...

Thinking of this, He Xi couldn't help feeling a little distressed.

The resources needed to reorganize Luo Xiu's four generations of gods must be a huge number... I don't know if she can stand it...

A trace of distress flashed in Hexi's eyes, which was captured by Luo Xiu.

Luo Xiu's mouth twitched.

Most likely, this distress is not for him...

At this time, the beep of Silver Blade sounded again, but Luo Xiu's pain was still not over.

An ominous premonition flashed in Luo Xiu's heart.

[Silver Blade: The interception procedure failed. 】

[Silver Blade: The unknown energy is destroying the structure of the divine body... The unknown energy is rewriting the divine body...]


[Silver Blade: Warning!Unknown energy is invading the Silver Blade system! 】

[Silver Blade: Warning!Unknown energy is invading the Silver Blade system! 】

[Silver Blade: Warning!Unknown energy is invading the Silver Blade system! 】

Three fire warnings sounded one after another, and Luo Xiu's mind went blank.

Silver Blade invaded by unknown energy?
Can Xinhuo's subsystem be hacked?
[Silver Blade: Ding!warn!The Silver Blade system is being invaded by unknown energy, to avoid damage to the system knowledge base, the forced shutdown procedure has been activated. 】

[The Silver Blade system has been forcibly shut down, and the Silver Blade Celestial Computer has been suspended. 】

A series of prompts sounded in Luo Xiu's ears.

"how can that be?"

Luo Xiu's eyes were blank.

Although the Silver Blade was made by himself, the core system of the Silver Blade is connected to the fire, how could it be invaded?Still forced to shut down?
"What's wrong? Has anything changed?"

He Xi asked with a concerned face.

In fact, a large part of this situation was caused by her, and it was a lie to say that she was not worried.

Luo Xiu said to Hexi in disbelief: "My silver blade...was invaded by that unknown energy..."

"how is this possible!?"

He Xi said with a shocked face: "Without the control and guidance of the supercomputing group, how could energy invade the program system!?"

The unknown energy intruding into the silver blade, to Hexi's ears, is equivalent to the energy becoming a spirit!

It's an invasion!Not sabotage!

It is reasonable to say that unknown energy is destroying the Silver Blade system, but it is too unimaginable to invade.

How could an energy possibly be able to invade a system?

Can energy give birth to thought?
Luo Xiu said with a bitter face: "The Silver Blade system has been forced to shut down by itself, and the system has detected that if it is not forced to shut down, this unknown energy may invade my knowledge base..."

"This... this... too unbelievable!"

He Xi was shocked, and then said decisively: "Give up this divine body immediately!"

This blue energy is too weird.

We can only give up the divine body and stop losses in time.

The divine body can also be reorganized, but the system knowledge base is connected to the thinking, and the knowledge base is invaded, which is equivalent to the brain thinking being invaded to a certain extent.

Luo Xiu shook his head bitterly and said, "No, the sacred atoms inside the divine body have been completely destroyed, and I can't give up the divine body at all."

Under normal circumstances, the atoms of the fourth-generation divine body cannot be completely destroyed, so after the fourth-generation divine body is destroyed, the consciousness can reside in the atom. As long as there is still an atom, then the resurrection and reorganization can be achieved, and it will be online again.

Ke Luoxiu's current state is a bit weird.

The sacred atoms inside his divine body of the four generations of gods have all been destroyed by unknown energy, forming a strange state where the atoms have disappeared, but the body still exists.

Luo Xiu's current body can be said to be constructed by that unknown energy, and the sacred atoms in his body have been completely destroyed.

Although the sacred atoms are still being regenerated, the unknown energy is guarding them. Once a sacred atom appears, the unknown energy will immediately destroy it.

The unknown energy is equivalent to guarding the corpse...

Luo Xiu explained the situation to Hexi.

He Xi said: "Now you can only go offline when at least one sacred atom appears?"

"Yes..." Luo Xiu nodded bitterly.

Without the Holy Atom, he cannot be revived after he goes offline.

"There is only one way now. I will try to see if I can forcibly destroy your divine body. If your divine body is damaged, new sacred atoms may appear."

Hexi said calmly.

The current situation is a little dangerous. If there is no new sacred atom for Luo Xiu's thinking and consciousness to board, then Luo Xiu cannot be resurrected.

However, there is no hope of expelling and regaining the original divine body. Now we can only give up the divine body and reorganize a new divine body.

"Try it, there is no other way..." Luo Xiu had a bitter expression on his face.


On the other side of the universe, the Sky Wing Nebula · Sky Wing Star.

As Luo Xiu's Silver Blade System was forcibly shut down, the Tianyi Star controlled by the Silver Blade System also underwent tremendous changes.

"What's wrong!? What happened?"

"I don't know either, the Silver Blade system seems to be off."

"Could it be that something happened to the king!?"

The sky city in Tianyi Star is in chaos.

Sky Wing Nebula · Sky Wing Star · Sky City · Central Palace.

After Luo Xiu left, the Royal Palace of the Sky City was closed, and the palace for discussion was changed to the central palace, which was full of angels at this time.

"Archangel Owen, why is the Silver Blade system turned off?"

"After the Silver Blade system was shut down, the Tianyi system was also shut down. Now the Tianyi star's weapon system and defense system are all shut down."

"Did something happen to the king?"

"Archangel Jessica, can you locate the location of the king? Has something happened to the king?"


There was a lot of noise in the palace, and the angels looked at the four archangels with worried faces.

The four archangels Owen, Jessica, Oss, and Mulin looked at each other.

From the eyes of the other party, you can see the meaning of worry.

The shutdown of the Silver Blade system not only caused problems with the Sky Wing Star, but also problems with the angels belonging to the Sky Wing Royal Court.

The Tianyi Royal Court is now at its weakest.

"Everything is quiet!"

Owen said loudly with a serious face: "Sky Wing Star is on alert, all major legions are ready for battle!"

An angel asked, "Archangel Owen, are we going to find the king?"

"The silver blade system belongs to the king. If the silver blade system is shut down, there must be something wrong with the king."

Another angel said seriously.

At this time, Jessica stood up and said: "Don't worry, you just need to follow the order now. Regarding the king, the four of us will find the answer."

Oss and Mu Lin also stood up and said: "Sky Wing Star is on alert, you are allowed to enter and not allowed to exit!"




Frazer, here is Luoxiu.

Hexi has already started preparing to implement the plan, destroying the divine body.

Just when she was about to act, a handsome man with blond hair and blue eyes walked towards the two of them.

"You two, what are you doing?" the blond man asked suspiciously.

Luo Xiu looked at the person with a vigilant face.

Now he is not only weak, but also very dangerous. If the unknown energy in his body goes wrong, the entire Fraser will be destroyed.

"you are?"

He Xi looked at the blond man coldly.

The blond man chuckled and said, "I am the owner of this manor, the head of Caesar's mercenary group, Kester."

As he said that, he laughed again: "The two are Master Luo Xiu and Master He Xi."

Luo Xiu and He Xi nodded slightly.

Kester chuckled and said, "Why don't you two follow me in first? It's almost time for dinner."

He Xi looked at Luo Xiu with a questioning look in his eyes.

Luo Xiu thought for a while, then nodded slightly, "Yes."

Anyway, I can't die now...

Kester smiled slightly and walked in the other direction.

Luo Xiu took a deep breath and followed.

He Xi looked at the grass that had no energy fluctuations at all, and sighed slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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